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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 1,463 127 Browse Search
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Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) 693 51 Browse Search
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on which we halted the evening of June 1, and prepared breakfast. At 10 a. m. moved toward the left one mile and a half, and made camp on Stoneman's Hill, where we remained until June 6. June 6, left camp at 8 a. m. and moved slowly with the column in pursuit of the enemy. At 4.30 p. m. formed line of battle, and received orders to throw up breast-works and put out pickets in our front. Threw up works and remained in this position, doing picket duty until June 10. Distance marched on the 6th, eight miles. Our position here is near Acworth, Ga. June 10, left camp at 6.20 a. m. and marched nearly south; were in rear and had to move slowly. A heavy thunder shower came up at noon, which drenched us thoroughly, and as we had but fairly got started until this was done (on account of trains), we had to march over the worst roads we had yet seen, and some of the time very rapidly. Halted at 3.30 p. m.; had made only about four miles and a half, but were more exhausted than if we had ma
icket on the side of the mountain. The picket-firing here was very brisk and fatal, as the enemy were so much elevated above us. Distance marched, four miles. June 20, relieved from picket at dusk and camped at the foot of the mountain with the brigade. Here we remained until June 26. June 23, the enemy shelled our camp vigorously, wounding a very few of our men. June 25, the regiment is again on picket on the side of the mountain in the same position of June 20. June 26, at midnight of the 25th, we were relieved by Twelfth Indiana Infantry, Fifteenth Army Corps, and we moved one mile and three-quarters to the rear, and then to the right some three miles, and took position a half mile in rear of lines in column by division, and pitched tents and remained all day. This was a very hard march for us, for we had been on picket for thirty hours, and the march was so slow and torturing that many were exhausted with the fatigue of wearing knapsacks so many hours. Distance marched, five mil
t was kept on picket until morning. July 30, after coming off picket, we were just ready to pitch camp, when we were ordered to be ready to move, and at noon moved to the right and front, and threw up breast-works. July 31, moved out toward the Macon railroad nearly a mile, and acted as support while a movement was made toward the railroad by our skirmish line. Returned to camp at dusk. August 1, 2, and 3, lay in camp. August 4, moved out in light order to the same point as on the 31st ultimo, and advancing a little beyond, remained until dark. Our regiment was then put on the skirmish line, and advanced over an exceedingly rough, hilly, and woody country, driving the enemy back about one mile. At LI p. m. halted and established picket-line as best we could, for it was very dark. The enemy was stubborn, and it was hot work a part of the time. August 5, still on skirmish line. Advanced, and drove the rebels from a strong position, pressing them back one-half mile. August 6
No. 130. report of Col. Charles M. Lum, Tenth Michigan Infantry, of operations May 16-August 27. Hdqrs. Tenth regiment Michigan Vet. Infantry, Near Atlanta, Ga., August 8, 1864. The Tenth Regiment Michigan Veteran Infantry reached Resaca, Ga., on the 16th day of May, 1864, after having marched steadily for twenty days previous, and joined the First Brigade, Second Di vision, Fourteenth Army Corps, in the earlypart of the day, just as our division was starting for Rome, Ga., and, although the regiment had already marched five miles with heavy knapsacks, they kept pace readily with the column, which moved rapidly through Snake Creek Gap and toward Rome, a distance of fifteen miles, making twenty miles for the Tenth Michigan. Halted at 9 p.m. May 17, left camp at 6.30 a. m. and marched toward Rome, Ga. During the engagement which occurred near Rome, when the head of the column struck the rebel army defending the town, we were held in reserve, as our brigade was in rear of the
day of May, 1864, after having marched steadily for twenty days previous, and joined the First Brigade, Second Di vision, Fourteenth Army Corps, in the earlypart of the day, just as our division was starting for Rome, Ga., and, although the regiment had already marched five miles with heavy knapsacks, they kept pace readily with the column, which moved rapidly through Snake Creek Gap and toward Rome, a distance of fifteen miles, making twenty miles for the Tenth Michigan. Halted at 9 p.m. May 17, left camp at 6.30 a. m. and marched toward Rome, Ga. During the engagement which occurred near Rome, when the head of the column struck the rebel army defending the town, we were held in reserve, as our brigade was in rear of the column in the order of march. At 8.30 p. m. moved to the right and front one and a half miles, and bivouacked until morning. May 18, moved out just after daybreak in a dense fog, which rendered it impossible to see but a few rods, and formed in line of battle in
