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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: July 18, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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Gen. Johnston's address to his troops. On the morning of the 10th, Gen. Johnston issued to the troops the following battle order, which was road along the line amid deafening shouts from the soldiers: Headq's, on the field, July 9, 1863. "Fellow Soldiers."--An insolent foe, finished with hope by his recent success at Vicksburg, confronts you, threatening the people, whose homes and liberty you are here to protect, with plunder and conquest. Their guns may even now be heard at intGen. Johnston issued to the troops the following battle order, which was road along the line amid deafening shouts from the soldiers: Headq's, on the field, July 9, 1863. "Fellow Soldiers."--An insolent foe, finished with hope by his recent success at Vicksburg, confronts you, threatening the people, whose homes and liberty you are here to protect, with plunder and conquest. Their guns may even now be heard at intervals, as they advance. "This enemy it is at once the mission and the duty of you, brave men, to chastise and expel from the soil of Mississippi. The Commanding General confidently relies on you to sustain this pledge which he makes in advance, and he will be with you in the good work, even unto the end. "The vice of 'straggling' he begs you to shun, and to frown on. If needs be, it will be checked by even the most summary remedies. "The telegraph has already announced a glorio
July 9th, 1863 AD (search for this): article 16
Gen. Johnston's address to his troops. On the morning of the 10th, Gen. Johnston issued to the troops the following battle order, which was road along the line amid deafening shouts from the soldiers: Headq's, on the field, July 9, 1863. "Fellow Soldiers."--An insolent foe, finished with hope by his recent success at Vicksburg, confronts you, threatening the people, whose homes and liberty you are here to protect, with plunder and conquest. Their guns may even now be heard at intervals, as they advance. "This enemy it is at once the mission and the duty of you, brave men, to chastise and expel from the soil of Mississippi. The Commanding General confidently relies on you to sustain this pledge which he makes in advance, and he will be with you in the good work, even unto the end. "The vice of 'straggling' he begs you to shun, and to frown on. If needs be, it will be checked by even the most summary remedies. "The telegraph has already announced a gloriou
Gen. Johnston's address to his troops. On the morning of the 10th, Gen. Johnston issued to the troops the following battle order, which was road along the line amid deafening shouts from the soldiers: Headq's, on the field, July 9, 1863. "Fellow Soldiers."--An insolent foe, finished with hope by his recent success at Vicksburg, confronts you, threatening the people, whose homes and liberty you are here to protect, with plunder and conquest. Their guns may even now be heard at intervals, as they advance. "This enemy it is at once the mission and the duty of you, brave men, to chastise and expel from the soil of Mississippi. The Commanding General confidently relies on you to sustain this pledge which he makes in advance, and he will be with you in the good work, even unto the end. "The vice of 'straggling' he begs you to shun, and to frown on. If needs be, it will be checked by even the most summary remedies. "The telegraph has already announced a glorious