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The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource], From Georgia — the battle of Kennesaw Mountain. (search)
From Georgia — the battle of Kennesaw Mountain. We are indebted to Mr W C Barnes, of the Southern Express Company, for files of Atlanta papers to the 26th of June. The victory reported by Gen Johnston occurred on the 27th, and of course no account of that is given in these journals; but they contain the details of the battle of Kennesaw Mountain, on the 22d, which will be read with interest. A correspondent of the Atlanta Intelligencer, writing from the front June 23d, thus describes theKennesaw Mountain, on the 22d, which will be read with interest. A correspondent of the Atlanta Intelligencer, writing from the front June 23d, thus describes the engagement: On yesterday morning the enemy held possession of a ridge on the Powder Spring road, which commanded the country around for some distance, and which was deemed desirable for our army. Our cavalry held possession of it previously, but on the approach of the Yankees fell back and abandoned the important position. Accordingly, Major Gen Stevenson was ordered in the evening to attack and carry the ridge by storm. It was not supposed that the enemy had fortified himself in so s