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Elkwater (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
ieutenant, all of the company's own choosing. December, 30 Called on General Dumont this morning; he is a small man, with a thin piping voice, but an educated and affable gentleman. Did not make his acquaintance in West Virginia, he being unwell while there and confined to his quarters. This is a peculiar country; there are innumerable caverns, and every few rods places are found where the crust of the earth appears to have broken and sunk down hundreds of feet. One mile from camp there is a large and interesting cave, which has been explored probably by every soldier of the regiment. December, 31 General Buell is here, and a grand review took place to-day. Since we left Elkwater there has been a steadily increasing element of insubordination manifested in many ways, but notably in an unwillingness to drill, in stealing from camp and remaining away for days. This, if tolerated much longer, will demoralize even the best of men and render the regiment worthless.
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
o in spiritual things. The Colonel spends much of his time in Louisville. He complains bitterly because the company officers do not remaitill more managed to get through the guard lines and have gone to Louisville. The invincible Corporal Casey has not yet put in an appearance.stop at Cincinnati on their way hither. December, 4 Rode to Louisville this afternoon; in tile evening attended the theatre, and saw thee made his appearance. December, 7 Moved three miles nearer Louisville and encamped in a grove. Have had much difficulty in keeping thee regiment was greatly demoralized by our stay in the vicinity of Louisville, and on the march hither the boys were very disorderly and loth tlumn, which extended as far almost as the eye could reach. At Louisville I was compelled to bear heavily on officers and men. On the marchd in the same way. December, 28 Lieutenant St. John goes to Louisville with a man who was arrested as a spy; and strange to say the arre
Salt (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
revent a general stampede, ordered the guards to load their guns and shoot the first man who attempted to break over. Have succeeded also in getting the officers to remain; notified them yesterday that charges would be preferred against all who left without permission, and this afternoon I put my very good friend, Lieutenant Dale, under arrest for disregarding the order. December, 12 In camp near Elizabethtown. The road over which we marched was excellent; but owing to detention at Salt river, where the troops and trains had to be ferried over, we were a day longer coming here than we expected to be. The weather has been delightful, warm as spring time. The nights are beautiful. The regiment was greatly demoralized by our stay in the vicinity of Louisville, and on the march hither the boys were very disorderly and loth to obey; but, by dint of much scolding, we succeeded in getting them all through. December, 13 Have been attached to the Seventeenth Brigade, and assi
Elizabethtown, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
eft without permission, and this afternoon I put my very good friend, Lieutenant Dale, under arrest for disregarding the order. December, 12 In camp near Elizabethtown. The road over which we marched was excellent; but owing to detention at Salt river, where the troops and trains had to be ferried over, we were a day longer led and conditioned regiments would lead in the march toward Nashville. December, 15 Jake Smith, the driver of the Headquarters, wagon, on his arrival in Elizabethtown went to the hotel, and in an imperious way ordered dinner, assuring the landlord, with much emphasis, that he was no damned common officer, and wanted a good dinner. December, 18 In camp at Bacon creek, eight miles north of Green river. Have been two days on the way from Elizabethtown; the road was bad. There were nine regiments in the column, which extended as far almost as the eye could reach. At Louisville I was compelled to bear heavily on officers and men. On the march h
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
e complains bitterly because the company officers do not remain in camp, and yet fails to set them a good example in this regard. We have succeeded poorly in holding our men. Quite a number dodged off while the boat was lying at the landing in Cincinnati, and still more managed to get through the guard lines and have gone to Louisville. The invincible Corporal Casey has not yet put in an appearance. The boys of the Sixth Ohio are exceedingly jubilant; the entire regiment has been allowed a furlough for six days. This was done to satisfy the men, who had become mutinous because they were not permitted to stop at Cincinnati on their way hither. December, 4 Rode to Louisville this afternoon; in tile evening attended the theatre, and saw the notorious Adah Isaacs Menken Heenan. The house was packed with soldiers, mostly of the Sixth Ohio. It seemed probable at one time that there would be a general free fight; but the brawlers were finally quieted and the play went on. One o
