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and, and the distrust in the state of affairs, as shown by commercial men in the high price of gold, there is reason to believe that favorable military news will soon be made known to the public. By the measures that we have taken to guard Pennsylvania it is believed that the rebels will not be in sufficient force to do any material damage. Very good news is is expected from Gen Sherman — nothing less, in fact, than the capture of Atlanta. Military men here say that with the loss of Kennesaw Mountain, the rebels cannot reasonably hope to hold Atlanta, as there are no positions beyond the Chattahoochee at all equal to those on this side of it. Good news is also shortly expected from Gen Grant's army. It is believed that Petersburg will shortly be in our hands. It is well understood that nothing the rebels can do, by way of the Shenandoah Valley, will induce Gen Grant to send any portion of his army to the defence of Washington. Movements are now under way for largely reinfor