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Savannah (Georgia, United States) 901 143 Browse Search
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Little Ogeechee River (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
this morning at six o'clock, and after marching through a desolate piny country for fifteen miles, encamped near Little Ogeechee River at four P. M. December fifth, did not move till four P..M. Very bad roads; marched four miles, and encamped aboutand Waynesboro Railroad. December 4.--Marched sixteen miles east to six miles south-east of Sylvania; crossed Little Ogeechee River at Hunter's Mill. December 5.--Marched two miles south-east, and camped eight miles south-east of Sylvania. ast, was over plains of a sandy soil, well-timbered, (pine,) and crossed numerous small streams and marshes. The Little Ogeechee River was crossed this day. December 6th.--Nothing of any special importance transpired to-day. December 7th.--Owrooked Creek. Distance marched, five miles. 5th. Moved at nine o'clock A. M., crossed Little Horse Creek and Little Ogeechee River, encamped for the night at half-past 8 P. M. Distance marched, sixteen miles. 6th. Moved at eight o'clock A.
Stone River (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
t, in compliance with orders from brigade headquarters, received December twenty-third, 1864: November 15.--Broke camp at seven A. M., took the Decatur road and marched in connection with the brigade, as rear-guard to division train, and reached camp at four A. M. of the sixteenth, beyond and to the right of Stone Mountain, some fifteen miles from Atlanta. 16th. Received orders, and took up line of march at six A. M., still acting as guard to division train. Crossed the Yellow and Stone Rivers and Haynes Creek, marched about fourteen miles, and bivouacked for the night. 17th. Took up line of march, the division and brigade having the advance, and made a march of eighteen miles and bivouacked within two miles of Social Circle. 18th. Broke camp at six A. M., this regiment on the left of the brigade, the division still the advancing column. Crossed the Little Haynes Creek, passed through the post-villages of Social Circle and Rutledge; bivouacked near the town of Madison,
Eden (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
teen miles in same direction. December 7.--Marched to Springfield. December 8.--Camped near Eden. December 9.--Moved out to the Monteith road, reaching the Monteith Swamp about noon, where thSpringfield; crossed Turkey Branch Creek. December 8.--Marched twelve miles south-west to near Eden; passed through Springfield. December 9.--Marched three miles south to the Monteith road; the; marched twelve miles and camped for the night. 6th. Marched at nine A. M.; took dinner near Eden, went into camp for the night at Wall-hower Swamp. 10th. Received orders to report to ColonelDistance marched, fifteen miles. 8th. Moved at half-past 6 A. M., encamped for the night near Eden at half-past 3 P. M. Distance marched, fourteen miles. 9th. Marched at seven o'clock A. M., eeld. 8th. Moved at seven A. M., and crossed Ebenezer Creek, and bivouacked for the night near Eden. 9th. Moved at eight A. M., First division leading. At two P. M., the rebels opened with art
Andersonville, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
ere in the inclosure was very foul and fetid. A short distance outside the stockade was a long trench, at the head of which was a board bearing the inscription: 650 buried here. On rising ground, a short distance south-east of the prison, were two forts, not yet completed; south-west of this stockade was a smaller one in process of construction. This prison, if indeed it can be designated as such, afforded convincing proofs that the worst accounts of the sufferings of our prisoners at Andersonville, at Americus, and Millen, were by no means exaggerated. I crossed the railroad about three miles north of Millen. The track at the crossing had been destroyed, and the ties were burning, this work having been performed by the troops preceding. A short distance beyond the creek, my column and trains became involved in a long and almost impassable swamp. To add to the difficulty, night closed in before my advance had crossed, and it was with the utmost labor, and only by the united ef
Rockbridge (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
s. Crossed Yellow River, and encamped at ten P. M. near Rockbridge Post-Office. Marched ten miles. November 17th.--Marc a march of about ten miles, encamped for the night near Rockbridge. November seventeenth, moved from near Rockbridge at niRockbridge at nine A. M., travelled about fifteen miles toward Social Circle, and encamped at twelve midnight. November eighteenth, started 12) miles; halted for dinner at two P. M., one mile from Rockbridge. We crossed Yellow River and encamped for the night, afn, and camping for night a mile east of Yellow River, at Rockbridge. 17th. Broke camp at half-past 3 A. M., marching tilnnah: Places.Miles. Atlanta to Decatur,7 Decatur to Rockbridge,14 Rockbridge to Sheffield,13 Sheffield to Social CircRockbridge to Sheffield,13 Sheffield to Social Circle,14 Social Circle to Rutledge,7 Rutledge to Madison,9 Madison to Eatonton,20 Eatonton to Milledgeville,21 Milledgevilpassed Stone Mountain, crossed the Yellow River; through Rockbridge to Social Circle; from Social Circle to Rutledge, a dist
