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F. J. Dreer (search for this): chapter 14
roads in and around Atlanta, and, on the 14th of November, 1864. the entire force destined for the great march to the sea was concentrated around that doomed city. The writer; accompanied by his traveling companions already mentioned (Messrs, Dreer and Greble), visited the theater of the Georgia campaign in 1834, from Dalton to Atlanta, in the delightful month of May, 1866. We left Chattanooga early on the morning of the 15th, May, 1866. by railway. After passing through the tunnel at thnished with a rickety wagon and a most forlorn-looking little white mule, arrayed in rope harness. The doctor was our driver and guide. Three almost bottomless splint-bottomed chairs were the furniture of the wagon. They were sufficient, for Mr. Dreer was too ill to go far in the sun, and he remained at the station. We soon left the highway, and took a direct line across the fields for the battle-ground, opening fences for a passage, receiving curses from a planter because we crossed his co
H. W. Slocum (search for this): chapter 14
mmand of the Twentieth Corps, which was assigned to General H. W. Slocum. The latter was then at Vicksburg, and the corps wion on the Chattahoochee, whither the Twentieth Corps (General Slocum's) marched for their protection. In the grand movemenk to attempt to strike Schofield under the vigilant eye of Slocum. Howard fought gallantly at the passage of the Flint, a Sherman from the north. He was a little puzzled. Surely Slocum had not ventured to attack the strong defenses of Atlanta nta. The truth was given him on the 4th by a courier from Slocum, and revealed the fact that his adversary, outgeneraled, a while the demoralized militia were marched to Covington. Slocum had entered the city unopposed, on the morning after Hood ifficult problem lay before him, all unsolved. When General Slocum was satisfied. that Hood had abandoned. Atlanta, he for the defense of his communications and stores. Leaving Slocum, with the Twentieth Corps, to hold Atlanta and the railroa
on Thomas's left, and at that point the heaviest of the severe battle occurred. Hooker drove his foe from several strong Battle-field of Resaca. this is a view of the battle-ground, eastward of Camp Creek, about two miles northwest of Resaca, as it appeared when the writer sketched it, on the anniversary of the battle, 1866. in the middle, on the hill, is seen the residence of Mrs. Margaret Wright, which was perforated with the bullets. The trees on the hill to the right, where General Judah made a charge on the Confederates, were nearly all dead, from the effects of bullet wounds. hills, and captured a four-gun battery and many prisoners. That night Johnston abandoned Resaca, fled across the Oostenaula, firing the bridges behind him, and leaving as spoils a four-gun battery and a considerable quantity of stores. On the following morning, May 16, 1864. the Nationals took possession of Resaca, when Sherman's whole force started in pursuit. Thomas followed directly in th
Thomas J. Wood (search for this): chapter 14
ween the railway and the Decatur road, and the writer sketched it, in May, 1866. Then advancing rapidly, they broke through the Union line between the divisions of Wood and Harrow, of Logan's corps, posted on each side the roads, and pushed back, in much disorder, Lightburn's brigade, about four hundred yards, to a point held by i night before. The Confederates took possession of two important batteries, and held them, at the point of separation which they had made between the divisions of Wood and Harrow. Sherman, who was near, fully comprehending the importance of the unity of the army at that point, and of checking the farther advance of the Confederates, ordered up several of Schofield's batteries, and directed Logan to regain the ground just lost, at any cost, while Wood was directed to press forward, supported by Schofield, and recover the captured guns. The orders were all promptly executed, Sherman said, in superb style, at times our men and the enemy fighting across the
he house on the ridge, at the right of the railway, belonged to Mr. Moore, and a Fort on the extreme right was called Fort Moore. miles distant. He had sent General J. D. Cox, with the Twenty-third Corps, to assist the garrison by menacing French's rear in the direction of Dallas; and he was enabled to say to the commander at Allaow the man! And so he did. He repelled assault after assault, until more than one-third of his men were disabled. Then the assailants, apprised of the approach of Cox, hastily withdrew and fled toward Dalton, leaving behind them two hundred and thirty of their dead, and four hundred made prisoners, with about eight hundred musketd Rome, and was crossing the Coosa over a pontoon bridge, eleven miles below that town. Sherman then hurried on to Rome, Oct. 11. and pushed Garrard's cavalry and Cox's (Twenty-third) corps across the Oostenaula, to threaten Hood's flank should he turn northward. That vigorous leader had moved so rapidly that he avoided the inte
