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oiced in more than one suit of under clothes, which had never seen soap for months — for soap we had none. A little longer stay at Yorktown lines, and I might have exclaimed with Falstaff: There is but half a shirt in my whole company. When nearly all the troops had left, we of the honorable rear-guard received notice to pack up and prepare for departure. Having nothing to pack, it was with great facility that we formed in line and marched out of the breastworks about nine P. M., Saturday, May third. A strong picket-guard was left in front to keep up appearances ; but the enemy were as well aware as ourselves of our every movement, having made frequent ascents with their large balloon to satisfy themselves on this point. The works were left intact, but, save a few unwieldy columbiads, all ordnance had been carried off many days previously. Our men made dunories, and put them in the embrasures, besides stuffing old clothes to represent sentinels. These latter had placards on t
undisturbed as if the enemy were a thousand miles distant. As we never had any spare transportation in the most prosperous times, (and of course very little in presence of an enemy who could well supply us,) many of our wounded were left behind in Williamsburgh, and scores of dead left unburied. This, of course, was a military necessity. Longstreet was far in the rear with his corps, and had to hurry on to the main army. No enemy pursued, however, and it was not until Tuesday evening, (May sixth,) sixteen hours after we had left, that the enemy entered Williamsburgh in force. This affair was heralded by McClellan as a complete victory; and the newspapers quoted McClellan's despatch, in large capitals: The enemy are running! I will drive them to the wall! Large editions, expressly for European circulation, spoke of the rebellion as nigh broken up, and described our troops as ragged, hungry, footsore, and dispirited-all they want now is one more twist of the Anaconda's coil, e
ds and breastworks of Yorktown lines. I know not what style of picture artists may draw of us in forthcoming times, but suppose men of genius will paint in glorious colors, in which all the pomp and circumstance of war will be duly portrayed, with bands and banners, fine cloth and gold lace; but should any disciple of the beautiful and true require a living model, he can dress his subject at the nearest rag-shop, and I promise it will be pronounced truthful and lifelike by any who fought in 1861 and 1862. Except our arms and accoutrements, all things else were worthless. Garments were perforated in all manner of places; some had shoes; but few rejoiced in more than one suit of under clothes, which had never seen soap for months — for soap we had none. A little longer stay at Yorktown lines, and I might have exclaimed with Falstaff: There is but half a shirt in my whole company. When nearly all the troops had left, we of the honorable rear-guard received notice to pack up and pr
eastworks of Yorktown lines. I know not what style of picture artists may draw of us in forthcoming times, but suppose men of genius will paint in glorious colors, in which all the pomp and circumstance of war will be duly portrayed, with bands and banners, fine cloth and gold lace; but should any disciple of the beautiful and true require a living model, he can dress his subject at the nearest rag-shop, and I promise it will be pronounced truthful and lifelike by any who fought in 1861 and 1862. Except our arms and accoutrements, all things else were worthless. Garments were perforated in all manner of places; some had shoes; but few rejoiced in more than one suit of under clothes, which had never seen soap for months — for soap we had none. A little longer stay at Yorktown lines, and I might have exclaimed with Falstaff: There is but half a shirt in my whole company. When nearly all the troops had left, we of the honorable rear-guard received notice to pack up and prepare for
e require a living model, he can dress his subject at the nearest rag-shop, and I promise it will be pronounced truthful and lifelike by any who fought in 1861 and 1862. Except our arms and accoutrements, all things else were worthless. Garments were perforated in all manner of places; some had shoes; but few rejoiced in more than one suit of under clothes, which had never seen soap for months — for soap we had none. A little longer stay at Yorktown lines, and I might have exclaimed with Falstaff: There is but half a shirt in my whole company. When nearly all the troops had left, we of the honorable rear-guard received notice to pack up and prepare for departure. Having nothing to pack, it was with great facility that we formed in line and marched out of the breastworks about nine P. M., Saturday, May third. A strong picket-guard was left in front to keep up appearances ; but the enemy were as well aware as ourselves of our every movement, having made frequent ascents with thei
