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Maryland Heights (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
f history that when the column of the rebel army was within a day's march of the capital of Pennsylvania, and the main body of the rebel army was in Maryland, following the advances, Lee, supposing that he had out-generaled Hooker, and made sure of Baltimore and Washington, was startled to find Hooker across the Potomac and right on his flank. So much to the credit of the latter. It is a matter of history that when General Hooker was about to direct some of the troops in the field (on Maryland Heights) under his command to prepare for a blow upon Lee's flank, before the latter could contract his lines, which would have resulted in cutting the rebel army in two, Hooker's plans were interrupted by the general-in-chief, and at his (Hooker's) own request, feeling justly indignant at the treatment he had received, he was relieved. General Lee, in his report to Jeff Davis, acknowledges he was outflanked and outgeneraled by Hooker. So much to the credit of the latter. It is a matter of
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
matter of history that the army of the Potomac was never in finer drill, or better discipline, or more thoroughly in fighting trim than it was when it fought at Gettysburg. So much to the credit of General Hooker. It is a matter of history that when the column of the rebel army was within a day's march of the capital of Pennsyout his line of marches in Maryland, he was directed by Hooker to keep well to the right in order to cover Baltimore, intending thereby to force Lee to fight at Gettysburg or thereabouts. So much to the credit of Hooker. It is a matter of history that Hooker had formed a general plan of battle: that his Chief of Staff had thatch commenced only about forty-eight hours after he assumed command of the Army of the Potomac, even upon the plans of another! Mr. Everett, in his oration at Gettysburg, did not fail to do Gen. Hooker justice; nor did Gen. Lee, the leader of the crestfallen and defeated rebel army. We regret the more, therefore, that the Gener
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
t was when it fought at Gettysburg. So much to the credit of General Hooker. It is a matter of history that when the column of the rebel army was within a day's march of the capital of Pennsylvania, and the main body of the rebel army was in Maryland, following the advances, Lee, supposing that he had out-generaled Hooker, and made sure of Baltimore and Washington, was startled to find Hooker across the Potomac and right on his flank. So much to the credit of the latter. It is a matter of was relieved. General Lee, in his report to Jeff Davis, acknowledges he was outflanked and outgeneraled by Hooker. So much to the credit of the latter. It is a matter of history that when General Butterfield made out his line of marches in Maryland, he was directed by Hooker to keep well to the right in order to cover Baltimore, intending thereby to force Lee to fight at Gettysburg or thereabouts. So much to the credit of Hooker. It is a matter of history that Hooker had formed a gener
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
entering our solemn protest against it. And in doing this, we do not mean to detract in the slightest degree from the reputation and honor of General Meade. It is a matter of history that the army of the Potomac was never in finer drill, or better discipline, or more thoroughly in fighting trim than it was when it fought at Gettysburg. So much to the credit of General Hooker. It is a matter of history that when the column of the rebel army was within a day's march of the capital of Pennsylvania, and the main body of the rebel army was in Maryland, following the advances, Lee, supposing that he had out-generaled Hooker, and made sure of Baltimore and Washington, was startled to find Hooker across the Potomac and right on his flank. So much to the credit of the latter. It is a matter of history that when General Hooker was about to direct some of the troops in the field (on Maryland Heights) under his command to prepare for a blow upon Lee's flank, before the latter could contra
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
story that when the column of the rebel army was within a day's march of the capital of Pennsylvania, and the main body of the rebel army was in Maryland, following the advances, Lee, supposing that he had out-generaled Hooker, and made sure of Baltimore and Washington, was startled to find Hooker across the Potomac and right on his flank. So much to the credit of the latter. It is a matter of history that when General Hooker was about to direct some of the troops in the field (on Maryland Heflanked and outgeneraled by Hooker. So much to the credit of the latter. It is a matter of history that when General Butterfield made out his line of marches in Maryland, he was directed by Hooker to keep well to the right in order to cover Baltimore, intending thereby to force Lee to fight at Gettysburg or thereabouts. So much to the credit of Hooker. It is a matter of history that Hooker had formed a general plan of battle: that his Chief of Staff had that plan; that Gen. Meade knew i
Joe Hooker (search for this): chapter 14
nces, Lee, supposing that he had out-generaled Hooker, and made sure of Baltimore and Washington, watter. It is a matter of history that when General Hooker was about to direct some of the troops in terrupted by the general-in-chief, and at his (Hooker's) own request, feeling justly indignant at thowledges he was outflanked and outgeneraled by Hooker. So much to the credit of the latter. It iine of marches in Maryland, he was directed by Hooker to keep well to the right in order to cover Bas successor, Meade had not only the benefit of Hooker's plans and necessarily acted upon them, but he also had Hooker's Chief of Staff (Gen. Butterfield) by his side constantly, and, if General Hookert have succeeded. Gen. Butterfield knew all of Hooker's plans, and was instructed by the latter to cs oration at Gettysburg, did not fail to do Gen. Hooker justice; nor did Gen. Lee, the leader of tho, especially in view of the signal service Gen. Hooker has recently rendered by his dashing and da[8 more...]
