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fatal approach of the rebel anaconda. It came within fifty yards of us, and our men continued the fire. When they had approached thus near, a captain or lieutenant in the Lexington Home Guards ran up a flag of truce. We knew nothing of it in our part of the field, and continued at work until we saw that the enemy had ceased firing. The surrender speedily followed, when we were made to take an oath that if found again in arms against Treason, the penalty would be death.--Neosho Register, Oct. 3. Another account. The following private letter from one of the Home Guards, who fought under Col. Mulligan, gives a highly interesting account of the fight at Lexington:-- Lexington, Sept. 21, 1861. my dear friend — You will receive, before you see this, the intelligence of the surrender of the garrison at Lexington. The fight which occurred on Thursday, of last week, was but preliminary to the greater fight which has since taken place, and which resulted in the unconditiona
B. Magoffin (search for this): chapter 33
n men to-day from confinement, and a captain whom they have had for a long time managed to slip out with these twelve. He is now in our camp and confirms the report of their strength. He says they would not attack us at all if we would give up Magoffin, but retreat; for they believe that we have heavy reinforcements up on their rear. This Magoffin is brother of the Kentucky Governor, and a colonel in their army. They have offered us forty men for him. They said in this captain's hearing thatMagoffin is brother of the Kentucky Governor, and a colonel in their army. They have offered us forty men for him. They said in this captain's hearing that they were bound to eat breakfast with us to-morrow morning. They intend to storm us, i. e., rush on and use their bayonets and scale the embankments. That is just what we have prepared for; it makes us rub our hands with pleasure to think they will attempt to scale our bank. This night is as beautiful as last night, not a cloud, nothing but the deep, dark, inimitable blue, lighted up by the broad fine rays of the moon, and ornamented by the myriads of twinkling stars. Oh, 'tis grand! every
B. M. Prentiss (search for this): chapter 33
enced generous and humane treatment, both from Gen. Rains and from the residents along the route — such is the statement of several of our men. Gen. Rains ordered an entire flock of sheep to be given to them, and there was no time lost in apportionment or appropriation. The inhabitants also liberally gave them provisions. Wagons were provided for those unable to walk, either from wounds or fatigue, and the whole party thus came through with extraordinary expedition. Word was sent to Gen. Prentiss at Quincy, and means of transportation provided by which the men were brought down to Quincy, where they arrived on Monday. There were with the force only eight women, Col. Mulligan and several of his officers having left their wives at Jefferson City. The prisoners will be taken to Springfield and held for exchange, rank for rank. Claib. Jackson came into Lexington on Saturday, it is reported, bringing his travelling Legislature with him. We have thus hastily thrown together the
Charles Clark (search for this): chapter 33
. My ammunition wagons having been at last brought up and large reinforcements having been received, I again moved into town on Wednesday, the 18th inst., and began a final attack upon the enemy's works. Brig.-Gen. Rains' division occupied a strong position on the east and northeast of the fortifications, from which an effective cannonading was kept up on the enemy by Bledsoe's battery, under command, except on the last day, of Capt. Emmitt McDonald, and another battery, commanded by Capt. C. Clark, of St. Louis. Both of these gentlemen and the men and officers under their command are deservedly commended in the accompanying report of Brig.-Gen. Rains. Gen. Parsons took a position southwest of the works, whence his battery, under command of Capt. Guibor, poured a steady fire into the enemy. Skirmishers and sharpshooters were also sent forward from both of these divisions to harass and fatigue the enemy and to cut them off from water on the north, east, and south of the colle
Thomas D. McClure (search for this): chapter 33
we have been visited. Ever yours, P---. St. Louis Democrat, September 26. Diary of Lieut. McClure. By the politeness of the wife of Lieutenant Thomas D. McClure, of Company D, 23d regimenLieutenant Thomas D. McClure, of Company D, 23d regiment Illinois Volunteers, of Earlville, Lasalle County, we are enabled to print a full and circumstantial narrative of the siege and surrender of Lexington, from a well-written diary kept by Lieut. McCluLieut. McClure. The narrative begins on the 1st of September, the day on which Col. Mulligan commenced his march to Lexington. Although the attack on the intrenchments did not begin till the 19th, the place wasy Gen. Price on the 12th, and the skirmishing of pickets began then. We, therefore, take up Lieut. McClure's narrative on that day: Sept. 12--Six o'clock A. M.---Great excitement all night, rumorse the sound. I wish I could have my picture taken now, you would see the dirtiest and blackest McClure of the race. We have twenty-seven hundred men in our force, but here let me say every one of t
