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Port Republic (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
ious General Stonewall Jackson. Jackson's aversion to profanity was proverbial in the army. It was known to excite his extreme displeasure. Colonel Wtherefore stopped abruptly, hung his head, and awaited in silence the stern rebuke of his superior. It came in these words, uttered in the mildest tone: That's right, Colonel-get 'em up! XI. Another anecdote of Jackson-but this one, I fear, has crept into print. Some readers, however, may not have seen it. After Port Republic, the General was riding along the line when he heard the following colloquy between two soldiers of the Stonewall Brigade. Curse the Yankees! I wish they were in hell, every one of them! I don't. Why don't you? Because if they were, Old Jack would be following 'em up close, with the old Stonewall Brigade in front! Jackson's face writhed into a grin; from his lips a low laugh issued; but he rode on in silence, making no comment. Xii. General C— was proverbial for hi
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
traggler, who would not stop at his order, and was discharging at him a perfect torrent of curses, when, chancing to turn his head, he saw close behind him no less a personage than the oath-hating and sternly-pious General Stonewall Jackson. Jackson's aversion to profanity was proverbial in the army. It was known to excite his extreme displeasure. Colonel Wtherefore stopped abruptly, hung his head, and awaited in silence the stern rebuke of his superior. It came in these words, uttere soldiers of the Stonewall Brigade. Curse the Yankees! I wish they were in hell, every one of them! I don't. Why don't you? Because if they were, Old Jack would be following 'em up close, with the old Stonewall Brigade in front! Jackson's face writhed into a grin; from his lips a low laugh issued; but he rode on in silence, making no comment. Xii. General C— was proverbial for his stubborn courage and bulldog obstinacy in a fight. In every battle his brigade was torn to
Stafford Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
out of sight. It is said that this incident was not mentioned by the men upon their return; they only reported Mosby not found. I have mentioned it, however, and I vouch for it. The mother of Colonel Mosby, Black and Jr., was a servant of the hospitable mansion in which I tarried; the family declared the incident exactly true; and the hero of the affair, the black baby, namely, is still living. Lastly, I know the woman, she is very worthless, but all are. Viii. There was down in Stafford, during the war, a youthful negro of six or eight years of age, who excited the admiration of everybody by his passionate devotion to the Confederacy, and the big words which he used. In fact, his vocabulary was made up of what Mr. Thackeray calls the longest and handsomest words in the dictionary. Still he could be terse, pointed, epigrammatic, and hard-cutting in speech. Of these statements two illustrations are given. 1. When an artillery fight took place near the mansion which had
Millwood (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
infully. Thereupon the General dismounted, examined the hoof, rose erect again, and uttering a deep sigh exclaimed: Poor Nelly! I wish they could fix it some way, so as you could ride me home! That ought to find a place in the biography of the brave officer who uttered it. Vii. While I was in the Valley in 1863, I heard an incident which was enough to tickle the ribs of Death, and for its truth I can vouch. A body of the enemy's cavalry had advanced to the vicinity of Millwood, and two or three men left the column to go and forage, that is, take by the strong hand what they wanted for supper, from the first house. Very soon they came in sight of a cabin in the woods, and cautiously approachingfor the Confederate scouts were supposed to be everywhere --knocked at the low door. A negro woman came at the summons, exhibiting very great terror at the sight of the blue coats-and the following colloquy ensued: We want some supper. Yes, sir. But, first
Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
ter Port Republic, the General was riding along the line when he heard the following colloquy between two soldiers of the Stonewall Brigade. Curse the Yankees! I wish they were in hell, every one of them! I don't. Why don't you? Because if they were, Old Jack would be following 'em up close, with the old Stonewall Brigade in front! Jackson's face writhed into a grin; from his lips a low laugh issued; but he rode on in silence, making no comment. Xii. General C— was proverbial for his stubborn courage and bulldog obstinacy in a fight. In every battle his brigade was torn to pieces — for he would never leave the ground until he was hurled back from it, crushed and bleeding. The views of such a man on the subject of military courage are worth knowing. He gave them to me briefly one day, on the battle-field. Here is the statement of General C-. The man who says that he likes to go into an infantry charge, such as there was at Spotsylvania — is a l
