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of our history, than the colonel and men of the Twentieth New York regiment of Volunteers under the command of an adopted citizen from the German fatherland--Colonel Max Weber? (Applause, and three cheers for Colonel Weber.) I cannot describe an emotion which all of you must have felt, and in sympathy with which all true hearts muColonel Weber.) I cannot describe an emotion which all of you must have felt, and in sympathy with which all true hearts must have beat as they read the record of the exploit of that gallant German regiment of New York, who, upon the edge of the darkness of the night, amid a rolling surf upon that, to them, untried shore, launched their frail and tossing boats, and trusted themselves to the guidance of God and the stars of the sky, cut off during all that long night from human sympathy and aid. (Applause.) If Massachusetts deserved to be remembered to-day, so do the countrymen of Colonel Weber, two companies of whose regiment composed the brave and gallant command of Colonel Lee, now marching as Massachusetts soldiers. Neither sectional in any sense, nor national in any narrow
Swan Point (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
nor Philadelphia, nor Washington, will our armies suffer defeat. We went down to Bull Run, as I had the honor to remark in conversation with a gentleman to-day, a congregation of town meetings without a leader. (Laughter.) Wheresoever we march again we march as an army, disciplined, drilled, thoroughly banded, and ably commanded, the men knowing who their commanders are. And we will not be content much longer with defending Washington under the walls of the Capitol nor on the banks of the Potomac. (Applause.) Washington shall be defended at Charleston, South Carolina; at Savannah, Georgia; at the city of New Orleans, and all the way up the Mississippi. (Great applause.) The Union men of the South shall be liberated by the arms of the men of the North and the West; and all men capable of bearing arms, capable of allegiance, will yet be summoned, unless a blight or blast shall smite the head of every American statesman in America — shall be summoned to the American standard wherever
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
, as I had the honor to remark in conversation with a gentleman to-day, a congregation of town meetings without a leader. (Laughter.) Wheresoever we march again we march as an army, disciplined, drilled, thoroughly banded, and ably commanded, the men knowing who their commanders are. And we will not be content much longer with defending Washington under the walls of the Capitol nor on the banks of the Potomac. (Applause.) Washington shall be defended at Charleston, South Carolina; at Savannah, Georgia; at the city of New Orleans, and all the way up the Mississippi. (Great applause.) The Union men of the South shall be liberated by the arms of the men of the North and the West; and all men capable of bearing arms, capable of allegiance, will yet be summoned, unless a blight or blast shall smite the head of every American statesman in America — shall be summoned to the American standard wherever that flag advances. (Great applause.) And it is not my opinion that our Generals, when a
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
in conversation with a gentleman to-day, a congregation of town meetings without a leader. (Laughter.) Wheresoever we march again we march as an army, disciplined, drilled, thoroughly banded, and ably commanded, the men knowing who their commanders are. And we will not be content much longer with defending Washington under the walls of the Capitol nor on the banks of the Potomac. (Applause.) Washington shall be defended at Charleston, South Carolina; at Savannah, Georgia; at the city of New Orleans, and all the way up the Mississippi. (Great applause.) The Union men of the South shall be liberated by the arms of the men of the North and the West; and all men capable of bearing arms, capable of allegiance, will yet be summoned, unless a blight or blast shall smite the head of every American statesman in America — shall be summoned to the American standard wherever that flag advances. (Great applause.) And it is not my opinion that our Generals, when any man comes to the standard an
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 30
aw. And now, sir, I cannot at this moment forget that our sister New England State of Connecticut is at this hour resigning to the dust all that was mortal of one New England man, whose name and memory shall be as immortal as the stars. Lyon — the brave and heroic — the accomplish his column, fell beyond the distant waters of the Mississippi. New England--Connecticut--reclaimed his ashes, and mingles them with her duswho guided Columbus over the seas, He who led our fathers to the New England shores, He who preserved them from the dangers of the seas, and at Washington, or Baltimore, or Philadelphia, or New York, we of New England will rally behind the Berkshire Hill and make the Switzerland of New England the rampart of our liberties. (Cries of Bravo, and tremendous cheering.) But neither in New York, nor Philadelphia, nor Washingnd now I have to thank, from the bottom of my heart, the sons of New England, resident in New York, for the kindness of this reception given
