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Mount Vernon (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
dependence and the rights of man, in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and especially in the Southern States, and who was the leader of an army to crush an insurrection. The Whisky insurrection in Western Pennsylvania. He was intimately associated with the Washington family, having married the daughter of an adopted son of the Father of his Country (George Washington Parke Custis); and his residence, Arlington House, was filled with furniture, and plate, and china, and pictures, from Mount Vernon, the consecrated home of the patriot. It was one of the most desirable residences in the country. Around it spread out two hundred acres of lawn, and forest, and garden; and before it flowed the Potomac, beyond which, like a panorama, lay the cities of Washington and Georgetown. A charming family made this home an earthly paradise. The writer had been a frequent guest there while, the founder of Arlington House (Mr. Custis) was yet alive. He was there just before the serpent of sec
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
the following ordnance and ordnance stores to be issued to the Governors of the following States:--Pennsylvania, 16,000 muskets, 640,000 cartridges, 150,000 caps, 8,080 muskets for six Ohio regiments, and 117,889 cartridges for the same. OHIo, 10,000 muskets and 400,000 cartridges, and 5,000 muskets from Illinois. Indiana, 5,000 muskets and 200,000 cartridges, with caps. Illinois, 200,000 cartridges. Massachusetts, 4,000 stand of arms. New Hampshire, 2,000 muskets and 20,000 cartridges. Vermont, 800 rifles. New Jersey, 2,880 muskets with ammunition. In addition to these, he ordered the issue of 10.000 muskets and 400,000 cartridges to General Patterson, then in command in Pennsylvania; 16,000 muskets to General Sandford, of New York, and forty rifles to General Welch. In reply to Governor Yates, of Illinois, asking for five thousand muskets and a complement of ammunition, he directed him to send a judicious officer, with four or five companies, to take possession of the Arsenal a
Harrisburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
een proclaimed in other parts of the State. See Address to the People of Maryland, May 11, 1861, by Governor Hicks. Kane said that he had received information by telegraph that other troops were on their way to Baltimore by the railways from Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and proposed the immediate destruction of bridges on these roads, to prevent the passage of cars. The Mayor approved the plan, but said his jurisdiction was limited to the corporate boundaries of the city. The Governor had tinet to a conference. The President was anxious to preserve the peace, and show that he had acted in good faith in calling the Mayor to Washington; and he expressed a strong desire that the troops at Cockeysville should be sent back to York or Harrisburg. General Scott, said the Mayor in his report, adopted the President's views warmly, and an order was accordingly prepared by the Lieutenant-General to that effect, and forwarded by Major Belger of the Army, who accompanied the Mayor to Baltimo
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
sloyal Minute-men of Maryland and Virginia, and of the District of Columbia, should fulfill the instructions and satisfy the expectations of the conspirators at Montgomery in the seizure of the Capital. They found ready and eager sympathizers in Baltimore; and only a few hours before the coveted arms in the Harper's Ferry Arsenalmake the seizure of the President and his Cabinet, the archives of the Government, and public buildings an easy task, it seemed as if the prophecy of Walker, at Montgomery, See page 339. was about to be fulfilled. It was one of those moments upon which have hung the fate of empires. Happily, the men at Willard's at that time,It rounds out the fairest domain on the globe for the Southern Confederation. In a speech at Atlanta, in Georgia, on the 30th of April, when on his return to Montgomery from his mission. to Richmond, Alexander H. Stephens said:--As I told you when I addressed you a few days ago, Lincoln may bring his seventy-five thousand sold
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
guaranties, that no National troops, nor any munitions of war from the Armory and Arsenal at Harper's Ferry, should be permitted to pass over their road. They accompanied their demand with a threat that, if it should be refused, the great railway bridge over the Potomac at Harper's Ferry should be destroyed. They had heard of the uprising of the loyal people of the great Northwest, and the movemtelligence came at an early hour of the evacuation and destruction of the public property at Harper's Ferry, on the previous evening. The secessionists were exasperated and the Unionists were jubilane, excepting the one that kept the conspirators in communication with Richmond by the way of Harper's Ferry. Thus, all communication by railway or telegraph between the seat of government and the loyo some guests — true men — at Willard's Hotel, that a large body of Virginians were to seize Harper's Ferry and its munitions of war, and the rolling stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, that even
