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United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 22
ho shall enlist and be mustered into the service of the United States for three years or during the war, shall be paid as boumedical and hospital treatment, as are furnished to the United States soldiers of a like arm of the service, unless, upon reqlored troops to a uniform rate with other troops of the United States. He can see no reason why a colored soldier should be o negro shall be impressed into military service of the United States, except under orders from these headquarters, by a draf of military operations, to sustain its armies; and the United States thereby gains either a soldier or a producer. Women ans claimed protection of the military authorities of the United States, which entitles the claimant to freedom;) to cause an aplus earnings of the negro over the expenditures by the United States, for the use and benefit of the negroes, under orders fthe colored troops, or any person in the service of the United States connected with the care, or serving with the colored tr
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
Doc. 20.-Government of the contrabands. General Butler's order. headquarters Eighteenth army corps, Department of Virginia and North-Carolina, Fort Monroe, Va., December 5, 1863. General orders, No. 46. the recruitment of colored troops has become the settled purpose of the Government. It is therefore the duty of every officer and soldier to aid in carrying out that purpose, by every proper means, irrespective of personal predilection. To do this effectually, the former condition of the blacks, their change of relation, the new rights acquired by them, the new obligations imposed upon them, the duty of the Government to them, the great stake they have in the war, and the claims their ignorance, and the helplessness of their women and children, make upon each of us who hold a higher grade in social and political life, must all be carefully considered. It will also be taken into account that the colored soldiers have none of the machinery of State aid, for the suppo
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
ce over all the colored people of this department; and all other Superintendents of Negro Affairs shall report to Lieutenant-Colonel Kinsman, who is acting for the Commanding General in this behalf All the territory of Virginia south of the James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Orlando Brown, Assistant Quartermaster. All the territory north of James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Charles B. Wilder, Assistant Quartermaster. The District of North-CaroJames River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Charles B. Wilder, Assistant Quartermaster. The District of North-Carolina shall be under the superintendence of Rev. Horace James, Chaplain. Each Superintendent shall have the power to select and appoint such Assistant Superintendents for such sub-districts in his district as may be necessary, to be approved by the Commanding General; such appointments to be confirmed by the Commanding General. The pay of such assistant, if a civilian, shall in no case exceed the pay of a first-class clerk in the quartermaster's department. It shall be the duty of each
Horace James (search for this): chapter 22
and all other Superintendents of Negro Affairs shall report to Lieutenant-Colonel Kinsman, who is acting for the Commanding General in this behalf All the territory of Virginia south of the James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Orlando Brown, Assistant Quartermaster. All the territory north of James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Charles B. Wilder, Assistant Quartermaster. The District of North-Carolina shall be under the superintendence of Rev. Horace James, Chaplain. Each Superintendent shall have the power to select and appoint such Assistant Superintendents for such sub-districts in his district as may be necessary, to be approved by the Commanding General; such appointments to be confirmed by the Commanding General. The pay of such assistant, if a civilian, shall in no case exceed the pay of a first-class clerk in the quartermaster's department. It shall be the duty of each Superintendent, under the direction of the General S
Orlando Brown (search for this): chapter 22
of Negro Affairs in this department, to whom all reports and communications relating thereto, required to be sent to these headquarters, shall be addressed. He shall have a general superintendence over all the colored people of this department; and all other Superintendents of Negro Affairs shall report to Lieutenant-Colonel Kinsman, who is acting for the Commanding General in this behalf All the territory of Virginia south of the James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Orlando Brown, Assistant Quartermaster. All the territory north of James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Charles B. Wilder, Assistant Quartermaster. The District of North-Carolina shall be under the superintendence of Rev. Horace James, Chaplain. Each Superintendent shall have the power to select and appoint such Assistant Superintendents for such sub-districts in his district as may be necessary, to be approved by the Commanding General; such appointments to be confirmed