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
lief, they all have come, under the impulse of a new inspiration. And whatever misfortune, if misfortune should come, might befall our flag or our arms, either at Washington, or Baltimore, or Philadelphia, or New York, we of New England will rally behind the Berkshire Hill and make the Switzerland of New England the rampart of our liberties. (Cries of Bravo, and tremendous cheering.) But neither in New York, nor Philadelphia, nor Washington, will our armies suffer defeat. We went down to Bull Run, as I had the honor to remark in conversation with a gentleman to-day, a congregation of town meetings without a leader. (Laughter.) Wheresoever we march again we march as an army, disciplined, drilled, thoroughly banded, and ably commanded, the men knowing who their commanders are. And we will not be content much longer with defending Washington under the walls of the Capitol nor on the banks of the Potomac. (Applause.) Washington shall be defended at Charleston, South Carolina; at Savan
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 30
of a new inspiration. And whatever misfortune, if misfortune should come, might befall our flag or our arms, either at Washington, or Baltimore, or Philadelphia, or New York, we of New England will rally behind the Berkshire Hill and make the Switzehe rampart of our liberties. (Cries of Bravo, and tremendous cheering.) But neither in New York, nor Philadelphia, nor Washington, will our armies suffer defeat. We went down to Bull Run, as I had the honor to remark in conversation with a gentlemaed, and ably commanded, the men knowing who their commanders are. And we will not be content much longer with defending Washington under the walls of the Capitol nor on the banks of the Potomac. (Applause.) Washington shall be defended at CharlestonWashington shall be defended at Charleston, South Carolina; at Savannah, Georgia; at the city of New Orleans, and all the way up the Mississippi. (Great applause.) The Union men of the South shall be liberated by the arms of the men of the North and the West; and all men capable of bearing
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
. We went down to Bull Run, as I had the honor to remark in conversation with a gentleman to-day, a congregation of town meetings without a leader. (Laughter.) Wheresoever we march again we march as an army, disciplined, drilled, thoroughly banded, and ably commanded, the men knowing who their commanders are. And we will not be content much longer with defending Washington under the walls of the Capitol nor on the banks of the Potomac. (Applause.) Washington shall be defended at Charleston, South Carolina; at Savannah, Georgia; at the city of New Orleans, and all the way up the Mississippi. (Great applause.) The Union men of the South shall be liberated by the arms of the men of the North and the West; and all men capable of bearing arms, capable of allegiance, will yet be summoned, unless a blight or blast shall smite the head of every American statesman in America — shall be summoned to the American standard wherever that flag advances. (Great applause.) And it is not my opinion
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 30
den, have gone into battle; from the hillsides, from the valleys, from the workshops, from the railroads, from the seaside, from the fishing smacks of our dear old commonwealth, they all have come; from every calling, from every profession, from every sect, whether of religion or politics, whether of belief or unbelief, they all have come, under the impulse of a new inspiration. And whatever misfortune, if misfortune should come, might befall our flag or our arms, either at Washington, or Baltimore, or Philadelphia, or New York, we of New England will rally behind the Berkshire Hill and make the Switzerland of New England the rampart of our liberties. (Cries of Bravo, and tremendous cheering.) But neither in New York, nor Philadelphia, nor Washington, will our armies suffer defeat. We went down to Bull Run, as I had the honor to remark in conversation with a gentleman to-day, a congregation of town meetings without a leader. (Laughter.) Wheresoever we march again we march as an ar
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 30
constitutional forms. By our fathers to us was it transmitted; into our present charge has it been placed to be saved and transmitted to our posterity, and democratic-republican liberty is the political gospel of our time. To us of the United States of America--the people of this Constitutional Confederate Union--was committed this precious charge, not for us alone, but for all humanity, that beneath the shadow of our tree of liberty might the children's children come, not only of the remotest men of the South shall be liberated by the arms of the men of the North and the West; and all men capable of bearing arms, capable of allegiance, will yet be summoned, unless a blight or blast shall smite the head of every American statesman in America — shall be summoned to the American standard wherever that flag advances. (Great applause.) And it is not my opinion that our Generals, when any man comes to the standard and desires to defend the flag, will find it important to light a candle
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