Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 23, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Timothy Rives or search for Timothy Rives in all documents.

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-They will be welcomed as they were at Spotsylvania Court House and Cold Harbor Let them come. Our boys are impatient to receive them. Grant's Fortifications in Prince George. A gentleman who left Prince George a day or two since says that Grant has apparently a very large force between the defences of Petersburg and city Point. He is heavily fortified, his line of earthworks extending from the Appomattox, at a point a short distance below Petersburg, to and beyond the farm of Timothy Rives, in Prince George, in a southeasterly direction. Here it unites with another line, which stretches off towards the James river in a northeasterly direction the two forming an acute angle, or, in other words, a very broad letter V, The northeasterly line is of course intended to guard against any movement which may be made to strike the enemy in his flange from the eastern side. Depredations of the enemy. Our informant states that the people of Prince George, as everywhere else