Doc. 20.-Government of the contrabands. General Butler's order. headquarters Eighteenth army corps, Department of Virginia and North-Carolina, Fort Monroe, Va., December 5, 1863. General orders, No. 46. the recruitment of colored troops has become the settled purpose of the Government. It is therefore the duty of every officer and soldier to aid in carrying out that purpose, by every proper means, irrespective of personal predilection. To do this effectually, the former condition of the blacks, their change of relation, the new rights acquired by them, the new obligations imposed upon them, the duty of the Government to them, the great stake they have in the war, and the claims their ignorance, and the helplessness of their women and children, make upon each of us who hold a higher grade in social and political life, must all be carefully considered. It will also be taken into account that the colored soldiers have none of the machinery of State aid, for the supp
J. A. Butler (search for this): chapter 22
Doc. 20.-Government of the contrabands. General Butler's order. headquarters Eighteenth army corps, Department of Virginia and North-Carolina, Fort Monroe, Va., December 5, 1863. General orders, No. 46. the recruitment of colored troops has become the settled purpose of the Government. It is therefore the duty of every officer and soldier to aid in carrying out that purpose, by every proper means, irrespective of personal predilection. To do this effectually, the former conditand furnished to each regiment and detached post within the department — a copy for every commanding officer thereof — and every commander of a company, or detachment less than a company, shall cause the same to be read once, at least, to his company or detachment; and this order shall be printed for the information of the citizens, once, at least, in each newspaper published in the department. By command of Major-General Butler. Official. R. S. Davis, Major and Assistant Adjutant-Genera
R. S. Davis (search for this): chapter 22
red troops, or any person in the service of the United States connected with the care, or serving with the colored troops, shall have a majority of its members composed of officers in command of colored troops, when such can be detailed without manifest injury to the service. All offences by citizens against the negroes, or by the negroes against citizens — except of a high and aggravated nature — shall be heard and tried before the provost-court. Sixteenth. This order shall be published and furnished to each regiment and detached post within the department — a copy for every commanding officer thereof — and every commander of a company, or detachment less than a company, shall cause the same to be read once, at least, to his company or detachment; and this order shall be printed for the information of the citizens, once, at least, in each newspaper published in the department. By command of Major-General Butler. Official. R. S. Davis, Major and Assistant Adjutant-Ge
Charles B. Wilder (search for this): chapter 22
uarters, shall be addressed. He shall have a general superintendence over all the colored people of this department; and all other Superintendents of Negro Affairs shall report to Lieutenant-Colonel Kinsman, who is acting for the Commanding General in this behalf All the territory of Virginia south of the James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Orlando Brown, Assistant Quartermaster. All the territory north of James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Charles B. Wilder, Assistant Quartermaster. The District of North-Carolina shall be under the superintendence of Rev. Horace James, Chaplain. Each Superintendent shall have the power to select and appoint such Assistant Superintendents for such sub-districts in his district as may be necessary, to be approved by the Commanding General; such appointments to be confirmed by the Commanding General. The pay of such assistant, if a civilian, shall in no case exceed the pay of a first-class clerk i
J. Burnham Kinsman (search for this): chapter 22
trol and self-support, so that their sustenance may be assured, their rights respected, their helplessness protected, and their wrongs redressed; and, that there be one system of management of negro affairs, It is ordered: That Lieutenant-Colonel J. Burnham Kinsman, A. D. C., be detailed at these headquarters, as General Superintendent of Negro Affairs in this department, to whom all reports and communications relating thereto, required to be sent to these headquarters, shall be addressed. He shall have a general superintendence over all the colored people of this department; and all other Superintendents of Negro Affairs shall report to Lieutenant-Colonel Kinsman, who is acting for the Commanding General in this behalf All the territory of Virginia south of the James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Orlando Brown, Assistant Quartermaster. All the territory north of James River shall be under the superintendence of Captain Charles B. Wilder, Assistant Quarte
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