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Farmington (Mississippi, United States) 389 39 Browse Search
G. T. Beauregard 161 7 Browse Search
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Booneville (Mississippi, United States) 146 14 Browse Search
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) 141 11 Browse Search
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) 132 12 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott). Search the whole document.

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Camp Taylor (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
May 1-2, 1862.-operations in the vicinity of Athens, Mooresville, Limestone Bridge, and Elk River, Ala. Reports. No. 1.-Ma. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, U. S. Army. No. 2.-Col J. Js. Scott, First Louisiana Cavalry. No. 1.-report of Maj. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, T. A. Army. headquarters Third Division, Camp Taylor, Huntsville, Ala., May 2, 1862. General: On yesterday a dash was made at Colonel Stanley, whose regiment was guarding bridges on the Athens and Decatur road, by a detachment of cavalry, said to be from Florence. They attacked the guards at one or two bridges, and finally the pickets of the main body at Athens. Two companies were ordered out and skirmished with the cavalry an hour or two, the cavalry retreating, until finally the enemy opened fire with three small brass field pieces, believed now to have been mounted in country wagons. This alarmed Colonel Stanley, and he ordered his train of wagons to leave at once, and followed with what force he had at the
Huntsville (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
sby M. Mitchel, T. A. Army. headquarters Third Division, Camp Taylor, Huntsville, Ala., May 2, 1862. General: On yesterday a dash was made at Colonel Stanley,y. Two trains were on the track at Athens, with steam up, ready to leave for Huntsville; one of them was under the command of Colonel Stanley, the other had been senour at Mooresville, 15 miles this side of Athens. My engine passed safely to Huntsville. Colonel Stanley's train also passed in safety, but the supply train, on reareason. My plan is to post one brigade at and near Stevenson, one brigade at Huntsville, and one brigade at Athens. I hope thus to command this entire region of couttacked the enemy this morning at this place and drove them within 6 miles of Huntsville. They left their tents standing, a considerable quantity of their commissarypatched you yesterday I have burned the Limestone Bridge, between Decatur and Huntsville. 1 caught two provision trains at the bridge and burned about 20 cars. We k
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 39
elegraph wires. I have done my utmost to conciliate the people, and to a great extent, I am told, have been successful; but the genuine rebels will not listen to reason. My plan is to post one brigade at and near Stevenson, one brigade at Huntsville, and one brigade at Athens. I hope thus to command this entire region of country and to open up, as you have requested, the cotton trade. With the new cavalry placed under my command I will patrol systematically the northern shore of the Tennessee River from near Chattanooga to Florence, so that no enemy can possibly ass in any considerable force without my knowledge. I trust my plans will meet your approbation. Colonel Lytle, in command at Bridgeport, reports that a detachment of his troops crossed from the island to the main shore on yesterday, penetrated 12 miles in the direction of Chattanooga without meeting an enemy, captured 2 car loads of Southern mail, and returned in safety to Bridgeport. He reports but two regiments a
Athens, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
will be sent forward to Corinth, and that a heavy force will be thrown across the river without a train, to be subsisted in the country, with the view to compel our abandonment of Northern Alabama. I do not know how much importance you may attach to this statement. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, O. M. Mitchell, Major-General, Commanding Third Division. Maj. Gen. D. C. Buell, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. No. 2.-reports of Col. J. S. Scott, First Louisiana Cavalry. Athens, Ala., May 1, 1862. General: I attacked the enemy this morning at this place and drove them within 6 miles of Huntsville. They left their tents standing, a considerable quantity of their commissary stores, all camp equipage, and about 150 stand of arms; also some ammunition. They numbered eleven companies. General Mitchel was present, but made his escape by cars. My force was 112 mounted men and my mountainhowitzer battery. My boys took few prisoners, their shots proving singularly fata
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
have requested, the cotton trade. With the new cavalry placed under my command I will patrol systematically the northern shore of the Tennessee River from near Chattanooga to Florence, so that no enemy can possibly ass in any considerable force without my knowledge. I trust my plans will meet your approbation. Colonel Lytle,n command at Bridgeport, reports that a detachment of his troops crossed from the island to the main shore on yesterday, penetrated 12 miles in the direction of Chattanooga without meeting an enemy, captured 2 car loads of Southern mail, and returned in safety to Bridgeport. He reports but two regiments at Chattanooga, and these nChattanooga, and these new troops, and says the report is current among the citizens on that side of the river that New Orleans has been captured. Since writing the above I have intelligence, through officers now prisoners in our hands, taken at Bridgeport, which I deem it my duty to communicate. They say that New Orleans is abandoned, and that the e
Courtland, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
ieutenant-Colonel Adams, United States engineer. G. T. Beauregard, General, Commanding. Elk River, Ala., May 2, 1862. General: Since I dispatched you yesterday I have burned the Limestone Bridge, between Decatur and Huntsville. 1 caught two provision trains at the bridge and burned about 20 cars. We killed and wounded there 34 of the enemy. This morning, about 10 o'clock, the enemy's cavalry, about 400 strong, attacked me at Elk River after I had half my command over the river. We repulsed them with the loss of 2 men killed on our side and at least 35 on theirs. I lost on the trip 4 men killed, 5 wounded, and 12 horses. I am out of ammunition and my horses are very much jaded. I will cross to-night on the south side of the river and rest my men and horses for a few days in the neighborhood of Courtland. I send you 20 prisoners-2 captains. Yours, very respectfully, J. S. Scott, Colonel First Regiment Louisiana Oatoalry. General G. T. Beauregard.
