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Blue Springs (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
is, Colonel Waters, Eightieth Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel Kilgour, Ninth Indiana, Colonel Suman, Thirty-sixth Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel Cary, Thirtieth Indiana, Captain Dawson, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, Captain Lawson, to which was attached battery B, Pennsylvania. Effective force, officers and men, about two thousand nine hundred. By orders from Major-General Stanley, Division Commander, we marched, with the balance of his command, on the third day of May, 1864, from our camp at Blue Springs, near Cleveland, Tennessee, to Red Clay, on the Georgia state line, and camped for the night. May 4.--Marched with the division to Catoosa Springs, Georgia (with light skirmishing), for concentration with the army, where we rested until May seventh, when we marched with the corps, drove the enemy from, and possessed Tunnel Hill, Georgia. For several succeeding days we advanced upon, and ineffectually endeavored to drive the enemy from Rocky-Face Ridge, in our front. My position was o
Pickett's Mill (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
During the spirited skirmish that took place at Adairsville, the artillery fire of the enemy is represented as having been remarkable. One shell dismounted Colonel T. J. Morgan and Lieutenant-Colonel Fullerton of the corps staff, struck the horses of two of the orderlies and one of the escort, carried one of the bars off the shoulder-strap of Captain Bliss, of General Newton's staff, who was standing near, and finished its work by slightly wounding one of the orderlies. The battle of Pickett's Mill, on the twenty-seventh, in which Wood's division acted so handsomely, was briefly described by one of your correspondents, but I have learned a few additional facts in which the public may be interested. The ground upon which the enemy had made a stand, and it was believed had heavily fortified, was in a thick and almost inaccessible wood, whose hills of various sizes, and ridges, rose out of the valley in which were deep and swampy ravines, so thickly covered with vines, creepers and u
Ravenswood (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
assuring in the ear-splitting din. We could tell from the peculiar whistle that our gunners Were firing canister, and we breathlessly waited for the smoke to lift for a moment, that we might see its effect. The moment came. With a ragged front line the rebel column had halted, and were firing wild, but tremendous volleys. Colors disappeared and alignments were lost. Colonels rallying their men became tangled up with the swaying and disordered lines, and melted out of view like Edgar of Ravenswood. Riderless horses plunged across the field with a puzzled gallop, swaying from side to side, snuffing the terror of the moment and screaming with fright. Four guns of Smith's First Michigan battery went into action hastily on Newton's right flank, and added theirs to the intermingling detonations. Portions of the assaulting lines made shivering little efforts to advance, and the next instant fell to pieces. In twenty minutes--no more — the rebel columns were routed and flying back to t
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
nth ult., in pursuit of the fleeing enemy from Resaca, the Fourth were given the advance on the linesleepless, laborious nights and bloody days at Resaca, the fortnight of carnage and vigilant toil neupplies, was burned by one of these gangs near Resaca. Our cavalry got on their track and captured the enemy evacuated the position in and around Resaca, and retreated south of the Oostanaula. This the retreating enemy across the Oostanaula at Resaca, and advanced to near Calhoun, and camped for Gap, Villanow and Snake Creek Gap, directly on Resaca, or the railroad at any point below Dalton, anGap and Resaca. The next day we moved against Resaca, General McPherson on the direct road, preceedible, and with the main Army I pressed against Resaca at all points. General McPherson got across C the main Dalton road, and down to it close on Resaca. General Schofield came up close on his leflank have been bold and successful; first upon Resaca, second, upon Dallas, third upon Kenesaw, four[28 more...]