George Gordon Meade (search for this): chapter 14
Appendix G Newspaper article, attack on General Meade, mentioned in letter of December 28, 1863.ng upon the Battle of Gettysburg, says: To General Meade belonged the honor of a well-earned victorst degree from the reputation and honor of General Meade. It is a matter of history that the arm that his Chief of Staff had that plan; that Gen. Meade knew it; that, as Hooker's successor, MeadeMeade had not only the benefit of Hooker's plans and necessarily acted upon them, but he also had Hookerm the gentlemanly and soldierlike conduct of Gen. Meade, who, immediately after the battle of Gettys by the latter to communicate them freely to Gen. Meade, and we happen to know that Gen. Meade receiGen. Meade received them, acted upon them, and, after the battle, like a true gentleman, acknowledged his gratitude.r of the plainest common sense, that neither Gen. Meade or any other military chieftain living couldthout aid from his immediate predecessor. Gen. Meade can ask for no higher honor than that which
Edward Everett (search for this): chapter 14
arned victory, in one of the greatest and best fought battles of the war. As a public journalist, we cannot allow such a record to be made in the face of the well-known history of the battle of Gettysburg, now made classic by the eloquence of Everett, and in view of the important part the gallant Hooker and his chief of staff performed preliminary to, and during the battle, without entering our solemn protest against it. And in doing this, we do not mean to detract in the slightest degree fr by winning such a victory over the best disciplined army the rebels have in the field, in a series of battles which commenced only about forty-eight hours after he assumed command of the Army of the Potomac, even upon the plans of another! Mr. Everett, in his oration at Gettysburg, did not fail to do Gen. Hooker justice; nor did Gen. Lee, the leader of the crestfallen and defeated rebel army. We regret the more, therefore, that the General-in-Chief of the army of the United States, in maki
H. W. Halleck (search for this): chapter 14
Appendix G Newspaper article, attack on General Meade, mentioned in letter of December 28, 1863. see page 164, Vol. II (Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, December 26, 1863) (From the Washington Republican) Battle of Gettysburg—honor to whom honor is due General Halleck, in his report of the operations of our armies in the field during the past year, in commenting upon the Battle of Gettysburg, says: To General Meade belonged the honor of a well-earned victory, in one of the greatest and best fought battles of the war. As a public journalist, we cannot allow such a record to be made in the face of the well-known history of the battle of Gettysburg, now made classic by the eloquence of Everett, and in view of the important part the gallant Hooker and his chief of staff performed preliminary to, and during the battle, without entering our solemn protest against it. And in doing this, we do not mean to detract in the slightest degree from the reputation and honor of Gener
Charles Wilkes (search for this): chapter 14
Appendix G Newspaper article, attack on General Meade, mentioned in letter of December 28, 1863. see page 164, Vol. II (Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, December 26, 1863) (From the Washington Republican) Battle of Gettysburg—honor to whom honor is due General Halleck, in his report of the operations of our armies in the field during the past year, in commenting upon the Battle of Gettysburg, says: To General Meade belonged the honor of a well-earned victory, in one of the greatest and best fought battles of the war. As a public journalist, we cannot allow such a record to be made in the face of the well-known history of the battle of Gettysburg, now made classic by the eloquence of Everett, and in view of the important part the gallant Hooker and his chief of staff performed preliminary to, and during the battle, without entering our solemn protest against it. And in doing this, we do not mean to detract in the slightest degree from the reputation and honor of Genera
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