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D. S. Stanley (search for this): chapter 14
orps since soon after the battle of Missionaries' Ridge, in which he was distinguished. General D. S. Stanley succeeded July 27. General Howard as commander of the Fourth Corps. H. W. Slooum. Slocum's) marched for their protection. In the grand movement that followed, the Fourth Corps (Stanley's) was on the extreme left, nearest the enemy. The Army of the Tennessee (Howard's) drew out aorth, and captured General Govan and a greater portion of his brigade, and a four-gun battery. Stanley and Schofield, who had been ordered forward, did not arrive until it was too late to make anothreek Gap, and skirmished with the Confederates there, for the purpose of holding them while General Stanley, with the Fourth and Fourteenth Corps, should move round to Hood's rear, from Tilton to thea full understanding with Generals Grant and Thomas, and the approval of the General-in-chief. Stanley was ordered to proceed to Chattanooga with the Fourth Corps, and report to General Thomas, and
ulsed, with an aggregate loss of about three thousand men, among them General C. G. Harker and D. McCook killed, and many valuable officers of lower grade wounded. This loss was without compensation's cavalry, about five thousand in all, and move by the left around Atlanta to Macdonough, while McCook, with his own, and the fresh cavalry brought by Rousseau (now commanded by Colonel Harrison, of vejoy's Station, on the night of the 28th. These bodies of mounted men moved simultaneously. McCook went down the west side of the Chattahoochee to Rivertown, where he crossed the stream on a pontck and destroyed the Macon railway at the appointed time and place, but Stoneman was not there. McCook had no tidings of him; so, being hard pressed by Wheeler's cavalry, he turned to the southwest aose from Garrard's cavalry, and, in disobedience of Sherman's orders, omitted to co-operate with McCook in his movement upon the railway at Lovejoy's. With his own command, about three thousand in num
three thousand in number, he pressed directly upon Macon. There he was met so stoutly by Confederate cavalry, under General Iverson, that he not only abandoned all thoughts of capturing Macon, or becoming the liberator of the prisoners at Andersonvis force by dividing it, and instructing the three brigades of which it was composed, to seek safety by separate paths. Iverson pressed closely upon the fugitives. One of the brigades, commanded by Colonel Adams, reached Atlanta without much loss.alry; and the remainder, about one thousand strong, commanded by Stoneman himself, and who had been employed in checking Iverson while the others should escape, were surrounded by the active Georgian, and seven hundred of them were made prisoners. The remainder escaped. Iverson had only about five hundred men, but deceived his antagonist with a show of superior force. Stoneman's unfortunate expedition cost Sherman about one-third of his cavalry, without any compensating advantage. Garrard,
Gordon Granger (search for this): chapter 14
oona, and appeared before Dalton and demanded its surrender. The little garrison there, under Colonel Liebold, held the post firmly until General Steedman came down from Chattanooga and drove Wheeler off. The latter then pushed up into East Tennessee, made a circuit around Knoxville by way of Strawberry Plains, crossed the Clinch River near Clinton, went over the Cumberland Mountains by way of the Sequatchie, and appeared at McMinnville, Murfreesboroa, and Lebanon. Rousseau, Steedman, and Granger, in Tennessee, were on the alert, and they soon drove the raider into Northern Alabama by way of Florence. Although he had destroyed much property, his damage to Sherman's communications was so slight, that the latter said, in writing from Atlanta on the 15th of September: 1864. Our roads and telegraphs are all repaired, and the cars run with regularity and speed. Sherman's Report. Sherman and Hood took advantage of the lull in the campaign, in September, to reorganize their respec
W. H. Tucker (search for this): chapter 14
ith magnificent old forest trees, that led up to the eminence on which stood the Georgia Military Institute, until, by the torch of National soldiers, it was all reduced to ashes, excepting the Ruins of Georgia military Institute, Marietta. broken ruins delineated in the engraving. In that sketch, made during the morning ramble, Kenesaw is seen in the distance, on the right. A few hours later we were on the summit of that great hill whither we rode on spirited horses, in company with W. H. Tucker, of Marietta, as cicerone who was the guide of General Johnston in that region during his campaign. At the foot of the mountain we struck the Confederate entrenchments, and found them winding up its northeastern slopes, so as to cover and command the railroad. They were in a continuous line of rifle-pits, redans, and redoubts, all the way to the summit, on which were the remains of a battery, and the signal station for both armies. See page 378. From that lofty eminence we had a