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
; and General McPherson to direct his course from Roswell straight against the Augusta road, at some point east of Decatur, near Stone Mountain. General Garrard's caparatively open ground of the valley of Peach-tree creek, his right beyond the Augusta road to the east, and his left well toward Turner's ferry on the Chattahoocheeday before I had detached General Garrard's cavalry to go to Covington, on the Augusta road, forty-two miles east of Atlanta, and from that point to send detachment of whom was killed by accident. Having, therefore; sufficiently crippled the Augusta road, and rendered it useless to the enemy, I then addressed myself to the tasby the right, below Proctor's creek, and General Schofield to extend up to the Augusta road. About the same time General Rousseau had arrived from his expedition to Chattahoochee river. The crossing of the Chattahoochee and breaking of the Augusta road was most handsomely executed by us, and will be studied as an example in
Hornady (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
rstanding of the policy and plans for the ensuing campaign, covering a vast area of country, my part of which, extended from Chattanooga to Vicksburg. I returned to Nashville, and on the twenty-fifth began a tour of inspection, visiting Athens, Decatur, Huntsville, and Larkin's Ferry, Alabama; Chattanooga, London, and Knoxville, Tennessee. During this visit I had interviews with Major-General McPherson, commanding the Army of the Tennessee, at Huntsville, Major-General Thomas, commanding the om the four great cardinal points. But the men had worked hard and needed rest, and we accordingly took a short spell. But in antieipation of this contingency, I had collected a well-appointed force of cavalry,about two thousand strong, at Decatur, Alabama, with orders, on receiving notice by telegraph, to push rapidly south, cross the Coosa, at the railroad bridge or the Ten Islands, and thence by the most direct route to Opelika. There is but one stem of finished railroad connecting the cha
Maryland Heights (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
pon even this speed. The distance, also, through which signals can be transmitted without an intermediate station is surprising. Last spring, Captain Leonard, chief signal-officer of the Fourth corps, sent despatches regularly from Ringgold to Summerville, on Lookout Mountain, a distance of eighteen miles. Lieutenant William Reynolds, formerly of the Tenth corps, signalled from the deck of a gun-boat twenty miles into Port Royal harbor. N. Daniels was sent by the Secretary of War to Maryland Heights to give information of the enemy's movements, and he succeeded in sending messages rapidly over the extraordinary distance of twenty-four miles--from the Heights to Sugar-loaf Mountain--four miles from Frederick. But these instances require remarkably favorable conditions of the atmosphere, locality, &c. Ordinarily messages are not sent a greater distance than six or eight miles. Last night, a despatch was sent from General Schofield's headquarters to Lost Mountain, a distance of six m
Fairburn (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
les and boldly marched upon the West Point railroad, near Fairburn, the Third division in advance, skirmishing all the way ffore dark struck the Atlanta and West Point railroad near Fairburn, a station eighteen miles from Atlanta. The rebel cavalrt eight P. M. it moved with the corps in the direction of Fairburn, reaching the West Point and Atlanta railroad without opptroops were here formed in line, the right resting on the Fairburn and Jonesboroa road, and extending north, and a good barre march of the main army to the West Point railroad, near Fairburn, and afterward to the Macon road, at or near Jonesboroa, eighteenth to the West Point road, and break it good near Fairburn; thence to proceed across to the Macon road, and tear it e Army of the Tennessee on the West Point railroad, above Fairburn, the Army of the Cumberland about Red Oak, and General Sco the right of the army, to the West Point railroad, near Fairburn. After completely destroying the road for some distance,
Sugar Valley (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
rtillery was placed in position, and a heavy duel commenced across a large open farm, with a low valley between. The Ninth and Thirty-sixth Indiana, supported on the right by the Eighty-fourth Illinois, were ordered into line, and advanced across the valley double-quick, under a heavy fire, ascended the wooded hill, drove the enemy from his barricades, and carried the place with very light loss. This was the last of our fighting for the day. We advanced a few miles to the right, entered Sugar Valley, and camped (with the corps in line), for the night. May 14.--Early this morning, our corps moved toward the enemy's position at Resaca, on the right bank of the Oostanaula river, Georgia. At about twelve M., we came upon the enemy in position, about three miles from the river. The face of the country is rough and hilly, interspersed with small farms, but mostly heavy woodland, with thick underbrush. I was directed and put my command in position in double lines on the left of Genera
Rocky Face (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 117
e actual flutter of the flag, the swaying, surging line of battle; in a word, the action, the life, and the din, the conception falls far short of the reality. Nearing the summit, just such an insurmountable facade of cliffs as opposed us at Rocky Face obstructs our path. The average perpendicular height of the precipice is thirty feet. Along the verge of this the enemy had drawn a line of battle, and his troops, as we approached, hurled down rocks, clubs, blocks, and every conceivable spn Ridge, with his ranks filled, and a new commander-in-chief, second to none of the Confederacy in reputation for skill, sagacity and extreme popularity. All at once, our armies assumed ife and action, and appeared before Dalton; threatening Rocky Face we threw ourselves upon Resaca, and the rebel army only escaped by the rapidity of its retreat, aided by the numerous roads with which he was familiar, and which were strange to us. Again he took post at Allatoons, but we gave him no rest, a
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