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
that side of the river that New Orleans has been captured. Since writing the above I have intelligence, through officers now prisoners in our hands, taken at Bridgeport, which I deem it my duty to communicate. They say that New Orleans is abandoned, and that the entire force of the enemy from that region will be sent forward to Corinth, and that a heavy force will be thrown across the river without a train, to be subsisted in the country, with the view to compel our abandonment of Northern Alabama. I do not know how much importance you may attach to this statement. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, O. M. Mitchell, Major-General, Commanding Third Division. Maj. Gen. D. C. Buell, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. No. 2.-reports of Col. J. S. Scott, First Louisiana Cavalry. Athens, Ala., May 1, 1862. General: I attacked the enemy this morning at this place and drove them within 6 miles of Huntsville. They left their tents standing, a considerable quantity of th
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
y that New Orleans is abandoned, and that the entire force of the enemy from that region will be sent forward to Corinth, and that a heavy force will be thrown across the river without a train, to be subsisted in the country, with the view to compel our abandonment of Northern Alabama. I do not know how much importance you may attach to this statement. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, O. M. Mitchell, Major-General, Commanding Third Division. Maj. Gen. D. C. Buell, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. No. 2.-reports of Col. J. S. Scott, First Louisiana Cavalry. Athens, Ala., May 1, 1862. General: I attacked the enemy this morning at this place and drove them within 6 miles of Huntsville. They left their tents standing, a considerable quantity of their commissary stores, all camp equipage, and about 150 stand of arms; also some ammunition. They numbered eleven companies. General Mitchel was present, but made his escape by cars. My force was 112 mounted men and my m
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
negro that a fight was in progress, I sent word to Colonel Stanley that he should be immediately re-enforced; ran back my engine to the telegraph station, and ordered out what I deemed a sufficient force, with directions to be moved by rail promptly. Two trains were on the track at Athens, with steam up, ready to leave for Huntsville; one of them was under the command of Colonel Stanley, the other had been sent up to Elk River, to bring in the supplies brought by a train of 50 wagons from Columbia. Those two trains followed my engine, but were delayed about an hour at Mooresville, 15 miles this side of Athens. My engine passed safely to Huntsville. Colonel Stanley's train also passed in safety, but the supply train, on reaching a bridge 4 miles this side of Mooresville, broke through, and the whole train became a wreck; a brakeman was killed. Armed citizens, acting in concert with the pretended cavalry, about 50 or 60 in number, had made a dash upon the guard at the bridge, killi
Stevenson (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
per, Not found. which I hope, general, you will not construe into a proclamation. There is a most bitter feeling of disappointment everywhere that we have not been driven out long since, and scarcely a day passes without some attack upon our bridge guards, our trains, or telegraph wires. I have done my utmost to conciliate the people, and to a great extent, I am told, have been successful; but the genuine rebels will not listen to reason. My plan is to post one brigade at and near Stevenson, one brigade at Huntsville, and one brigade at Athens. I hope thus to command this entire region of country and to open up, as you have requested, the cotton trade. With the new cavalry placed under my command I will patrol systematically the northern shore of the Tennessee River from near Chattanooga to Florence, so that no enemy can possibly ass in any considerable force without my knowledge. I trust my plans will meet your approbation. Colonel Lytle, in command at Bridgeport, re
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