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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1865., [Electronic resource].

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Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 4
rom sixty to eighty dollars a ton, and upon the rise. Corn is ten dollars a bushel and oats four, and everything else that will answer for forage in that proportion. Carting is nine shillings a mile, by the ton, and people much dissatisfied with the price.' "Corn ten dollars a bushel; and continental money was worth at the date of this letter sixty cents in gold for each dollar in currency — that is, corn was selling at six dollars in gold a bushel! What would our despondent ones in Georgia, with their safes crammed with Confederate notes, say if corn to-day, instead of selling for forty cents, was six dollars per bushel in gold — that is, three hundred dollars in Confederate currency !--Why, sir, taking the present state of the public pulse as a stand point, we should predict a peace convention in ten days and reconstruction and humble submission to any edict from King Abraham in one month! Our fathers paid the six dollars, however, (aye, a colonel paid his whole month's sal
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): article 4
on during the gloomy days of 1778, and a letter from that great man himself. We give below a few extracts, and ask the citizen reader and despondent soldier (if there be such) to read them and contrast the times; but to remember always that, by a firm determination and a heroic submission to dangers and sufferings, our grand old fathers, conquered a glorious liberty, and that even so will our armies come from under the cloud and march to victory and to honor. "Governor Livingston, of New Jersey, writes in February, 1778: "'I am so discouraged by our public mismanagement and the additional load of business thrown upon me by the villainy of those who purse nothing but accumulating fortunes to the ruin of their country, that I almost sink under it.' How often hear we such remarks made of our merchants, planters and others; but with how much truth we must let posterity judge. Yet it was the same as we see in the first American Revolution; and they conquered an independence
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 4
ay be; for, when reverses come, the citizens, unaccustomed to the privations and sufferings of the army, naturally give way to fears and a desire for peace. But while disasters bring despondency and a longing desire for peace to the citizen, to the retreating, defeated and suffering soldier they bring only hope for better times and a determination to bear everything rather than a yielding of what has been so dearly sought and final defeat. "From the Valley of Virginia to the heart of Tennessee, mishaps, retreats and defeats have come upon us in rapid and accumulating succession during the closing months of the year just past.--The latter half of the year 1864 will always be known in history as the dark days of the war for Southern rights and honor, as the year 1778 is known as the dark hour of the first great revolution of this continent. The despondent of to-day should read the story of 1778 to know how perfectly history is repeating itself in their especial cases. There wer
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 4
A contrast--1778 and 1864. [From the Augusta (Georgia) Constitutionalist.] "We find the expression, 'history repeats it,' very common now-a-days. It is true it does so, but in no one thing, we think, so perfectly as in the sinking heart, the despair, the gloom, which, in moments of peril, take hold upon the minds of men engaged in any great enterprise or revolution. In reading the histories of the nations we find this period of giving away and gloom in all of them, and in none so much as among those contending for right against powerful wrong. And the successes which have terminated the few notable revolts of history are to be ascribed to the indomitable will and endurance of the tried generals and soldiers who have risked their all on the result, and not to the citizens at home, however patriotic the latter may be; for, when reverses come, the citizens, unaccustomed to the privations and sufferings of the army, naturally give way to fears and a desire for peace. But while d
Enfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 5
nd the clattering din of five thousand sabre-sheaths, and the glitter of as many keen blades in the air, has a terrifying effect, which it will not do to scout at when we remember how the rebels scared our regiments often in the beginning of the war with their mere yelling. "Again, the rebel cavalry has become a mongrel of organization — half cavalry, half infantry — which performs well the functions of neither. Instead of the light carbine used by our men, they carry the long, heavy Enfield or Springfield rifle of the infantry. They are more properly mounted infantry, using their horses only to transport them to the battle ground, but dismounting to fight. Bearing two characters, they are at home and confident in neither one. Their revolvers give them no superiority till they come to close quarters, and then they are overmatched by the quick and deadly sabre. "The last, and by far the most efficient, cause of the superiority of our cavalry is found in the that most of