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
ickly in extreme wrath at this disrespect, he saw the grinning face of young ebony behind him; and from the lips of the youth issued the loud and friendly address: Hallo, Yank! Do you belong to Mr. Lincoln? You are fighting for me-ain't you? The officer recoiled in disgust, looked daggers, and brushing his uniform, as though it had been contaminated, growled to the lady of the house: You taught him this, madam! Ix. In June, 1863, General Lee was going to set out for Gettysburg. To mask the movement of his infantry from the Lower Rappahannock, a cavalry review was ordered, on the plains of Culpeper. That gay and gallant commander, General Fitz Lee, thereupon, sent word to General Hood to come and see the review, and bring any of his people --meaning probably his staff and headquarters. On the second day the gray masses of Hood's entire division emerged, with glittering bayonets, from the woods in the direction of the Rapidan. You invited me and my pe
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
icture, however valueless it may appear. If therefore, worthy reader, the following trivia seem dull to you, it is because you did not know the parties, as the writer did. Turn the page if they weary you-but perhaps you will laugh. They are trifles, it is true; but then life is half made up of trifles — is it not? General Fitz Lee, one day in the fall of 1863, sent a courier up from the Lower Rappahannock, to ask General Stuart why General Pleasanton of the U. S. Army had been sent to Georgia? --a dispatch by signal from corps headquarters having communicated that intelligence. Grand tableau when the affair was explained! General Stuart had signalled: Meade's Headquarters are at Wallack's, and Pleasanton's at Cumberland George's --names of persons residing near Culpeper Court-house. The signal flags had said: Meade's headquarters are at Wallack's, and Pleasanton's at Cumberland Georgia! Ii. In November, 1863, Lieutenant — was in an old deserted mansion near Cul
Slaughter Mountain (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
d the review, did not suppress their opinions of the cavalry. As the horsemen charged by the tall flag under which General R. E. Lee sat his horse looking at them, a weather-beaten Texan of Hood's Old Brigade turned round to a comrade and muttered: Wouldn't we clean them out, if Old Hood would only let us loose on 'em! The infantry never could forgive their cavalry brethren the possession of horses-while they had to walk. X. General W— gave me, one day, a good anecdote of Cedar Run. He was then Colonel of artillery, and when the Confederates' left wing was thrown into disorder, strenuously exerted himself to induce the stragglers to return to the fight. This was not an easy task — the troops were demoralized for the moment by the suddenness of the attack. In consequence, the Colonel had small success; and this enraged him. When enraged the Colonel swore, and when he swore he did so with extraordinary vehemence and eloquence. On this occasion he surpassed all h
Culpeper, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.26
o the soul of-- Than could the substance of ten thousand soldiers Armed all in proof and led by shallow Buford! Iii. Captain F-- was the best of good fellows, and the most amiable of signal officers. He was visiting his signal posts near Culpeper one day, when an infantry-man, clad in a butternut costume lounged up, and looked on with the deepest interest while the man on duty was flopping away right and left with his flag. Butternut continued to gaze with ardour upon the movements of o the lady of the house: You taught him this, madam! Ix. In June, 1863, General Lee was going to set out for Gettysburg. To mask the movement of his infantry from the Lower Rappahannock, a cavalry review was ordered, on the plains of Culpeper. That gay and gallant commander, General Fitz Lee, thereupon, sent word to General Hood to come and see the review, and bring any of his people --meaning probably his staff and headquarters. On the second day the gray masses of Hood's en
Cumberland Georgia (search for this): chapter 2.26
hannock, to ask General Stuart why General Pleasanton of the U. S. Army had been sent to Georgia? --a dispatch by signal from corps headquarters having communicated that intelligence. Grand tableau when the affair was explained! General Stuart had signalled: Meade's Headquarters are at Wallack's, and Pleasanton's at Cumberland George's --names of persons residing near Culpeper Court-house. The signal flags had said: Meade's headquarters are at Wallack's, and Pleasanton's at Cumberland Georgia! Ii. In November, 1863, Lieutenant — was in an old deserted mansion near Culpeper Court-house, with some prisoners confined in the upper rooms; the enemy not being far distant. While waiting, a blaze shot up from a fire which some soldiers had kindled near, and threw the shadow of the Lieutenant on the wall. Thinking the shadow was a human being he called out: Halt! there! No reply from the intruder. Answer, or I fire! The same silence-when the Lieutenant drew
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