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States for reimbursement on account of clothing furnished by them to their respective troops. --Troops from some other States were similarly situated with those from Kentucky. Messrs. Simms, Burnett, and Wigfall spoke in favor of the bill; Mr. Phelan, of Miss. against it. After a long discussion, the question was put upon passing the bill over the veto of the President, and the bill was lost, two-thirds of the Senators present not voting in the affirmative. The following is the vote: Ayes--Messrs. Brown, Burnett, Clarks, Haynes, Bill, Johnson, of Mo., Maxwell, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall--10. Nose--Messrs. Caperton, Dortch, Henry, Hunter, Johnson, of Ga., Orr, Phelan, and Semmes--9. Mr. Burnett gave notice of a motion to reconsider the vote. On motion of Mr. Semmes, of La, the House joint resolution for the appointment of a joint committee of both houses of Congress to prepare an address to the country was concurred in. On motion of Mr. Sparrow, th
Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus--Mr. Miles's exemption bill. We should before this time have indicated our opposition to the passage of the resolution proposed by Mr. Phelan, in the Senate, which suspends the writ of habeas corpus, had we not felt assured that it would never pass through Congress. We are still of that opinion. Nevertheless, as there is nothing certain in this world, and as the resolution in question may have more friends than we are aware of, we feel it our duty to express our views upon it. The writ of habeas corpus is the great instrument by means of which we are enabled to maintain our personal liberty. It is a writ directed by a Judge to the proper officer, commanding said officer to bring before him or some other Judge a person who has been imprisoned, and has made complaint to the Judge that he has been thus imprisoned without cause. It applies to all cases of unlawful seizure and detainer of the person. When the prisoner is brought before