who had been wounded at Big Dry Wood, was gallantly commanded by Capt. Emmitt McDonald, and by Parsons' battery, under the skilful command of Capt. Guibor. Finding after sunset that our ammunitioder their command are deservedly commended in the accompanying report of Brig.-Gen. Rains. Gen. Parsons took a position southwest of the works, whence his battery, under command of Capt. Guibor, poCol. Congreve Jackson's division, and a part of Gen. Steen's, were posted near Gen. Rains and Gen. Parsons, as a reserve, but no occasion occurred to call them into action. They were, however, at alld horses. The very elite of the Confederate forces were there--Generals Price, Rains, Slack, Parsons, Harris, Green, Hardee, were all there--Colonels Saunders, Payn, Beal, Turner, Craven, Clay, anly estimated at from twenty thousand to thirty thousand men, under the command of Price, Rains, Parsons, Slack, and who else I know not, but certain it is that the entire army of Jackson is here. Th
Cornelius O'Leary (search for this): chapter 33
tal at Lexington. A full list of the killed and wounded must be awaited. Colonel Mulligan was wounded on the last day of the fight by a ball through the calf of the leg, and a flesh wound on the right arm, from a grape shot. We have already referred to the injury of Captain Gleeson, received in the defence of the hospital. In the same encounter, among the killed, was John Saville of Chicago, private in Company G, Irish Brigade; also Corporal Andrew Hill of the Jackson Guards, and Cornelius O'Leary. Sergeant Moony was shot through the shoulder. Private Morris was instantly killed by a round shot, half his head being carried away. Colonel Marshall is wounded, a ball having struck him in the chest, inflicting a serious wound; James Conway, the hospital steward of the Irish Brigade, is killed. Our last night's despatches in the telegraph column, give a continued list of the killed and wounded as far as made up last evening. Among the lamented dead is Colonel White of St. Lo
C. R. Horn (search for this): chapter 33
lled and seventy-five wounded. The enemy's loss was much greater. The visible fruits of this almost bloodless victory are great — about three thousand five hundred prisoners, among whom are Cols. Mulligan, Marshall, Peabody, White, Grover, Major Van Horn, and one hundred and eighteen other commissioned officers, five pieces of artillery and two mortars, over three thousand stand of infantry arms, a large number of sabres, about seven hundred and fifty horses, many sets of cavalry equipments, mble and William H. Cutter, of the Missouri Thirteenth, Col. Peabody, arrived at Leavenworth from Lexington. The regiment, numbering six hundred and fifty men, left Kansas City on the 3d inst., in company with one hundred and fifty men under Col. Van Horn, and marched to Lexington. On the 7th, they went to Warrensburg and took a lot of coin from the banks, and returned on the 11th. The whole number of troops then in Lexington, was two thousand six hundred, and no reinforcements arrived up to
Ben McCulloch (search for this): chapter 33
force from the southwest, and Davis' force from the southeast, upward of eleven thousand in all, could not get there in time. I am taking the field myself, and hope to destroy the enemy, either before or after the junction of the forces under McCulloch. Please notify the President immediately. J. C. Fremont, Major-General Commanding. Price's official report. Headquarters M. S. G., Camp Wallace, Lexington, Sept. 23, 1861. To the Hon. Claiborne F. Jackson, Governor of the State of Michange of prisoners; the other for permission to bury their dead, which they say number three hundred. It is amusing to hear the rumors in our camp. It would take me a day to write all I hear in an hour. A prominent one this morning was that McCulloch and Rains are here with Price, and that they are retreating from Siegel, who is now closing in on their rear. I have no faith in it, yet we cannot tell, for we have had no news since we left Jefferson. Six o'clock.--The rebels send word the
en driven from it, and was thenceforward held by them to the very end of the contest. The heights to the left of Anderson's house, which had been taken, as before stated, by Gens. McBride and Harris, and by part of Gen. Steen's command under Col. Boyd and Major Winston, were rudely fortified by our soldiers, who threw up breastworks as well as they could with their slender means. On the morning of the 20th inst., I caused a number of hemp bales to be transported to the river heights, where every instance by the unflinching courage and fixed determination of our men. In these desperate encounters, the veterans of McBride's and Slack's divisions fully sustained their proud reputation, while Col. Martin Green and his command, and Col. Boyd and Maj. Winston and their commands, proved themselves worthy to fight by the side of the men who had by their courage and valor won imperishable honor in the bloody battle of Springfield. About two o'clock in the afternoon of the 20th, and
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