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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 20, 1864., [Electronic resource].

Found 718 total hits in 342 results.

... 30 31 32 33 34 35
Three hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from the subscriber, about six or seven weeks ago, my negro, Ben. Said boy was purchased at the auction house of Messrs. Lee & Bowman, Franklin street, Richmond, and was sold by Dr. Ming, of Petersburg. he was hired to Mrs. Magill, at the Theatre, previous to his sale. His age is nine-teen or twenty; well built; with small head; five feet eight or nine inches in height. He is no doubt lurking about Richmond or Petersburg I will give the above reward for his delivery to Messrs Lee & Bowman, Franklin street. J. B. Page. Danville, Virginia. oc 20--1m*
Danville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Three hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from the subscriber, about six or seven weeks ago, my negro, Ben. Said boy was purchased at the auction house of Messrs. Lee & Bowman, Franklin street, Richmond, and was sold by Dr. Ming, of Petersburg. he was hired to Mrs. Magill, at the Theatre, previous to his sale. His age is nine-teen or twenty; well built; with small head; five feet eight or nine inches in height. He is no doubt lurking about Richmond or Petersburg I will give the above reward for his delivery to Messrs Lee & Bowman, Franklin street. J. B. Page. Danville, Virginia. oc 20--1m*
... 30 31 32 33 34 35