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oops. It is believed that the attack would have resulted in important captures had all portions of the command behaved equally well, but Jones's brigade, of Johnson's division, which did not stand firmly at the Wilderness, and was the first to break in the great battle of the 12th, fled incontinently, and some report that the Stonewall brigade did not do as well as it might have done. The latter is composed of troops from the Valley of the Shenandoah and the former from counties in Southwestern Virginia. Pegram's brigade, of the same division, on the contrary, displayed much gallantry. In consequence of the unsteadiness of a portion of the corps here alluded to Ewell did not press his advantages, nor bring off some forty five wagons which he captured. Indeed, finding that the enemy was receiving heavy reinforcements, and it being no part of his instructions to bring on a general engagement within the Federal entrenchments, he returned late at night to his former position, lea
The Daily Dispatch: May 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Reported Capture of a Blockade Runner. (search)
Army Northern Virginia,Hanover Junction, May 23d. Yesterday the army took position behind the North Anna river, some twenty-five miles due north from Richmond. By reference to the map the reader will see that Grant, having moved to the right of Spotsylvania C. H. across the Ny, the northern branch of the Mattaponi, might safety throw his army down the east bank of the latter stream on our right flank, advancing all the time upon the are of a circle in the direction of Richmond. Gen. Leeple. Had the topography of the country rendered it possible to maintain the ground first abandoned it would certainly have been better, in a political sense, to have done so, but in no other. But the truth is, the physical geography of all Eastern Virginia is strongly against us, and very much in favor of the enemy. There is the Chesapeake Bay, the Potomac, the Rappahannock, the Mattaponi, the Pamunkey the York, the Chickahominy, the James, the Appomattox, and the and their wide bays, and th
Death of Gen. Albert G. Jenkins. Intelligence has been received of the death of Brig. Gen. Albert G. Jenkins, who was severely wounded in the fight near Dublin Depot, Southwestern Virginia, on the 8th inst. It is but a few days since a dispatch was received announcing his improving condition, and his friends looked forward with pleasure to the period of his recovery, and his restoration to a position of usefulness to his State and country. But his strength gave way under the operation of the removal of an arm at the shoulder joint, and be failed to rally again. Gen. Jenkins was a member of the old United States Congress, and was elected to the First Congress of the Confederate States, but resigned the latter position under the belief that he could be of more service to the country in the army.--He proved his gallantry on several occasions, and at last sealed with his blood his devotion to the cause. He was a gentleman of talents, had earned distinction in the forum as well as
Gen. J. E. H. Stuart. --The following is a copy of the order issued by Gen. Lee upon the receipt of the intelligence of Gen. J. E. B. stuart's death: Heaq's Army Northern Virginia, 20th May, 1864. General Order No. 44. The Commanding General announces to the army, with heartfelt sorrow, the death of Major Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, late Commander of the cavalry corps of the Army of Northern Virginia. Among the gallant soldiers who have fallen in this war Gen. Stuart was second to none in valor, in zeal, and in unflinching devotion to his country. His achievements form a conspicuous part of the history of this army, with which his name and services will be forever associated. To military capacity of a high order, and all the nobler virtues of the soldier, he added the brighter graces of a pure life, guided and sustained by the Christian's faith and hope. The mysterious hand of an All wise God has removed him from the scene of his usefulness and lame. His