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as a captain in the 7th regiment New York National Guard when it visited the city with Monroe's remains. In company with the Yankees at Gordonsville was a negro soldier of a Massachusetts regiment. He had nothing to say, and didn't seem to think he had any friends in Richmond, as his brother Yankee had. Lieut. Gen. Longstreet. Lieut. Gen. Longstreet arrived at Gordonsville yesterday, and was sent in a special car to Lynchburg, where he will remain at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Garland. He was in fine spirits, and said he would live to fight the Yankees again. When he was shot he fell within a few feet of the dead body of the Yankee General Wadsworth. Of the group Gen. L was riding in all were killed except himself and General Kershaw. The damage was done by our own men. Arrival of wounded officers. The following is a list of the wounded officers who have arrived at the officers' hospital here since Sunday at noon: John Cartledge, It, 10th Ga; D T Ande
to Gen Mabone, wounded in knee; Col Board, 58th Va, not dangerously in hip; Lt Col Winston, 45th N C, in leg, not dangerously; Col D Willis, 12th Ga, not dangerously; Col Lane, 25th N C, slightly; Col Saunders, 46th N C, severely; Capt Walker Anderson, ord officer Cook's brig, killed; Col Folum, 14th Ga. dangerously; Col Carter, 45th Ga, killed; Col Miller, 12th S C, severely; Lt Col G H Forney, Ala, killed; Col Avery, 33d N C, severely; Col Davidson, 7th N C, reported captured; Lt Col W W Randolph, Stonewall brig, killed; Maj Frayser, 27th Va, killed; Capt Eugene Hawkins, A A G to Gen Doles, killed; Col Finney, 42d Miss, killed; Lt Col Reynolds, wounded; Maj J Pride, 20th Ga, killed. The body of the Yankee General, Wadsworth, was found in front of our lines, and also the body of a General with the initials "H H C," supposed to be the Yankee General Carr. It is also reported that the dead body of the Yankee General Hayes, who was captured last year at Chancellorsville, has been
Frank P. Blair (search for this): article 1
an, lieut, 49th Ga; W T Marshall, Capt, 49th Ga; J N Wilson, lieut, 1st Tenn; J O Waddell, Adj't, 20th Ga; W D Starke, lieut, engineer corps; W H May, lieut, 3d Ala; N E Campbell, lieut, 5th S C; J A Watson, lieut, 12th S C; Lt V R Bell, 15th Va; Capt C Hardy, do; Lt R N Turner, 1st Tex; Lt R A Johnson, 15th Va; Capt V S Pitts, do; Lt S W Cox, 48th Ala; Lt W Baird, 53d Ga; Lt J W Gower, 14th Miss; Lt Carter, 6th Va cav; Capt C H Bell, do; Lt E B Langley, 47th Ala; Lt O K Pate, 5th Va; Lt M B Blair, 26th N C; Lieut D S Thompson, 15th N C; Lieut D C Rodgers, 11th Miss; Lt J W Morrow, 11th Ga; Lt Col K Bryan, 5th Tex; Maj Geo Ward,, Hoge's art'y Batt'n; Lt J P Guzzle, 4th Texas; Lieut R H Franks, 4th Texas; Lieut G S Roper, 17th Ga; Capt E Y Kindred, 4th Tex; Capt D H Wilmot, 17th Ga; It J R Walker, 17th Miss; Capt J C Wright, do; It J R Murphy, 6th Ala; Capt W F Avery, 33d N C; It J G Reucher, 3d N C; Maj J C Webb, 27th N C; Capt W R Larkins, do; It J A Graham, do; W Phelan, 3d Ala; It
Abernethy (search for this): article 1
rrow, 11th Ga; Lt Col K Bryan, 5th Tex; Maj Geo Ward,, Hoge's art'y Batt'n; Lt J P Guzzle, 4th Texas; Lieut R H Franks, 4th Texas; Lieut G S Roper, 17th Ga; Capt E Y Kindred, 4th Tex; Capt D H Wilmot, 17th Ga; It J R Walker, 17th Miss; Capt J C Wright, do; It J R Murphy, 6th Ala; Capt W F Avery, 33d N C; It J G Reucher, 3d N C; Maj J C Webb, 27th N C; Capt W R Larkins, do; It J A Graham, do; W Phelan, 3d Ala; It E B Roberts, 6th N C; It T J Lockhart, 17th Miss; It J O Ramseur, do; Capt H W Abernethy, 34th N C; Adj't L Baker, 53d Ga; It B S Howard, 1st S C. All the above, with few exceptions, are slightly wounded. The severely wounded were expected to arrive later in the night. The Central Railroad Tapped — our cavalry After the raiders. Last night, about 7½ o'clock, a body of the enemy's cavalry from Grant's army struck the Central Railroad at Beaver Dam, in Hanover county, 36 miles from Richmond. Their appearance was very sudden — the telegraph operator sending a mess
ghtly; Lieut Col Herbert, 8th Ala, wounded in arm, resecting performed; Lieut Col Hanlove, slightly in leg; Col Singleton, slightly; Col Jones, 26th N C, severely, probably mortally; Lt Col Grice, killed; Adjt James. 3d N C, lost an arm; Lt Doby, aid to Gen Kershaw, killed; Lt Col Sheffield, 50th Ga, lost an arm; Col Minetree, wounded severely, not dangerously; Lt Col White head, slightly; Capt R Taylor, aid to Gen Mabone, wounded in knee; Col Board, 58th Va, not dangerously in hip; Lt Col Winston, 45th N C, in leg, not dangerously; Col D Willis, 12th Ga, not dangerously; Col Lane, 25th N C, slightly; Col Saunders, 46th N C, severely; Capt Walker Anderson, ord officer Cook's brig, killed; Col Folum, 14th Ga. dangerously; Col Carter, 45th Ga, killed; Col Miller, 12th S C, severely; Lt Col G H Forney, Ala, killed; Col Avery, 33d N C, severely; Col Davidson, 7th N C, reported captured; Lt Col W W Randolph, Stonewall brig, killed; Maj Frayser, 27th Va, killed; Capt Eugene Hawkins, A A G
