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Gordonsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.28
off — was pressed very hard; had orders from General Lee to burn the bridge, and fall back to Gordonsville; burnt the bridge, but held my position all day; enemy commenced moving towards night in force on my left; withdrew at night and marched towards Gordonsville. Saturday, 2d--Reached Gordonsville at 11 A. M.; heard on my arrival that a large body of the enemy was at Trevilian's depot and LouGordonsville at 11 A. M.; heard on my arrival that a large body of the enemy was at Trevilian's depot and Louisa Courthouse; sent the Ninth Virginia in that direction; their videttes were driven in by the enemy; they charged and drove them three miles, killing and wounding a number, and took thirty-two prisoses being worried out by four days fighting and marching, left out my pickets and withdrew to Gordonsville. Sunday, 3d--Received information from my scouts that the enemy were leaving Louisa and mojaded, and having only about eigth hundred men, I determined not to pursue; continued back to Gordonsville, having traveled seventy or eighty miles. Tuesday, 5th--Rested, having sent out scouting p
Trevilian (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.28
held my position all day; enemy commenced moving towards night in force on my left; withdrew at night and marched towards Gordonsville. Saturday, 2d--Reached Gordonsville at 11 A. M.; heard on my arrival that a large body of the enemy was at Trevilian's depot and Louisa Courthouse; sent the Ninth Virginia in that direction; their videttes were driven in by the enemy; they charged and drove them three miles, killing and wounding a number, and took thirty-two prisoners, one lieutenant; my loss day and river was past fording. Hearing that this was only one party, and that another column was moving lower down, went in that direction; found they had all crossed North Anna river and destroyed bridges behind them. Moved that night in direction of Louisa Courthouse, bivouacked within three miles of Courthouse. Thursday, 7th--Went to Trevilian's depot; moved at 3 P. M. for Orange Courthouse; scouts reported that enemy had crossed Rapidan. (Signed) W. H. F. Lee Brigadier General.
North Anna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.28
ving sent out scouting parties; heard by telegram from Richmond that the enemy were everywhere. Wednesday, 6th--Having received information that the enemy were recrossing the railroad, moved down upon his left flank; came upon his rear at North Anna river; took seventeen or eighteen prisoners; their rear guard had crossed the river and torn up the bridge. It had been raining all day and river was past fording. Hearing that this was only one party, and that another column was moving lower dol day and river was past fording. Hearing that this was only one party, and that another column was moving lower down, went in that direction; found they had all crossed North Anna river and destroyed bridges behind them. Moved that night in direction of Louisa Courthouse, bivouacked within three miles of Courthouse. Thursday, 7th--Went to Trevilian's depot; moved at 3 P. M. for Orange Courthouse; scouts reported that enemy had crossed Rapidan. (Signed) W. H. F. Lee Brigadier General.
Rapidan (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.28
iss joined me there that night. Thursday, 30th--Marched from Culpeper to Rapidan station, with Ninth and Thirteenth Virginia cavalry, and one piece of artillery; left one squadron in Culpeper, which fell back before the enemy and joined me at Rapidan; enemy appeared that evening. Friday, May 1st--Engaged all day with one or two brigades of cavalry; one charge made by Colonel Beale, with one squadron to draw them out; took 30 prisoners, but could not bring them off — was pressed very hard; day and river was past fording. Hearing that this was only one party, and that another column was moving lower down, went in that direction; found they had all crossed North Anna river and destroyed bridges behind them. Moved that night in direction of Louisa Courthouse, bivouacked within three miles of Courthouse. Thursday, 7th--Went to Trevilian's depot; moved at 3 P. M. for Orange Courthouse; scouts reported that enemy had crossed Rapidan. (Signed) W. H. F. Lee Brigadier General
Louisa Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.28
a and two pieces artillery; met Colonel Beale falling back; took a position and waited their approach; they did not advance; learned that General Stone-man with his whole corps was at Louisa Couthouse, moving towards James river; supposed his object was to tear up railroad; they not comming on, my men and horses being worried out by four days fighting and marching, left out my pickets and withdrew to Gordonsville. Sunday, 3d--Received information from my scouts that the enemy were leaving Louisa and moving in direction of Columbia; knowing their object was to destroy the aqueduct, I started after them; arrived there at night; heard they had left in a great hurry, pursued all night; at day-break, having traveled sixty or seventy miles, and the enemy being three hours ahead of me, halted; my videttes reported enemy about one mile in advance; had exchanged words, and they said they belonged to Fifth regulars; knew the party I was pursuing was Wyndham's. Monday, 4th--Started forward
