Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 16, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Ed Johnson or search for Ed Johnson in all documents.

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at intervals during the whole of last night. This morning at daylight, the enemy having massed heavy forces in front of Johnson's division, made a most vigorous assault upon Jones's brigade. For a while our line of battle was broken, and the enemys, about 2 o'clock, made a most gallant charge, capturing about 300 prisoners and a number of stands of colors. Gens. Ed Johnson and G. H. Stuart are missing, and are supposed to have been captured. About 3 P. M., the firing ceased in front. The battle yesterday lasted all day and late into last night. Our men, after a temporary repose in front of Johnson's Division, successfully resisted every onset of the enemy, who repeatedly assaulted our lines with troops massed in, asis believed that Grant had Heintzalman with troops from the fortifications at Washington, in the fight of Thursday. Johnson's division, in the fight of Thursday, lost about 2,000 prisoners and 16 pieces of artillery, principally from Page's and