Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mary Harris or search for Mary Harris in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource], From Georgia — the battle of Kennesaw Mountain. (search)
eather did not belong to Anderson & Co., but was some which he had been requested to tan for a lady of his acquaintance. The two Williams, slaves of Samuel Fauntleroy and A. F. Gooch, charged with entering in the night time the house of Mrs. Mary Harris, and stealing therefrom two bombazine dresses, and whose case has been put off half a dozen times, was yesterday disposed of by referring the matter to the Hustings Court. It will be recollected that these negroes, in company with another who has succeeded in eluding arrest, were caught by Mrs. Harris while in her house in the act of stealing, and that in their flight they left behind three pairs of shoes, one hat, a market, a sabra, a crowbar, and a step ladder. A charge was preferred against Patrick Boyls, Patrick Macarthy, Daniel Eagan, white, and Robert, a slave, of stealing $126 worth of wood from Richard Relue. The wood alleged to have been stolen was some bought by Mr R from B R Duval, out and corded in his woods in C
Hazell M CPriv1 cvAWinder2 Hay G RPriv55KWinder2 Harris W OPriv26BWinder2 Hall R TCapt43IWinder2 Harris THarris TPriv21LWinder2 Horton O CPriv17BWinder2 Harkey J JPriv49FWinder2 Huddiestine WPriv46EWinder2 Hokes J PPriv Harrell GPriv52CWinder4 Henry B GPriv11HWinder4 Harris W HPriv2 cvLWinder4 Harris J APriv66GWinder4 HedgHarris J APriv66GWinder4 Hedgepath APriv27GWinder4 Hill WmPriv48IWinder4 Hagian J MPriv48IWinder4 Hall N CPriv11HWinder4 Holder J WPrivHales HPriv32KWinder5 HollingsworthPriv45AWinder5 Harris J JPriv43GWinder5 Hasper W HCorpl35DWinder5 Hursh Honycutt JPrv42HWinder6 Hampton R FPrv27BWinder6 Harris W OPrv11AWinder6 Hicks GPrv33HWinder6 Hennis P BCder7 Hall H WPrv20IWinder7 Hudson WPrv53DWinder7 Harris G WPrv38BWinder7 Huggins B FPrv61KWinder7 Horton R RPrv17CWinder7 Harris E KPrv14GWinder7 Haines J FPrv28IWinder7 Hudson SPrv46IWinder7 Hill LPrv46GWinder7 Hurbert JPrv12GWinderNo. 6 Halen DPrv35CWinder6 Harris M APrv7AJacksonNo. 1 Hix WPrv53DJacksonNo. 2 Henr