Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Simon Suggs or search for Simon Suggs in all documents.

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y department of human enterprise. We should like to have the opinion of Captain Simon Suggs on that subject. When the Captain found that he had not a single piece took up a collection for the building of a meeting-house in his neighborhood. Suggs and his family are, at present, we believe, acting with very conspicuous energymetimes the Confederate armies are left without a ration of meat, in order that Suggs & Co. may turn an honest penny. Now, does any one suppose that commercial comm by four years sharp practice upon Confederates, to make any such supposition. Suggs will meet Sherman at the gates of a city, hand him over a quiet and orderly pop that of all the oppressed and persecuted victims of Confederate tyranny Captain Simon Suggs has been the greatest sufferer, and end by obtaining sundry contracts, wederate genius in any field, good or bad, of mortal effort. They may compel Simon Suggs to take the oath, but he will take them also, and everything else that he ca