through Snake Creek Gap and toward Rome, a distance of fifteen miles, making twenty miles for the Tenth Michigan. Halted at 9 p.m. May 17, left camp at 6.30 a. m. and marched toward Rome, Ga. During the engagement which occurred near Rome, when the head of the column struck the rebel army defending the town, we were held in reserve, as our brigade was in rear of the column in the order of march. At 8.30 p. m. moved to the right and front one and a half miles, and bivouacked until morning. May 18, moved out just after daybreak in a dense fog, which rendered it impossible to see but a few rods, and formed in line of battle in rear of the picket-line, threw out skirmishers, and moved forward, obliquing to the right until we came in: sight of rebel earth-works on a hill in a strong position. We soon ascertained that these were deserted, and we moved to the top of the hill, where the enemy began shelling our line, while our skirmishers advanced to the Coosa River and found the enemy's s
enemy's skirmishers on the opposite side. The regiment moved, under cover of a hill, in a piece of woods, while our battery came up on the hill and silenced the enemy. At night our regiment went on picket, where we remained until 2.30 p. m. of May 20, hearing many exciting rumors of Forrest and Wheeler being about to attack our lines, which all proved false. May 20, at 2.30 p. m., being relieved from two days picketing, made camp near Coosa River, being one mile from Rome, which lay on the oMay 20, at 2.30 p. m., being relieved from two days picketing, made camp near Coosa River, being one mile from Rome, which lay on the opposite bank. May 22, at 2.30 p. m. left camp and moved across the Oostenaula River on pontoon bridge into Rome and then across the Etowah River on pontoon-boats, and took position on a high, steep ridge on the south bank of the Coosa River. Distance marched, three miles. May 23, moved camp at 9 a. m. nearly a mile farther from town and made camp in a pine grove, and drew rations of hard bread, which was welcome, for we had been subsisting for several days on corn and oat-meal from the stores
rs on the opposite side. The regiment moved, under cover of a hill, in a piece of woods, while our battery came up on the hill and silenced the enemy. At night our regiment went on picket, where we remained until 2.30 p. m. of May 20, hearing many exciting rumors of Forrest and Wheeler being about to attack our lines, which all proved false. May 20, at 2.30 p. m., being relieved from two days picketing, made camp near Coosa River, being one mile from Rome, which lay on the opposite bank. May 22, at 2.30 p. m. left camp and moved across the Oostenaula River on pontoon bridge into Rome and then across the Etowah River on pontoon-boats, and took position on a high, steep ridge on the south bank of the Coosa River. Distance marched, three miles. May 23, moved camp at 9 a. m. nearly a mile farther from town and made camp in a pine grove, and drew rations of hard bread, which was welcome, for we had been subsisting for several days on corn and oat-meal from the stores captured in Rome,
umors of Forrest and Wheeler being about to attack our lines, which all proved false. May 20, at 2.30 p. m., being relieved from two days picketing, made camp near Coosa River, being one mile from Rome, which lay on the opposite bank. May 22, at 2.30 p. m. left camp and moved across the Oostenaula River on pontoon bridge into Rome and then across the Etowah River on pontoon-boats, and took position on a high, steep ridge on the south bank of the Coosa River. Distance marched, three miles. May 23, moved camp at 9 a. m. nearly a mile farther from town and made camp in a pine grove, and drew rations of hard bread, which was welcome, for we had been subsisting for several days on corn and oat-meal from the stores captured in Rome, which change of diet had made many of us sick. Received orders to be ready to march at 5 a. m. to-morrow morning. May 24, left camp at 5 a. m. and marched out on the Atlanta road, moving rapidly with but little rest until 12.15 p. m., when we halted in a for
ah River on pontoon-boats, and took position on a high, steep ridge on the south bank of the Coosa River. Distance marched, three miles. May 23, moved camp at 9 a. m. nearly a mile farther from town and made camp in a pine grove, and drew rations of hard bread, which was welcome, for we had been subsisting for several days on corn and oat-meal from the stores captured in Rome, which change of diet had made many of us sick. Received orders to be ready to march at 5 a. m. to-morrow morning. May 24, left camp at 5 a. m. and marched out on the Atlanta road, moving rapidly with but little rest until 12.15 p. m., when we halted in a forest of the long-leaved pine, where there was no water, except a well about 100 rods from the road, which was thronged by thousands of soldiers from all parts of the column; nor had we found any water, save a few stagnant pools, for two or three miles back. Got dinner as best we could. At 3 p. m. moved on and still found no water until we reached Peak's Sp
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