Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Sherman or search for Gen Sherman in all documents.

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dispatch from City Point, dated at nine o'clock this morning, reached the Department. It reports that our forces advanced yesterday to within about a mile in front of Petersburg, where they found the enemy occupying a new line of entrenchments, which, after successive assaults, we failed to carry, but hold, and have entrenched our advanced positions. From the forces of the enemy within the enemy's new line, it is inferred that Beauregard has been reinforced from Lee's army. No report has been received by the department concerning the casualties of our army in its operations since crossing the James river, except the death of Major Morton, mentioned yesterday. General Sherman reports to-day that the enemy gave way last night, in the midst of darkness and storm. The whole army is now in pursuit as far as Chattahoochee. I start at once for Marietta. No military intelligence from any other quarter has been received to-day. Edwin M Stanton, Secretary of War.
deral troops, in making the assault, were obliged to cross open fields of from two to four hundred yard in extent, exposed to an enfilading fire from batteries which swept the entire area. The last attack, which was made at 5 o'clock in the afternoon by the 3d division of the 2d corps, is said to have resulted in a heavier loss than any that preceded it. The Federal losses in the two day's fighting before Petersburg are estimated at eight thousand men. From northern Georgia. Gen Sherman reports, and date or half-past 7 o'clock yesterday evening, (19th,) he was mistaken in announcing that Johnston retreated across the Chattahoochee river. He had simply thrown back his flank and evacuated the works in front of Kenesaw Mountain. He still holds the mountain itself, with his flanks resting on Moses creek. The Federal troops pressed him cross yesterday, but the continued rains are said to have rendered all movements almost impracticable. The Siege of Charleston.