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.28
onel Beale falling back; took a position and waited their approach; they did not advance; learned that General Stone-man with his whole corps was at Louisa Couthouse, moving towards James river; supposed his object was to tear up railroad; they not comming on, my men and horses being worried out by four days fighting and marching, left out my pickets and withdrew to Gordonsville. Sunday, 3d--Received information from my scouts that the enemy were leaving Louisa and moving in direction of Columbia; knowing their object was to destroy the aqueduct, I started after them; arrived there at night; heard they had left in a great hurry, pursued all night; at day-break, having traveled sixty or seventy miles, and the enemy being three hours ahead of me, halted; my videttes reported enemy about one mile in advance; had exchanged words, and they said they belonged to Fifth regulars; knew the party I was pursuing was Wyndham's. Monday, 4th--Started forward and care upon him drawn up in road;
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.28
by the enemy; they charged and drove them three miles, killing and wounding a number, and took thirty-two prisoners, one lieutenant; my loss was three or four wounded; four prisoners taken represented three different regiments; went to their assistance with Thirteenth Virginia and two pieces artillery; met Colonel Beale falling back; took a position and waited their approach; they did not advance; learned that General Stone-man with his whole corps was at Louisa Couthouse, moving towards James river; supposed his object was to tear up railroad; they not comming on, my men and horses being worried out by four days fighting and marching, left out my pickets and withdrew to Gordonsville. Sunday, 3d--Received information from my scouts that the enemy were leaving Louisa and moving in direction of Columbia; knowing their object was to destroy the aqueduct, I started after them; arrived there at night; heard they had left in a great hurry, pursued all night; at day-break, having travele
J. E. B. Stuart (search for this): chapter 4.28
Memoranda of the operations of Brigadier-General W. H. F. Lee's command during General Stoneman's raid into Virginia. Wednesday, April 29th, 1863--Chambliss' Thirteenth Virginia cavalry, with one piece of artillery, was left at Kelly's; Payne, with one hundred men of Second North Carolina cavalry, had gone to Germana; I, with the Ninth, went to Willis Madden's with General Stuart; left him that night and went to Culpeper Courthouse with the Ninth Virginia cavalry; Chambliss joined me there that night. Thursday, 30th--Marched from Culpeper to Rapidan station, with Ninth and Thirteenth Virginia cavalry, and one piece of artillery; left one squadron in Culpeper, which fell back before the enemy and joined me at Rapidan; enemy appeared that evening. Friday, May 1st--Engaged all day with one or two brigades of cavalry; one charge made by Colonel Beale, with one squadron to draw them out; took 30 prisoners, but could not bring them off — was pressed very hard; had orders from Gen
d six; wounded a number; took thirty-three prisoners, among them Captain Owens and Lieutenant Buford. Captain Owens reported that his regiment was not all present, but that he was on picket; that General Buford was only three miles distant. My horses and men being jaded, and having only about eigth hundred men, I determined not to pursue; continued back to Gordonsville, having traveled seventy or eighty miles. Tuesday, 5th--Rested, having sent out scouting parties; heard by telegram from Richmond that the enemy were everywhere. Wednesday, 6th--Having received information that the enemy were recrossing the railroad, moved down upon his left flank; came upon his rear at North Anna river; took seventeen or eighteen prisoners; their rear guard had crossed the river and torn up the bridge. It had been raining all day and river was past fording. Hearing that this was only one party, and that another column was moving lower down, went in that direction; found they had all crossed Nort
Wesley Owens (search for this): chapter 4.28
n up in road; one squadron of Ninth cavalry was ahead, a few hundred yards; charged; enemy charged at same time; fought hand to hand four or five minutes; routed the party; killed six; wounded a number; took thirty-three prisoners, among them Captain Owens and Lieutenant Buford. Captain Owens reported that his regiment was not all present, but that he was on picket; that General Buford was only three miles distant. My horses and men being jaded, and having only about eigth hundred men, I determCaptain Owens reported that his regiment was not all present, but that he was on picket; that General Buford was only three miles distant. My horses and men being jaded, and having only about eigth hundred men, I determined not to pursue; continued back to Gordonsville, having traveled seventy or eighty miles. Tuesday, 5th--Rested, having sent out scouting parties; heard by telegram from Richmond that the enemy were everywhere. Wednesday, 6th--Having received information that the enemy were recrossing the railroad, moved down upon his left flank; came upon his rear at North Anna river; took seventeen or eighteen prisoners; their rear guard had crossed the river and torn up the bridge. It had been raini
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