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ution demands full protection in the soldiers of the Union without regard to color, which is a pretty broad hint that Old Abe has fallen short of his duty in this matter. The eighth resolution declares in favor of foreign immigration. A new hid for the foreign vote. The ninth goes for a Pacific railroad, which probably secures all parties concerned in that project. The death pledges the national faith for the redemption of the public debt, which will be accepted as a good thing by Mr. Secretary Chase's bondholders. The eleventh declared for the maintenance of the Monroe , which, in winding up, is a pretty good thing for Duncombe. Negro suffrage, negro equality, miscegenation, free love, and woman's rights, &c., are among the reforms which the Convention turned out of doors, with a mixed delegation of army setters and contrabands, whites and blacks, from south Carolina. What Wendell Philips and his radical faction will say to this we think it will not be difficult to conjec