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e bill over the veto of the President, and the bill was lost, two-thirds of the Senators present not voting in the affirmative. The following is the vote: Ayes--Messrs. Brown, Burnett, Clarks, Haynes, Bill, Johnson, of Mo., Maxwell, Simms, Sparrow, and Wigfall--10. Nose--Messrs. Caperton, Dortch, Henry, Hunter, Johnson, of Ga., Orr, Phelan, and Semmes--9. Mr. Burnett gave notice of a motion to reconsider the vote. On motion of Mr. Semmes, of La, the House joint resolution for the appointment of a joint committee of both houses of Congress to prepare an address to the country was concurred in. On motion of Mr. Sparrow, the Senate resolved into secret session. The House met at 11 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Edwards. The Chair laid before the House a series of resolutions adopted by the Legislature of Georgia reaffirming the determination of the State to continue the prosecution of the war to a successful termination; which w