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Richard Garnett (search for this): chapter 33
se successes I thank God from my heart. Many troops have passed here to-day, for what point we know not. Our anxiety is very great. Our home is blessed with health and comfort. July 11, 1863. Vicksburg was surrendered on the 4th of July. The terms of capitulation seem marvellously generous for such a foe. What can the meaning be? General Lee has had a most bloody battle near Gettysburg. Our loss was fearful. We have heard of no casualties except in general officers. General Richard Garnett, our friend and connection, has yielded up his brave spirit on a foreign field. He was shot through the head while standing, on the fortifications, encouraging his men and waving them on to the fight. How my heart bleeds to think of his hoary-headed father, of whom he was the stay! General Barksdale, of Mississippi, is another martyr. Also General Armstead, of Virginia. Generals Kemper and Pender wounded. I dread to hear of others. Who of our nearest kin may have ceased to liv
Jefferson Davis (search for this): chapter 33
es? The lady laughingly told him that she would inquire and let them know, but she reckoned that such was his habit. In the course of the morning she met with Mrs. Davis, and told her the anecdote. Tell them from me, said Mrs. D., that Mr. Davis never eats on fast-day. and that as soon as he returns from church he shuts himseMr. Davis never eats on fast-day. and that as soon as he returns from church he shuts himself up in his study, and is never interrupted during the day, except on public business. Of course this was soon given as an example, not only to the two convalescents, but to the whole hospital. March 28th, 1863. A letter from-- . She tells me that W. B. N. and E. C. both passed through the fierce fight at Kelly's Ford uninjthey may have another chance at them fellows. The Yankees are said to have landed at West Point, and are thence sending out raiding parties over the country. Colonel Davis, who led the party here on the third, has been severely wounded by a scouting party, sent out by General Wise towards Tunstall's Station. It is said he has lo
foot and then the other to the Yankee woman, who would pull off the shoes and stockings — not a pin would they remove, not a string untie. The fare of the boat was miserable, served in tin plates and cups; but, as it was served gratis, the Rebs had no right to complain, and they reached Dixie in safety, bringing many a contraband article, notwithstand ing the search. The hated vessel Harriet Lane, which, like the Pawnee, seemed to be ubiquitous, has been captured near Galveston by General Magruder. Its commander, Captain Wainwright, and others were killed. Captain W. was most intimately connected with our relatives in the Valley, having married in Clarke County. He wrote to them in the beginning of the war, to give them warning of their danger. He spoke of the power of the North and the impotency of the South. He thought that we would be subjugated in a few months-little did he anticipate his own fate, or that of his devoted fleet. January 19th, 1863. Colonel Bradley J
to hear of the riot which occurred in Richmond today. A mob, principally of women, appeared in the streets, attacking the stores. Their object seemed to be to get any thing they could; dry-goods, shoes, brooms, meat, glassware, jewelry, were caught up by them. The military was called out — the Governor dispersed them from one part of the town, telling them that unless they disappeared in five minutes, the soldiers should fire among them. This he said, holding his watch in his hand. Mr. Munford, the President of the Young Men's Christian Association, quieted them on another street by inviting them to come to the rooms of the Association, and their wants should be supplied; many followed him — I suppose those who were really in want. Others there were, of the very worst class of women, and a great many who were not in want at all, which they proved by only supplying themselves with jewelry and other finery. The President was out speaking to them, and trying to secure order. Th
W. F. Wickham (search for this): chapter 33
n the field, but an opportune rain made it too wet to burn. The raiders came up the river, destroying crops, carriages, etc., stealing horses and cattle, and carrying off the servants from every plantation, until they got to Hickory Hill, (Mr. W. F. Wickham's,) where they found a prize in the person of General W. F. Lee, who was wounded at the cavalry fight of Beverley's Ford, and was at Mr. W's, unable to move. Notwithstanding the remonstrances of his wife and mother, they took him out of his bed, placed him in Mr. Wickham's carriage, and drove off with him. I can't conceive greater hardness of heart than it required to resist the entreaties of that beautiful young wife and infirm mother. F. has just received a note from the former, written in sorrow and loneliness. She fears that the wound may suffer greatly by locomotion; beyond that, she has much to dread, but she scarcely knows what. July 1, 1863, Wednesday. Many exciting rumours to-day about the Yankees being at Hanov
