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Fort Gibson (Oklahoma, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
s. Had it not been for our shells, the advance would have been very fatal. The defeat of the rebels was disheartening and disastrous. Stand Waitie fled, and with only two companions crossed the Arkansas and returned to the rebel camp near Fort Gibson. So we were informed by their pickets on the sixth. Our trains moved on after burying the dead, and reached Fort Gibson on the morning of the fifth. Their advent was hailed with delight by the garrison and its commander. Supplies were shorthe dead, and reached Fort Gibson on the morning of the fifth. Their advent was hailed with delight by the garrison and its commander. Supplies were short and the fresh troops much needed. Every body was in good spirits. General Blunt arrived on the twelfth, having been met at Cabin Creek on the tenth by the returning train. He will soon dispose of the rebel force in that vicinity at an early day, make a sweep on Fort Smith, and ere he return to Fort Scott, wake up the Red River valley.
Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
nt for the purpose of replacing the stock captured several weeks since in the rebel attack upon Phillips's position. The Colorado volunteers were under Lieutenant-Colonel Dodd, and train escort under Captain Moore, Third Wisconsin. This force, with the centre section of the Second Kansas battery, Captain Smith, and a twelve-pound mountain howitzer attached to the cavalry, numbering about eight hundred men, composed the escort. At Neosho, Mo., they were met by Major Forman, Third regiment Indiana brigade, with five hundred Indians, sent by Colonel Phillips to escort the train. At Baxter's Spring, the First regiment Kansas colored volunteers, with two guns, served by detailed negro soldiers, under Captain A. J. Armstrong, company D, joined the train. The regiment numbers eight hundred men, under Colonel J. M. Williams. By the way, the guns attached to the regiment and now served by the negroes, were formerly used by the rebels against us, being a couple of those captured by Grant
Neosho, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
rily mounted on horses and mules, being taken to Fort Blunt for the purpose of replacing the stock captured several weeks since in the rebel attack upon Phillips's position. The Colorado volunteers were under Lieutenant-Colonel Dodd, and train escort under Captain Moore, Third Wisconsin. This force, with the centre section of the Second Kansas battery, Captain Smith, and a twelve-pound mountain howitzer attached to the cavalry, numbering about eight hundred men, composed the escort. At Neosho, Mo., they were met by Major Forman, Third regiment Indiana brigade, with five hundred Indians, sent by Colonel Phillips to escort the train. At Baxter's Spring, the First regiment Kansas colored volunteers, with two guns, served by detailed negro soldiers, under Captain A. J. Armstrong, company D, joined the train. The regiment numbers eight hundred men, under Colonel J. M. Williams. By the way, the guns attached to the regiment and now served by the negroes, were formerly used by the rebe
Fort Scott (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
the particulars as I glean them from letters and persons who were eye-witnesses to the conflict, and such knowledge of the ground as I possess. A subsistence train with paymasters and sutlers, numbering over three hundred wagons in all, left Fort Scott for Colonel Phillips's command, at Fort Blunt, on or about the twenty-fifth ultimo. The escort consisted of three companies of the Third Wisconsin cavalry, one company Sixth Kansas cavalry, company I, Ninth Kansas cavalry, Captain Stewart, (es the dead, and reached Fort Gibson on the morning of the fifth. Their advent was hailed with delight by the garrison and its commander. Supplies were short and the fresh troops much needed. Every body was in good spirits. General Blunt arrived on the twelfth, having been met at Cabin Creek on the tenth by the returning train. He will soon dispose of the rebel force in that vicinity at an early day, make a sweep on Fort Smith, and ere he return to Fort Scott, wake up the Red River valley.
