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elt the chill of the silence and contempt of the thinking men and women who listened to him; and he went on to the Headquarters of Hood, at Palmetto, on the Atlanta and Lagrange railway, with the most gloomy forebodings of the future. In the mean time, Wheeler, who, as we have seen, had struck the railway at Calhoun, See page 391. had swept around so as. to avoid the National forces at Allatoona, and appeared before Dalton and demanded its surrender. The little garrison there, under Colonel Liebold, held the post firmly until General Steedman came down from Chattanooga and drove Wheeler off. The latter then pushed up into East Tennessee, made a circuit around Knoxville by way of Strawberry Plains, crossed the Clinch River near Clinton, went over the Cumberland Mountains by way of the Sequatchie, and appeared at McMinnville, Murfreesboroa, and Lebanon. Rousseau, Steedman, and Granger, in Tennessee, were on the alert, and they soon drove the raider into Northern Alabama by way of F
Oliver O. Howard (search for this): chapter 14
alry well through the pass, and two divisions (Newton's of Howard's [Fourth] corps, and Geary's, of Hooker's [Twentieth] coris entire force; and on the 11th the whole army, excepting Howard's corps and some cavalry left to menace Johnston's front anston to abandon Dalton, and fall back, closely pursued by Howard, to the menaced position. That position, by good and dire were repulsed with heavy loss; and at about the same time Howard, nearer the center, was repulsed. Sherman now moved hisountains. Hooker was on the right and, front of his line, Howard on its left and front, and Palmer between it and the railws running eastward, and he soon found himself supported by Howard, who laid a pontoon bridge at Power's Ferry, two miles belavy force, and struck Hooker's corps, Newton's division of Howard's corps, and Johnson's division of Palmer's corps. The blt been made. July 27, 1864. By order of the President, O. O. Howard See page 61. was made the successor of McPherson in
J. H. Hammond (search for this): chapter 14
ven back. The battle raged fiercely. From the top of Kenesaw, Sherman could see the smoke of conflict and hear the thunder of the cannon, though eighteen Allatoona Pass. this shows the appearance of Allatoona Pass when the writer sketched it in May, 1866. the railway there passes through a cut in a ridge, on the summit of which, to the left of the picture, looking up from between the two houses, is seen Fort Hammond, so called because of a house standing there then, belonging to Mr. Hammond, a proprietor of the Allatoona iron works. The house on the ridge, at the right of the railway, belonged to Mr. Moore, and a Fort on the extreme right was called Fort Moore. miles distant. He had sent General J. D. Cox, with the Twenty-third Corps, to assist the garrison by menacing French's rear in the direction of Dallas; and he was enabled to say to the commander at Allatoona, by signal flags from Kenesaw, Hold out, for relief is approaching. The value and the perfection of the si
8. on the Bell's Ferry road, west of Atlanta, with a Jeferson C. Davis. larger portion of his army, led by Hardee and S. D. Lee, When Hood took command of the army, his corps was placed in charge of General S. D. Lee, an experienced officer, whGeneral S. D. Lee, an experienced officer, who had performed much service in Tennessee. with the expectation of finding Howard's forces in some confusion, on account of their shifting movements. He was mistaken, and disastrous consequences followed his misapprehension. His heavy masses were to crush Howard before he could receive re-enforcements, threw upon him, as quickly as possible, the weight of his own and Lee's column. He failed to effect his purpose. The Nationals thus attacked were veterans, and had faced equal danger on manyn, of the Fifteenth Corps, to Rome. Hood's army was arranged in three corps, commanded respectively by Generals Cheatham, Lee, and Stewart. His cavalry under Wheeler, had been re-enforced. Then, convinced that Hood intended to assume the offensive
ing and carrying away seventy prisoners. Sweeping around eastward again, he reached Decatur on the 22d, Aug., 1864. and on the same day proceeded to Sherman's Headquarters. Kilpatrick declared that he had so much damaged the Macon railway, that it would be useless to the Confederates for ten days. But Sherman was not satisfied that the expedition would produce the desired result, so ha renewed his order for a movement of the whole army. The siege of Atlanta was raised on the night of the 25th, and all munitions of war, supplies, and the sick and wounded men, were sent to Sherman's intrenched position on the Chattahoochee, whither the Twentieth Corps (General Slocum's) marched for their protection. In the grand movement that followed, the Fourth Corps (Stanley's) was on the extreme left, nearest the enemy. The Army of the Tennessee (Howard's) drew out and moved rapidly in a circuit to the West Point road at Fairborn, where the Army of the Cumberland (Thomas's) came into position