ailed to escort a batch of prisoners to Richmond, and in hurrying on I overtook troops marching to West-Point, the head of the York River; rumors being rife that Franklin and other Federal generals were disembarking a large force there to assail us on the flank. The main army, however, had travelled with such celerity, that they e was a miserable failure. Franklin's forces at that point far outnumbered ours, for Hood's Texan brigade was the chief corps to oppose him. After disembarking, Franklin lingered and loitered near his transports and gunboats, until Hood beat about to find his whereabouts. Without proper knowledge of the topography of the country, Franklin put his troops in motion, and had not progressed many miles ere he discovered Hood advantageously posted in line of battle, and without giving time to deploy, the Texans were upon him, decimating his ranks with unerring aim. The fight was wild and confused-Franklin hurriedly fell back before an inferior force, and did n
Heintzelman (search for this): chapter 23
and ordered to fall back in good order should the enemy attack in force. The foe, under Generals Heintzelman, Hooker, and Kearny, were not long in approaching: long lines of blue coats were reportedutifully kept. Every trick that could be imagined was resorted to by Longstreet to entice Heintzelman into open ground; but that officer remembered Manassas and knew perfectly well the mettle of advance to Yorktown, was the common expression. From the line of fire it would seem that Heintzelman was inclined to return, for our musketry and artillery were advanced a mile in the woods. Buaughter, Longstreet halted hit veteran division, and re-formed. He then endeavored to entice Heintzelman into an advance, but, failing in this, he let loose his men once again, and the Federals wereus falsehoods; words — are thrown away on the subject. From prisoners we ascertained that Heintzelman, Sumner, Hooker, Kearny, and other divisional commanders, had directed the Federals, from whi
John B. Hood (search for this): chapter 23
our flank was threatened by a force which had been hurried with great despatch up the York River, Hood's Texan brigade was double quicked to West-Point to oppose the movement. While our brigade bis performance was a miserable failure. Franklin's forces at that point far outnumbered ours, for Hood's Texan brigade was the chief corps to oppose him. After disembarking, Franklin lingered and loitered near his transports and gunboats, until Hood beat about to find his whereabouts. Without proper knowledge of the topography of the country, Franklin put his troops in motion, and had not progressed many miles ere he discovered Hood advantageously posted in line of battle, and without giving time to deploy, the Texans were upon him, decimating his ranks with unerring aim. The fight was wild aiedly fell back before an inferior force, and did not halt until under the guns of his flotilla. Hood bad punished him severely in a two hours fight, and sensibly fell back to the main army at his le
paled, our men were awakened and fell into line without drums or bugles. Outposts in the woods below Williamsburgh were strengthened, and ordered to fall back in good order should the enemy attack in force. The foe, under Generals Heintzelman, Hooker, and Kearny, were not long in approaching: long lines of blue coats were reported coming up the roads, with strong bodies of skirmishers on the flanks. The popping of pickets and outposts soon changed into the distant pattering volleys of men inat is like. They have lied, however, so often and so unblushingly, that we can but laugh at their overweening vanity and unscrupulous falsehoods; words — are thrown away on the subject. From prisoners we ascertained that Heintzelman, Sumner, Hooker, Kearny, and other divisional commanders, had directed the Federals, from which it was easy to infer that their force numbered forty thousand strong. Longstreet commanded on our side, and I know did not handle more than twenty-five thousand men.
ing considerably in retiring. A Louisiana regiment was in the rear, and saw the whole affair. Without waiting for orders, they rushed across the open ground, dashed headlong into the redoubt, and all who escaped over the parapet were shot down or bayoneted by two companies who remained outside for that purpose. In this, as in all other instances I have witnessed of the Louisianians, their recklessness and daring have always astonished me, yet, considering their material, half Creole, half Irish, none need be astonished to find them nonpareils, when fighting for their homes and liberty against a negro-worshipping mixture of Dutch and Yankee. In this, as in all other fights witnessed by me, the cavalry had very little to do — the Yankee horse were always in the rear collecting stragglers, and forcing men to keep their lines. The day before had witnessed slight cavalry skirmishes, resulting in our favor, but nothing of the kind had transpired on Monday--it was entirely an affair of
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