Lowell (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ys before the bodies of the young martyrs reached Boston. On the 6th of May, 1861. those of Ladd and Whitney arrived at Lowell by a special train. The day was dark and stormy. All the mills of the city were stopped running, the stores were closedwere laid beneath a beautiful monument of Concord granite, erected, to commemorate their history, in Merrimack Square, in Lowell. It was formally dedicated on the 17th of June, 1865, in the presence of nearly twenty thousand people, who were address they had taken up arms. And more. At the conclusion of the consecrating ceremonies at the tomb of the young martyrs in Lowell, Lieutenant-Colonel Morris Martyrs' Monument. the Monument is of Concord granite, and its entire hight twenty-seven son O. Whitney, born in Waldo, me., Oct. 80, 1889; Luther C. Ladd, born in Alexandria, N. H., Dec. 22, 1848; marched from Lowell in the Sixth M. V. M. To the defense of the National Capital, and fell mortally wounded in the attack on their Regiment w
ise above all party names and party bias, resolute to maintain the freedom so dearly bought by our fathers, and to transmit it unimpaired to our posterity, and to fly to the protection of the imperiled Republic. They almost felt the tread of the tall men of the Ohio Valley, By actual measurement of two hundred and thirty-nine native Americans in five counties in the Ohio Valley, taken indiscriminately, it appears that one-fourth of them were six feet and over in hight. As compared with European soldiers, such as the Belgians, the English, and the Scotch Highlanders, it was found that the average hight of these Ohio men was four inches over that of the Belgians, two and a half inches above that of English recruits, and one and a half inches above that of the Scotch Highlanders. as they were preparing to pass over the Beautiful River into the Virginia border. They had heard the war-notes of Blair, and Morton, and Yates, and Randall, and Kirkwood, and Ramsay, all loyal Governors of
South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
e, and, dragging them upon the railway track, effect tually barricaded the street. The tenth car was compelled to go back to the President Street Station, followed by a yelling, infuriated mob, many of them maddened by alcohol. In the mean time the remainder of the Massachusetts troops, who were in the cars back of the barricade, informed of the condition of affairs ahead, Scene of the principal fighting in Pratt Street. this is a view of the portion of Pratt Street, between Gay and South streets, where the most severe contest occurred. The large building seen on the left is the storehouse of Charles M. Jackson, and the bow of the vessel is seen at the place where the rioters dragged the anchors upon the railway track. alighted for the purpose of marching to the Camden Street Station. They consisted of four companies, namely, the Lawrence Light Infantry, Captain John Pickering; Companies C and D, of Lowell, commanded respectively by Captains A. S. Follansbee and J. W. Hart
Swan Point (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
desires of the loyal people, to assume great responsibilities. He did so, saying :--I shall probably be the only victim; but, under the circumstances, I am prepared to make the sacrifice, if thereby the Capital may be saved. Day and night he labored with the tireless energy of a strong man of forty years, until the work was accomplished. Ships were chartered, supplies were furnished, and troops were forwarded to Washington with extraordinary dispatch, by way of Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River. The transports were convoyed by armed steamers to shield them from pirates; and one of them — the Quaker City--was ordered to Hampton Roads, to prevent the insurgents transporting heavy guns from the Gosport Navy Yard with which to attack Fortress Monroe, the military key to Virginia. To that immensely important military work, Wool sent gun-carriages, ammunition, and provisions, that it might be held, and command the chief waters of Virginia. A dozen State Governors applied to him, a
Waldo, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
high base, upon two sides of which, forming the longer arms, are two sarcophagi, having on each side, respectively, the names of the young martyrs. Inserted in the ends are raised laurel wreaths. The cornices of the sarcophagi are ornamented with thirteen raised stars each. Upon the other two sides of the base, forming the shorter arms, are two plinths, the same hight as the sarcophagi, with inscriptions. On the Merrimack Street side are the words:-- Addison O. Whitney, born in Waldo, me., Oct. 80, 1889; Luther C. Ladd, born in Alexandria, N. H., Dec. 22, 1848; marched from Lowell in the Sixth M. V. M. To the defense of the National Capital, and fell mortally wounded in the attack on their Regiment while passing through Baltimore, April 19th, 1861. the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the City of Lowell dedicate this Monument to their memory. April 19, 1865. on the Moody Street side are the following words:-- nothing is here for tears, nothing to Wail or kno
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