S C, severely; Lt Col G H Forney, Ala, killed; Col Avery, 33d N C, severely; Col Davidson, 7th N C, reported captured; Lt Col W W Randolph, Stonewall brig, killed; Maj Frayser, 27th Va, killed; Capt Eugene Hawkins, A A G to Gen Doles, killed; Col Finney, 42d Miss, killed; Lt Col Reynolds, wounded; Maj J Pride, 20th Ga, killed. The body of the Yankee General, Wadsworth, was found in front of our lines, and also the body of a General with the initials "H H C," supposed to be the Yankee General Carr. It is also reported that the dead body of the Yankee General Hayes, who was captured last year at Chancellorsville, has been found inside of our lines. No accurate estimate of the enemy's loss can be given, but it is believed to be quite heavy. The Ambulance Committee from Richmond, and a Committee for the Wounded from Lynchburg, have arrived, and are giving our wounded every attention. The weather this evening is quite hot and sultry. I have heard nothing from the front
t will go to Lynchburg to day. He is doing quite well. The body of Gen Jenkins is here en route for South Carolina; that of Gen Jones has been sent to Charlottesville. X. The cavalry fight near Spotsylvania C. H. The fight near Spotsylvania C. H. on Saturday last, an account of which was given in this newspaper of yesterday, is represented by officers who were engaged in it to have been the most hotly contested cavalry fight of the war. At the first onset of the enemy, our forces, Wickham's and Lomax's brigades, gave way, but soon recovered and drove the enemy in turn with terrible slaughter. In addition to the casualties reported in the fight, Lt Edmundson, of the 1st Virginia cavalry, was killed, and Major Bowie, of Gen. Fitz Lee's Staff, was wounded by a piece of shell in the abdomen. The wound is not regarded as serious. Lt Johns and Lt Walker, both of the 1st Va. cavalry, are also wounded. The death of Col Collins, of the 15th Va. cavalry, is confirmed. The loss du
y, will not easily be replaced. He was picked off by one of the enemy's sharpshooters whilst reconnoitering on Ewell's front on Friday morning. One of the statements going the rounds — believed by some and disbelieved by others — is one that Gen. Lee started to lead on a Texan brigade, when they to one man cried out, "We will not go forward unless you go back." Last night all was quiet. This morning, about 4 A M, I left the front. Just before day there was some picket fighting on Hill's front, and about sunrise heavy cannonading was heard in the direction of Ewell's lines. List of casualties The following is a list of the principal casualties. I think you can rely upon their being as stated: Brig Gen Jenkins, killed; Brig Gen Benning, wounded severely, not dangerously; Brig Gen S M Jones, killed; Brig Gen Pegram, wounded severely, not dangerously; Brig Gen Stafford, wounded severely (since dead); Col Nance, 3d S C, killed; Lieut Col Galliard, 2d S C; Col Kennedy,
ded officers who have arrived at the officers' hospital here since Sunday at noon: John Cartledge, It, 10th Ga; D T Anderson, It; T F Bowie, Maj, Fitz Lee's Staff; J P Puryear, 3d Va cav; M A Rucker, 3d Ky; J C Anderson, Adj't 13th S C; T C Campbell, It, 5th La; Geo Wilcox, 26th N C; Geo Conner, Adj't 2d La; W H Noel, It, 2d La; T D Gregory, Adj't 1st Tenn; S H Magnet, It, 10th Ga; H A Hardy, It, 3d Ala; J D Adrian, Capt, 44th Ala; J T Irvin, Capt, 61st Ala; J J Oberdeen, Capt 6th Ala; J C , 6th Ala; C M Compton, lieut, 31st Ga; R P Jennings, Capt, 23d Va; J T Duggan, lieut, 49th Ga; W T Marshall, Capt, 49th Ga; J N Wilson, lieut, 1st Tenn; J O Waddell, Adj't, 20th Ga; W D Starke, lieut, engineer corps; W H May, lieut, 3d Ala; N E Campbell, lieut, 5th S C; J A Watson, lieut, 12th S C; Lt V R Bell, 15th Va; Capt C Hardy, do; Lt R N Turner, 1st Tex; Lt R A Johnson, 15th Va; Capt V S Pitts, do; Lt S W Cox, 48th Ala; Lt W Baird, 53d Ga; Lt J W Gower, 14th Miss; Lt Carter, 6th Va cav;
occupying the right with his left, joining Johnson's right on the pike, whilst Early was held in reserve. About one P. M, the enemy made a serious onset upon Brig to the front and called to his men to rally around him. At the same moment Captain Early, his A A G and Capt Moore, his A D C, rode to his side, and emulating the cming prominent attacks for the enemy's sharpshooters were quickly picked off. Capt Early fell dead, and Capt Moore fell severely wounded. The conduct of the brigade elf all over with glory, as did his gallant Major Generals--Johnson, Rodes, and Early. Gen Lee, when he heard of their success, said "I always rely upon the second six lines of battle, and fought most obstinately. Ewell's boys, and especially Early's, remembering the advice of the sage of Bunker's Hill, watched until they saw terday evening, between sundown and dark, Brig Gen Gordon's Georgia brigade, of Early's division, and Brig Gen R D Johnston's N C brigade, of Rodes's division, execu
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