Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 30, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for McLaughlin or search for McLaughlin in all documents.

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ssault, captured Fort Steadman; but, after a vigorous contest, the fort was recaptured, with one thousand prisoners, two flags, and all the guns uninjured. General McLaughlin was taken prisoner by the rebels, who also assaulted Fort Haskell, but were repulsed with great loss." Then follow the official dispatches from General rning our guns upon us. Our troops on either flank stood firm. Afterward, a determined attack was made upon Fort Haskell, which was checked by part of McLaughlin's brigade, Wilcox's division, and was repulsed with great loss to the enemy. The First brigade of Hartsuff's division, held in the reserve, was brought up, y also lost heavily in killed outside of our lines. The whole line was immediately reoccupied, and the guns retaken uninjured. I regret to add that General McLaughlin was captured in Fort Steadman. Our loss, otherwise, was not heavy. Great praise is due to Hartsuff for the gallantry displayed in handling his div