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France (France) 106 0 Browse Search
Italy (Italy) 102 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 78 0 Browse Search
Mutina (Italy) 58 0 Browse Search
Brundusium (Italy) 38 0 Browse Search
Macedonia (Macedonia) 32 0 Browse Search
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Syria (Syria) 26 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 24 0 Browse Search
Aricia (Italy) 18 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, The fourteen orations against Marcus Antonius (Philippics) (ed. C. D. Yonge). Search the whole document.

Found 6 total hits in 1 results.

Marseilles (France) (search for this): speech 8, chapter 6
ce, though Antonius was under great obligations to him, he still had acted against him. See how great is his affection for his country. When you are so bitter, O Quintus Fufius, against the people of Marseilles, I can not listen to you with calmness. For how long are you going to attack Marseilles? Does not even a triumph put an end to the war? in which was carried an image of that city, without whose assistanceMarseilles? Does not even a triumph put an end to the war? in which was carried an image of that city, without whose assistance our forefathers never triumphed over the Transalpine nations. Then, indeed, did the Roman people groan. Although they had their own private griefs because of their own affairs, still there was no citizen who thought the miseries of this most loyal city unconnected with himself. Caesar himself, who had been the most angry of all men with them, still, on account of the unusuall