y he removed to Illinois, and from thence to West Tennessee, where, at the outbreaking of the war, he was engaged in teaching a school. At that time, and for some time previous, he was captain of a volunteer company. This company (he still captain of it) attached itself to the Fourth Tennessee regiment at its organization at Germantown. In the organization of that regiment (Fourth Tennessee) he was elected lieutenant-colonel, in which capacity he faithfully and gallantly served through General Polk's campaign in Kentucky, and commanded his regiment at the memorable battle of Shiloh. "At the re-organization of the Army of the West at Corinth, he was chosen colonel of the regiment, which he successfully commanded at the battles of Perryville and Murfreesboro'. Receiving his commission as brigadier-general, which he won by hard fighting and meritorious conduct, he commanded his brigade at the battles of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge, in which latter engagement he was severely w
Brigadier-General Strohl. --Of this gallant and distinguished officer, who fell at the battle of Franklin, or Harpeth Creek, Tennessee, the Confederacy has received the following concise history from a prominent citizen of Memphis who was intimately acquainted with him: "Brigadier-General Strahl was born in the State of Pennsylvania, and was of German descent. Subsequently he removed to Illinois, and from thence to West Tennessee, where, at the outbreaking of the war, he was engaged in teaching a school. At that time, and for some time previous, he was captain of a volunteer company. This company (he still captain of it) attached itself to the Fourth Tennessee regiment at its organization at Germantown. In the organization of that regiment (Fourth Tennessee) he was elected lieutenant-colonel, in which capacity he faithfully and gallantly served through General Polk's campaign in Kentucky, and commanded his regiment at the memorable battle of Shiloh. "At the re-organ
Brigadier-General Strohl. --Of this gallant and distinguished officer, who fell at the battle of Franklin, or Harpeth Creek, Tennessee, the Confederacy has received the following concise history from a prominent citizen of Memphis who was intimately acquainted with him: "Brigadier-General Strahl was born in the State of Pennsylvania, and was of German descent. Subsequently he removed to Illinois, and from thence to West Tennessee, where, at the outbreaking of the war, he was engaged in teaching a school. At that time, and for some time previous, he was captain of a volunteer company. This company (he still captain of it) attached itself to the Fourth Tennessee regiment at its organization at Germantown. In the organization of that regiment (Fourth Tennessee) he was elected lieutenant-colonel, in which capacity he faithfully and gallantly served through General Polk's campaign in Kentucky, and commanded his regiment at the memorable battle of Shiloh. "At the re-organ
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 6
Brigadier-General Strohl. --Of this gallant and distinguished officer, who fell at the battle of Franklin, or Harpeth Creek, Tennessee, the Confederacy has received the following concise history from a prominent citizen of Memphis who was intimately acquainted with him: "Brigadier-General Strahl was born in the State of Pennsylvania, and was of German descent. Subsequently he removed to Illinois, and from thence to West Tennessee, where, at the outbreaking of the war, he was engaged in teaching a school. At that time, and for some time previous, he was captain of a volunteer company. This company (he still captain of it) attached itself to the Fourth Tennessee regiment at its organization at Germantown. In the organization of that regiment (Fourth Tennessee) he was elected lieutenant-colonel, in which capacity he faithfully and gallantly served through General Polk's campaign in Kentucky, and commanded his regiment at the memorable battle of Shiloh. "At the re-organ
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 6
Brigadier-General Strohl. --Of this gallant and distinguished officer, who fell at the battle of Franklin, or Harpeth Creek, Tennessee, the Confederacy has received the following concise history from a prominent citizen of Memphis who was intimately acquainted with him: "Brigadier-General Strahl was born in the State of Pennsylvania, and was of German descent. Subsequently he removed to Illinois, and from thence to West Tennessee, where, at the outbreaking of the war, he was engaged in teaching a school. At that time, and for some time previous, he was captain of a volunteer company. This company (he still captain of it) attached itself to the Fourth Tennessee regiment at its organization at Germantown. In the organization of that regiment (Fourth Tennessee) he was elected lieutenant-colonel, in which capacity he faithfully and gallantly served through General Polk's campaign in Kentucky, and commanded his regiment at the memorable battle of Shiloh. "At the re-orga
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