Leavenworth, Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
Doc. 30.-fight at Cabin Creek, I. T. A National account. Leavenworth, Kansas, Monday, July 20, 1803. The news from the district of the frontier is quite cheering. We hope soon to have intelligence of that triumph which has always followed in the path of General Blunt. A small Federal force has gained quite a triumph over a rebel command of equal numbers, posted in a very advantageous position. Let me give the particulars as I glean them from letters and persons who were eye-witnesses to the conflict, and such knowledge of the ground as I possess. A subsistence train with paymasters and sutlers, numbering over three hundred wagons in all, left Fort Scott for Colonel Phillips's command, at Fort Blunt, on or about the twenty-fifth ultimo. The escort consisted of three companies of the Third Wisconsin cavalry, one company Sixth Kansas cavalry, company I, Ninth Kansas cavalry, Captain Stewart, (escort to the paymasters,) and six companies of the Second Colorado volun
Bedford (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
outh bank of Cabin Creek, in a most advantageous position. From this information and other we learned that the movement had been planned for the purpose of cutting off this train. Stand Waitie crossed the Arkansas River, above the mouths of the Grand and Verdigris Rivers, and took position at the Creek. General Cabell was to and did leave Arkansas with two thousand men and six guns, and moving across the Territory, until he got in the rear of our train, which Stand Waitie was to hold at the crossing of Cabin Creek. The plan was well laid, but sufficient margin was not made for contingencies. Cabell got to the Grand River on the night of the thirtieth ultimo, but was not able to cross on account of the high water. After the picket fight the train encamped for the night. Colonel Williams sent scouting-parties forward to the creek. They found the rebel pickets strongly posted in the timber on the north of the creek. The main body were very advantageously posted behind high ban
Fort Smith (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
oops must approach. One of these lanes was continued through the thick underbrush for several hundred yards, and at short intervals were rude abatis and pits. Had it not been for our shells, the advance would have been very fatal. The defeat of the rebels was disheartening and disastrous. Stand Waitie fled, and with only two companions crossed the Arkansas and returned to the rebel camp near Fort Gibson. So we were informed by their pickets on the sixth. Our trains moved on after burying the dead, and reached Fort Gibson on the morning of the fifth. Their advent was hailed with delight by the garrison and its commander. Supplies were short and the fresh troops much needed. Every body was in good spirits. General Blunt arrived on the twelfth, having been met at Cabin Creek on the tenth by the returning train. He will soon dispose of the rebel force in that vicinity at an early day, make a sweep on Fort Smith, and ere he return to Fort Scott, wake up the Red River valley.
Arkansas (United States) (search for this): chapter 32
e captured, they concluded to leave, which they did before our reenforcements arrived. From the prisoners we learned that Colonel Stand Waitie, the Cherokee rebel leader, with one thousand two hundred men, about half of whom were Texans and the remainder Indians, was posted on the south bank of Cabin Creek, in a most advantageous position. From this information and other we learned that the movement had been planned for the purpose of cutting off this train. Stand Waitie crossed the Arkansas River, above the mouths of the Grand and Verdigris Rivers, and took position at the Creek. General Cabell was to and did leave Arkansas with two thousand men and six guns, and moving across the Territory, until he got in the rear of our train, which Stand Waitie was to hold at the crossing of Cabin Creek. The plan was well laid, but sufficient margin was not made for contingencies. Cabell got to the Grand River on the night of the thirtieth ultimo, but was not able to cross on account of the
North Branch Verdigris River (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 32
before our reenforcements arrived. From the prisoners we learned that Colonel Stand Waitie, the Cherokee rebel leader, with one thousand two hundred men, about half of whom were Texans and the remainder Indians, was posted on the south bank of Cabin Creek, in a most advantageous position. From this information and other we learned that the movement had been planned for the purpose of cutting off this train. Stand Waitie crossed the Arkansas River, above the mouths of the Grand and Verdigris Rivers, and took position at the Creek. General Cabell was to and did leave Arkansas with two thousand men and six guns, and moving across the Territory, until he got in the rear of our train, which Stand Waitie was to hold at the crossing of Cabin Creek. The plan was well laid, but sufficient margin was not made for contingencies. Cabell got to the Grand River on the night of the thirtieth ultimo, but was not able to cross on account of the high water. After the picket fight the train en
Neosho (United States) (search for this): chapter 32
olonel J. M. Williams. By the way, the guns attached to the regiment and now served by the negroes, were formerly used by the rebels against us, being a couple of those captured by Grant at Fort Donelson. This addition made our force about one thousand six hundred strong, with four twelve-pounders, two of them rifled, and two howitzers, Major Forman's command having brought one. On the thirtieth of June the train reached a point seven miles from Cabin Creek, a branch of the Grand, on Neosho River. The advance, composed of the Indians, came suddenly upon a scouting-party of thirty Texans. A fight ensued. The rebels stood their ground, not seeing any force but Indians. After the loss of three killed, four wounded, and three captured, they concluded to leave, which they did before our reenforcements arrived. From the prisoners we learned that Colonel Stand Waitie, the Cherokee rebel leader, with one thousand two hundred men, about half of whom were Texans and the remainder Ind
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