over the rough country from Snake Creek Gap. McPherson was pushed forward from that gap, preceded by Kilpatrick's cavalry, which drove the Confederates from a cross-road near Resaca. Kilpatrick was wounded, and his command was turned over to Col. Murray. McPherson pressed on, drove the Confederate pickets within their intrenchments, and took post on a ridge of bald hills, with his right on the Oostenaula River, and his left abreast the village. Thomas came up on his left, facing Camp Creek,ered General John A. Logan to take command of the Army of the Tennessee, and hold the ground McPherson had chosen, and especially a hill which General Leggett had secured the night before. At the gap, into which the charging Confederates poured, Murray's battery of six guns was captured by them, but Wangelin's brigade, obeying McPherson's last order, came up in time to check the assailants there. One wing of Smith's division was forced back, and two more guns were lost. Fortunately for the Na
A. V. Kautz (search for this): chapter 14
d with loaded shells, prepared as torpedoes, to explode in the case of an attempt to clear them out. --Sherman's Report. In an interesting narrative of the services of the First District of Columbia Cavalry, while it was in the division of General Kautz, kindly furnished me by Colonel D. S. Curtiss, a member of that regiment, and the most conspicuous leader of charges upon railways in the business of destroying them, a vivid account is given of the methods employed in effectually ruining the roads. In his account of Kautz's raid from Bermuda Hundred, by way of Chesterfield Court-House [see page 328], Colonel Curtiss says, speaking of the destruction of a railway track: It was done by detailing the men, dismounted, along the track, with levers, who lifted it up. All moved uniformly at the word of command, turning over long spaces, like sward or land-furrows: Then knocking the ties loose from the rails, the former were piled up, the latter laid upon them, and a fire kindled under,
K. Garrard (search for this): chapter 14
At the same time the cavalry division of General Garrard moved from Villanow in the direction of R left, and McPherson, having been relieved by Garrard's cavalry in front of Kenesaw, was ordered to Decatur, on the 18th, July, 1864. and with Garrard's cavalry and the infantry division of Generarman's army, in consequence of the absence of Garrard and his horsemen at Covington, between Decatuay to make it useless to the Confederates. Garrard destroyed the railway bridges over the Ulcofaordingly ordered Stoneman to take his own and Garrard's cavalry, about five thousand in all, and mocavalry, without any compensating advantage. Garrard, meanwhile, had been compelled to skirmish het to strike the railway below Jonesboroa, and Garrard was left at Couch's to scout the country in try consisted of two divisions; one, under General Garrard, was at Decatur, and the other, led by Ge the intended blow, excepting a slight one by Garrard, which drove a brigade of Confederate cavalry[7 more...]
U. S. Grant (search for this): chapter 14
same time when the Army of the Potomac moved from the Rapid Anna toward Richmond, at the beginning of May, 1864. General William T. Sherman, who had succeeded General Grant in the command of the Military Division of the Mississippi, marched southward from the vicinity of Chattanooga, May 6. with nearly one hundred thousand men, respectively by Generals W. J. Hardee, J. B. Hood, and Leonidas Polk. and the capture of the city of Atlanta. General Sherman received his orders from Lieutenant-General Grant y to advance, on the 30th of April, and he moved on the 6th of May. On that morning the Army of the Cumberland lay at and near Ringgold; that of the Tentionals. Taking advantage of that feeling, Sherman prepared to assault the Confederates. Both armies believed it was not his policy to assail fortified lines, as Grant was doing north of Richmond. They were soon undeceived. He regarded Johnston's left center as the most vulnerable point in his line, and on the 24th of June he o
apidly that he avoided the intended blow, excepting a slight one by Garrard, which drove a brigade of Confederate cavalry, and secured two of their guns; and he suddenly appeared before Resaca, and demanded its surrender. Sherman had re-enforced that post with two regiments of the Army of the Tennessee, and Colonel Weaver, the commander, gallantly repulsed a vigorous attack. The assailants then moved on, closely followed by Sherman. They destroyed the railway from Tilton to the tunnel at Buzzard's Roost, and captured the Union garrison at Dalton. On his arrival at Resaca, Oct. 14. Sherman determined to strike Hood in flank, or force him to fight. He was now puzzled by Hood's movements, and knew no better way to force him to develop his designs. General Howard moved to Snake Creek Gap, and skirmished with the Confederates there, for the purpose of holding them while General Stanley, with the Fourth and Fourteenth Corps, should move round to Hood's rear, from Tilton to the vici
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