Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Brown or search for Brown in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource], From Georgia — the battle of Kennesaw Mountain. (search)
division moved forward in two lines of battle, as follows: Brown's brigade of Tennessean on the right, with Cumming's brigad, while Reynold's North Carolinian and Virginians supported Brown, and Pettus's brigade of Alabamans supported Cumming. ThesDisregarding their comrades falling around them in numbers, Brown's, followed by Reynolds's brigade, continued to press forwact when the general engagement takes place. Reynolds's and Brown's brigades distinguished themselves by their heroic and fir by a blow on the shoulder from a piece of spent shell. In Brown's brigade, Capt H J Cheney, A A G, and Lieut J T Brown, A DBrown, A D C, had their horses shot while gallantly charging the enemy's works, and Capt G H Lowe, of the same staff, received a Minnie't slide, 2d Ga State Troops, all of Cumming's brigade. In Brown's brigade, Lt Col Ed C Cook, 32d Tenn, in the arm and side;es, acting Major 3d Tenn, were wounded.--Col Cook commanded Brown's brigade, and is as gallant an officer as there is in our