ered to North Carolina; but we have no right to complain, as his health is good, and his position has hitherto been very pleasant. January 31st, 1863. We are in statu quo, and our armies quiet. The Northern army seems to be in commotion. Burnside has resigned, and fighting Joe Hooker has been put in his place. Sumner and Franklin have also resigned their grand divisions. Pourquoi? Won't the men advance? Perhaps the Stafford mud has been more than a match for them. Burnside had issuedBurnside had issued but a few days ago an address to his men, saying they were about to strike the final blow at the rebellion. All was in readiness, and the Grand army moved forward; just then the rain descended and the floods came, and, attempting to cross the Rappahannock ten miles above Fredericksburg, ambulances, wagons, big guns and all stuck in the mud; the order, To your tents, O Israel, had to be given, and the rebellion still flourishes. February 11, 1863. For ten days past I have been at the beds
God be with my precious---- and her sweet children I long and yet dread to go to that once bright home, the light of which has faded forever. I was shocked to hear that on the fatal Sunday on which my darling William fell, three of our E. H. S. boys had come to a glorious, though untimely end, on the same field- Surgeon John Nelson, Lieutenant Lomax Tayloe, and Private J. Vivian Towles; and at Bristow Station, a few days afterwards, dear little Willie Robinson, son of my old friends, Mr. Conway and Mrs. Mary Susan Robinson. He was but eighteen. I attended his funeral on Wednesday last, and there learned that he was a devoted Christian. These dear boys! Oh, I trust that they sprang from the din of the battle-field to the peace of heaven! Lord, how long must we suffer such things? October 25th, 1863. To-day we heard the Rev. Mr. Peterkin, from the text: Be not weary in well-doing. It was a delightful sermon, persuasive and encouraging. Mr.-- spends Sunday morning alway
by sewing for brothers and cousins, then for neighbours, and now for anybody who will give it to her. She laughingly added, that she thought she would hang out her sign, Plain sewing done here. We certainly are a great people, women as well as men. This lady, and all other ladies, have always places at their frugal tables for hungry soldiers. Many ladies take in copying. September 25th, 1863. There has been a great battle in the West, at Chickamauga, in Tennessee, between Bragg and Rosecranz. We are gloriously victorious! The last telegram from General Bragg tells of 7,000 prisoners, thirty-five pieces of cannon, and 15,000 small-arms, taken by our men. The fight is not over, though they have been fighting three days. Longstreet and his corps of veterans are there to reinforce them. A battle is daily expected on the Rapidan; and, to use Lincoln's expression, they are still pegging away at Charleston. September 26, 1863. Spent this morning seeking information about our
of Georgia. The papers say that the enemy under General Grant has retreated towards Chattanooga. Longstreet, when last heard from, was at Knoxville. Meade, on the Rapidan, after having been in line of battle for several days, has fallen back, finding that General Lee was ready to meet him. December 6, 1863. I this morning attended the funeral of Mr. John Seddon, brother of the Secretary of War. It was a most solemn occasion; he was a man of fine talents and high character. The Rev. Dr. Moore, of the Presbyterian Church, preached a most beautiful sermon. December 12, 1863. To-day I was examined on arithmetic-Denominate numbers, vulgar and decimal fractions, tare and tret, etc., etc., by Major Brewer, of the Commissary Department. I felt as if I had returned to my childhood. But for the ridiculousness of the thing, I dare say I should have been embarrassed. On Monday I am to enter on the duties of the office. We are to work from nine till three. We have just re
Alice Price (search for this): chapter 33
cy. On the 15th she says: This morning our enemies took their departure, promising to return in a few days. They visited our stable again, and took our little mare Virginia. The servants behaved remarkably well, though they were told again and again that they were free. Again, on the 17th, she writes: I saw many of the neighbours yesterday, and compared losses. We are all pretty severely pillaged. The infantry regiment from Heathsville took their departure on Sunday morning, in the Alice Price, stopped at Bushfield, and about twelve took breakfast there. Mr. B. says the vessel was loaded with plunder, and many negroes. They took off all the negroes from the Mantua estate; broke up the beautiful furniture at Summerfield, and committed depredations everywhere. A company of them came up as far as Cary's on Saturday evening, and met the cavalry. They stole horses enough on their way to be pretty well mounted. They will blazon forth this invasion of a country of women, childre
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