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des six derniers livres de l'Enéide (p. 205), takes Albunea as a wood, which removes some difficulties, but leaves lucos sub alta Albunea to be explained. It is however not yet determined where Albunea itself is. Serv. places it in altis montibus Tiburtinis, and Heyne originally identified it with the fall of the sulphurous waters of the Albula into the Anio at Tibur: but Bonstetten thinks he has discovered it in the sulphurous spring of Altieri near the fane of Anna Perenna on the road to Ardea, and his opinion was accepted by Heyne, and is adopted by Mr. Bunbury, Dict. G. Ardea. The former view is confirmed by Hor. 1. Od. 7. 12, where domus Albuneae resonantis is coupled with praeceps Anio et Tiburni lucus, and by Lactant. Inst. 1. 6 (quoting Varro) decimam (Sibyllam) Tiburtem, nomine Albuneam, quae Tiburi colitur ut dea, iuxta ripas amnis Anienis. Sonat here and resonantis in Hor. seem to imply a waterfall. Mr. Long has no doubt that the Albunea was the sulphur lake (or nymph of
a itself is. Serv. places it in altis montibus Tiburtinis, and Heyne originally identified it with the fall of the sulphurous waters of the Albula into the Anio at Tibur: but Bonstetten thinks he has discovered it in the sulphurous spring of Altieri near the fane of Anna Perenna on the road to Ardea, and his opinion was accepted bLong has no doubt that the Albunea was the sulphur lake (or nymph of the lake) from which issues the canal of the Albula. Virg., he says, has confused the lake and the woods round the lake. The difficulty (he continues) is that the lake is not at Tibur, but at least two Roman miles below the heights of Tibur, where the cascade is. Long has no doubt that the Albunea was the sulphur lake (or nymph of the lake) from which issues the canal of the Albula. Virg., he says, has confused the lake and the woods round the lake. The difficulty (he continues) is that the lake is not at Tibur, but at least two Roman miles below the heights of Tibur, where the cascade is.
Lucosque, &c. The chief thing with a view to explaining this difficult passage is to ascertain what and where Albunea is. Heyne and Forb. take it as a spring, and Heyne's ultimate interpretation, given in a review in the Göttingen Gelehrt. Anzeig. for 1804, p. 1672, was Albunea aqua, quae sonat fonte sacro, maxuma (aquarum) nemorum, i. e. nemoris. But in the first place it is difficult to understand the meaning of lucos sub Albunea aqua, and in the second place quae maxuma nemorum for quae maxuma aquarum nemorum, and that for aquarum nemoris, seems hardly admissible. G. 2. 15, nemorumque Jovi quae maxuma frondet Aesculus is not nearly so strong. Wagn., following Bonstetten's Voyage sur la scène des six derniers livres de l'Enéide (p. 205), takes Albunea as a wood, which removes some difficulties, but leaves lucos sub alta Albunea to be explained. It is however not yet determined where Albunea itself is. Serv. places it in altis montibus Tiburtinis, and Heyne originally identified it w