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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 12, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Barton or search for Barton in all documents.

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nd scattered through the woods, and were every moment being brought in by our men. During all this brilliant little affair only two brigades were engaged. Gen. Barton, with the pick troops of the division, had been sent to the south side of the Trent, and his approach was looked for with great anxiety. Gen. Pickett listened had a clear sweep, and would have played havoc with our advance. Evidently the attack must come from the rear. Night was fast coming on; and still no news of Gen. Barton. Just as the sun was sinking behind the tree tops word was brought that the enemy was endeavoring to make a demonstration on the extreme right. Gen. Pickett w towards the Trent, twirling his sword knot around his small white hand, or, as if in perplexity, fastidiously biting his finger nails. I knew he was thinking of Barton. Just then rode up the soldier Hoke, and, dismounting, explained the movement on the right. Evidently to feel the force, being securely near the forts, some cav