New Bethel (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
two trestle bridges, each about seventy-five (75) feet long, were burned, and the ties and rails for one and a half miles effectually destroyed. The camp for the night was at Davisboro. November 28th.--This day was spent in destroying the railroad between Davisboro and Tennille. Two and one half (2 1/2) miles of track and five hundred (500) feet of trestle-work were burned. November 29th.--Marched from Davisboro to Spiers Station, and from thence parallel with the railroad to near New-Bethel, making in all a disdance of twenty-one (21) miles. November 30th.--Marched to near Louisville, ten (10) miles. December 1st.--Marched at seven A. M., taking the direct road to Millen, and camped for the night at Bark Camp Creek. Distance marched, fourteen (14) miles. December 2d.--The march was resumed at daylight, and was uninterrupted until Buckhead Creek was reached. The bridge over this place was partially destroyed, and a few of the enemy's cavalry were on the opposite sid
Parks Mill (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
dition to this, my command destroyed elsewhere during the day two hundred and fifty bales of cotton and several cotton-gins and mills. I also destroyed in all to-day about five miles of railroad and a large quantity of railroad-ties and string-timbers. November 20.--Moved at seven A. M.; the weather rainy, the roads very deep and swampy. Leaving the railroad, I moved toward the Oconee, which was reached two miles below the railroad bridge, and then moved down parallel to the river to Park's Mill, which was burned. The bridge across the river at this place had been previously washed away, and ferry-boats were used at the crossing. These I destroyed. Some annoyance was experienced as we moved along the river-bank from squads of rebel cavalry on the opposite shore. They were, however, soon driven off. A small party sent out from my command crossed the river near the burnt bridge, and went on foot seven miles, to Greensboro, driving a small force of cavalry through the town, and
Dunham (Canada) (search for this): chapter 64
of the train, crossed Yellow River, and encamped for the night at eight P. M. 17th. Marched at five A. M., camped near Social Circle at five P. M. for the night. 18th. Marched about nine (9) miles in forenoon, stopping often to tear up railroad track, went into camp near Madison at five P. M. 19th. Broke camp at five A. M., Twenty-ninth rear-guard of division. Marched until four P. M., and camped for the night near Park Mills. 20th. Marched about seven (7) miles, camped near Dunham. 21st. Marched at half-past 6 A. M., halted at half-past 4 P. M. for the night. 22d. Moved at half-past 7 A. M., and arrived at Milledgeville, Georgia, at nine P. M., and encamped about three miles south of town. 23d. Remained in camp, Twenty-ninth went on picket at four P. M. 24th. Moved at seven A.., Twenty-ninth first battalion of first brigade; marched fifteen miles and camped for the night. 25th. Moved at eight A. M., Twenty-ninth train guard; arrived at Buffalo Cree
Hunter's Mill (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
camped at Buck Head Church. December 3.--Crossed Waynesboro Railroad, and marched to three miles to Millen. December 4.--Crossed Little Ogeechee Creek at Hunter's Mill, and encamped six miles south-east of Sylvania. December 5.--Marched two miles south-east. December 6.--Marched seventeen miles in same direction. Deabout ten miles through bad swamps. December second, marched with wagons. December third, marched about eleven miles. December fourth, marched to near Hunter's Mill. December fifth, marched in rear of train. December sixth, marched. December seventh, crossed Turkey Branch; camped near Springfield. December 8th.ttle Buckhead Creek, and Waynesboro Railroad. December 4.--Marched sixteen miles east to six miles south-east of Sylvania; crossed Little Ogeechee River at Hunter's Mill. December 5.--Marched two miles south-east, and camped eight miles south-east of Sylvania. December 6.--Marched eleven miles south-east to sixteen miles
Stone Mountain (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
aign. Joined the brigade and marched to Stone Mountain, and camped near Sheffield at twelve midni in a south-easterly direction, to foot of Stone Mountain, passing through Decatur and into De Kalb s command had arrived within four miles of Stone Mountain, I sent him orders to push on as near the n. The head of column went into camp near Stone Mountain about eleven P. M. The march during theated, and the command marched to near Stone Mountain, Georgia, and bivouacked for the night. The rr dinner, then marched in the direction of Stone Mountain. Reached the base of Stone Mountain at elir order are the most prominent — Decatur, Stone Mountain, Social Circle, Madison; and on the twenty an hour and a half, and started on toward Stone Mountain. Column ahead moved haltingly-we would mat camped for the night four miles east of Stone Mountain, having marched twenty miles. On the twd, and in two expeditions to Flat Rock and Stone Mountain, respectively, a good supply of sheep, cor[36 more...]
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