November 1st (search for this): chapter 14
sent back to Nashville, with various dismounted detachments, with orders to collect and put in fighting order all the mounted men serving in Kentucky and Tennessee, and report to General Thomas. Thus the latter officer was furnished with strength believed to be sufficient to keep Hood out of Tennessee; and he was invested with unlimited discretionary powers in the use of his material. Sherman estimated Hood's force at thirty-five thousand infantry and ten thousand cavalry. By the first of November, Hood made his appearance near the Tennessee River, in the vicinity of Decatur, and passing on to Tuscumbia, laid a pontoon bridge across that stream at Florence. Then Sherman turned his force toward Atlanta, preparatory to taking up his march for the sea. The Army of the Tennessee moved back to the south side of the Coosa, to the vicinity of Smyrna Camp-ground. The Fourteenth Corps moved to Kingston, from which point all the sick and wounded, and all surplus baggage and artillery, w
the chief supervision of the movement, which was made en echelon. Dodge's corps was on the left nearest the Confederates. Blair's was to come up on its right, and Logan's on Blair's right, refused as a flank. By ten o'clock on the morning of the 28th, the army was in position. The vigilant Hood had penetrated Sherman's design, but not until the change of the position of the Army of the Tennessee was substantially effected, and the men were casting up rude breastworks along their new front. The conflict was so disastrous to the persons, and so demoralizing to the spirit, of the Confederate army, that Hood thereafter was constrained to imitate, in a degree, the caution of Johnston. Sherman was near the scene of the conflict on the 28th, July, 1864. and was busy in extending his right. For this purpose he brought down Schofield's Army of the Ohio and the Fourteenth Corps to Howard's right, and stretched an intrenched line nearly to East Point, the junction of two railways, over
e was brief and sanguinary, and is known as the battle of the Kulp House. The repulse of Hood inspirited the Nationals. Taking advantage of that feeling, Sherman prepared to assault the Confederates. Both armies believed it was not his policy to assail fortified lines, as Grant was doing north of Richmond. They were soon undeceived. He regarded Johnston's left center as the most vulnerable point in his line, and on the 24th of June he ordered an assault to be made upon it there, on the 27th, June. with the hope of breaking through it and seizing the railway below Marietta, cut off the Confederate left and center from its line of retreat, and then, by turning upon either part, overwhelmn and destroy the army of his antagonist. The assault was made at two points south of Kenesaw, and was sadly disastrous. The Nationals were repulsed, with an aggregate loss of about three thousand men, among them General C. G. Harker and D. McCook killed, and many valuable officers of lower grad
April 30th (search for this): chapter 14
the Confederate army under General Joseph E. Johnston, then at Dalton, in Northern Georgia, Johnston's army was composed of about 55,000 men--45,000 (according to Sherman's estimate) heavy infantry and artillery, and 10,000 cavalry under Wheeler. It was arranged in three corps, commanded respectively by Generals W. J. Hardee, J. B. Hood, and Leonidas Polk. and the capture of the city of Atlanta. General Sherman received his orders from Lieutenant-General Grant y to advance, on the 30th of April, and he moved on the 6th of May. On that morning the Army of the Cumberland lay at and near Ringgold; that of the Tennessee at Lee and Gordon's Mill, See page 134. on the Chickamauga, and that of the Ohio near Red Clay, on the Georgia line north of Dalton. The Confederate army then lay in and about Dalton. To strike that position in front was impracticable, for between the armies lay a rugged William T. Sherman. mountain barrier known as the Rocky Face Ridge. Through it, at an
May 16th, 1866 AD (search for this): chapter 14
portunity to display his agility by leaping from the bouncing wagon to a gravel bank full fifteen feet from the place of beginning. After visiting places of interest connected with the struggle near the head of Camp Creek, and sketching the theater of the hottest of the fight, delineated on page 376, we went over the hills, along which lay the Confederate trenches, to the main Dallas road, and returned by it to Resaca, where we lodged that night. Our friend was better in the morning, May 16, 1866. and we left at seven o'clock in a freight car for Allatoona, forty-four miles farther South. At Calhoun, Adairsville, Kingston, and other places, we stopped long enough to observe the sad effects of war. At Adairsville, the Georgia State Arsenal was in ruins; and from that point all the way to the Etowah River, solitary chimneys, small redoubts, and lines of intrenchments, with marks of desolation and stagnation everywhere, proclaimed the operations of an active and destructive campaign
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