tion of two days in and about Atlanta, visiting places of chief interest connected with the siege, accompanied by Lieutenant Holsenpiller, the post commander, and two other officers. Then we went down to Jonesboroa, twenty-one miles south of Atlanta, on the Macon road. It was a little village of seven hundred inhabitants when the war began. It, like others in the track of the armies, was nearly ruined. The Courthouse, and almost twenty other buildings, were destroyed. An intelligent young man, who was a Confederate soldier in the battle there between Howard and Hardee, See page 393. accompanied us to places of interest connected with that struggle, and at about noon we returned to the village and took the cars for Atlanta. We went out to Marietta that night and lodged, and on the following morning we journeyed by railway from that town to Cleveland, in East Tennessee, on our way to Richmond, in Virginia, by way of Knoxville. See page 284. Tail-piece — Tank at Jonesbor
Lovell H. Rousseau (search for this): chapter 14
s there were severe and almost incessant struggles. At about this time Sherman was strengthened by the arrival of General Rousseau, with two thousand cavalry. He was in command of the District of Tennessee, and when Sherman planned a raid against when Johnston crossed the Chattahoochee and Sherman began maneuvering against Atlanta, the latter telegraphed orders to Rousseau to move. That active officer instantly obeyed. He left Decatur, Alabama, at the head of well-appointed cavalry, on the in all, and move by the left around Atlanta to Macdonough, while McCook, with his own, and the fresh cavalry brought by Rousseau (now commanded by Colonel Harrison, of the Eighth Indiana), was to move by the right to Fayetteville, and, sweeping roun, went over the Cumberland Mountains by way of the Sequatchie, and appeared at McMinnville, Murfreesboroa, and Lebanon. Rousseau, Steedman, and Granger, in Tennessee, were on the alert, and they soon drove the raider into Northern Alabama by way of
D. S. Curtiss (search for this): chapter 14
s, to explode in the case of an attempt to clear them out. --Sherman's Report. In an interesting narrative of the services of the First District of Columbia Cavalry, while it was in the division of General Kautz, kindly furnished me by Colonel D. S. Curtiss, a member of that regiment, and the most conspicuous leader of charges upon railways in the business of destroying them, a vivid account is given of the methods employed in effectually ruining the roads. In his account of Kautz's raid from Bermuda Hundred, by way of Chesterfield Court-House [see page 328], Colonel Curtiss says, speaking of the destruction of a railway track: It was done by detailing the men, dismounted, along the track, with levers, who lifted it up. All moved uniformly at the word of command, turning over long spaces, like sward or land-furrows: Then knocking the ties loose from the rails, the former were piled up, the latter laid upon them, and a fire kindled under, which, burning away, soon caused the rails
Jeferson C. Davis (search for this): chapter 14
he moved out from his works, July 28. on the Bell's Ferry road, west of Atlanta, with a Jeferson C. Davis. larger portion of his army, led by Hardee and S. D. Lee, When Hood took command of therisoners, of whom 73 were wounded. So ended the second battle of Atlanta. Sherman ordered General Davis's division, of the Fourteenth Army Corps, to move round toward East Point, and, in the eventps concerning roads, and did not participate in the action. Sherman said in his report: Had General Davis's division come up on the Bell's Ferry road, as I calculated, at any time before four o'clocw Jonesboroa, and Garrard was left at Couch's to scout the country in the direction of Atlanta. Davis's corps, of Thomas's army, very soon touched the left of Howard's forces, and relieved Blair's (rsemen. By four o'clock in the afternoon, August 31. all was in readiness for an advance, when Davis charged, and almost instantly carried the Confederate line of works covering Jonesboroa on the n
John W. Geary (search for this): chapter 14
as menaced May 7, 1864. Johnston's front; but in so doing, he had quite a severe engagement with the Confederates at Buzzard's Roost Gap. He pushed their cavalry well through the pass, and two divisions (Newton's of Howard's [Fourth] corps, and Geary's, of Hooker's [Twentieth] corps) gained portions of the Ridge. But they were soon driven off with considerable loss. Meanwhile, Schofield, with the Army of the Ohio, came down from the north and pressed heavily on Johnston's right; and McPhersan Wert. Schofield went eastward of both, so as to come in on Thomas's left. The Confederate leader quickly perceived his peril, and prepared to avert it. As the latter was moving toward Dallas from Burnt Hickory, Hooker's corps in the advance, Geary's division of that corps was met May 25, 1864. near Pumpkinvine Creek, by Confederate cavalry. These he pushed over that stream, and saved a bridge they had fired. Following them eastward two miles, he came upon the foe in strong battle order.
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