Green (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
lizabethtown went to the hotel, and in an imperious way ordered dinner, assuring the landlord, with much emphasis, that he was no damned common officer, and wanted a good dinner. December, 18 In camp at Bacon creek, eight miles north of Green river. Have been two days on the way from Elizabethtown; the road was bad. There were nine regiments in the column, which extended as far almost as the eye could reach. At Louisville I was compelled to bear heavily on officers and men. On the mit for twenty minutes on guard duty, throwing in here and there patriotic expressions, which encouraged and delighted the boys very much. When he departed they gave him three rousing cheers. December, 21 A reconnaissance was made beyond Green river yesterday, and no enemy found. We are short of supplies; entirely out of sugar, coffee, and candles, and the boys to-night indicated some faint symptoms of insbordination, but I assured them we had made every effort possible to obtain the
Bacon Creek, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
hird Division; the latter commanded by General O. M. Mitchell. The General remarked to me this morning, that the best drilled and conditioned regiments would lead in the march toward Nashville. December, 15 Jake Smith, the driver of the Headquarters, wagon, on his arrival in Elizabethtown went to the hotel, and in an imperious way ordered dinner, assuring the landlord, with much emphasis, that he was no damned common officer, and wanted a good dinner. December, 18 In camp at Bacon creek, eight miles north of Green river. Have been two days on the way from Elizabethtown; the road was bad. There were nine regiments in the column, which extended as far almost as the eye could reach. At Louisville I was compelled to bear heavily on officers and men. On the march hither I have dealt very thoroughly with some of the most disorderly, and in consequence have become unpopular with the regiment. December, 20 General Mitchell called this afternoon and requested me to fo
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
enan. The house was packed with soldiers, mostly of the Sixth Ohio. It seemed probable at one time that there would be a general free fight; but the brawlers were finally quieted and the play went on. One of the performers resembled an old West Virginia acquaintance so greatly that the boys at once y'clepped him Stalnaker, and howled fearfully whenever he made his appearance. December, 7 Moved three miles nearer Louisville and encamped in a grove. Have had much difficulty in keeping t a first and second lieutenant, all of the company's own choosing. December, 30 Called on General Dumont this morning; he is a small man, with a thin piping voice, but an educated and affable gentleman. Did not make his acquaintance in West Virginia, he being unwell while there and confined to his quarters. This is a peculiar country; there are innumerable caverns, and every few rods places are found where the crust of the earth appears to have broken and sunk down hundreds of feet.
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
e regiment was greatly demoralized by our stay in the vicinity of Louisville, and on the march hither the boys were very disorderly and loth to obey; but, by dint of much scolding, we succeeded in getting them all through. December, 13 Have been attached to the Seventeenth Brigade, and assigned to the Third Division; the latter commanded by General O. M. Mitchell. The General remarked to me this morning, that the best drilled and conditioned regiments would lead in the march toward Nashville. December, 15 Jake Smith, the driver of the Headquarters, wagon, on his arrival in Elizabethtown went to the hotel, and in an imperious way ordered dinner, assuring the landlord, with much emphasis, that he was no damned common officer, and wanted a good dinner. December, 18 In camp at Bacon creek, eight miles north of Green river. Have been two days on the way from Elizabethtown; the road was bad. There were nine regiments in the column, which extended as far almost as the e
Isaac H. Marrow (search for this): chapter 7
tenance has become quite rosy; this is doubtless the effect of the fire. He has been unusually powerful in argument: but whether his intellect has been stimulated by the fire, the tea, or the punch, we are at this time wholly unable to decide; he certainly handles the tea-pot with consummate skill, and attacks the punch with exceeding vigor. December, 27 No orders to advance. Armies travel slowly indeed. Within fifteen miles of the enemy and idly rotting in the mud. Acting Brigadier-General Marrow when informed that Dumont would assume command of the brigade, became suddenly and violently ill, asked for and obtained a thirty-day leave. I would give much to be home with the children during this holiday time; but unfortunately my health is too good, and will continue so in spite of me. The Major, poor man, is troubled in the same way. December, 28 Lieutenant St. John goes to Louisville with a man who was arrested as a spy; and strange to say the arrest was made at
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