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Lima, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
quite brisk, but especially on the right of the entire line, which was bent back so as to cover the flank and also conform to the enemy's line in front of the Rome road. Two hours of skirmishing ensued, with an occasional shot from our batteries, when our boys on the right, becoming impatient, advanced and drove the rebel line beyond the Rome road. This portion of our skirmish line was composed of three companies of the Sixty-sixth Illinois, under command of Captain George A. Taylor, of Lima, Ohio. Brave as the bravest, and always impetuous, this officer, on reaching the Rome road and perceiving a party of rebels retreating in that direction, took four or five men with him and started in pursuit. Reckless of life, he followed until suddenly a volley from a strong line in ambush burst upon him, and he fell dead-shot through the brain. His men could not bear off his body, and it was left to rebel magnanimity. When found next morning, his boots, pants, hat, money, watch, and ring,
Fort Pillow (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
imself with the position of his command. This morning at an early hour, a small force advanced upon the enemy, who, in small force, held Bald Knob, a small hill about a mile south of Catoosa Platform, and drove them from it without the loss of a man on either side. This morning Morgan's brigade of Davis' division were on picket, when a squad of rebels, mounted, came up within three hundred yards of our pickets, and called out, Will you exchange coffee for tobacco? Yes, was the reply, Fort Pillow, d----n you, as the pickets leveled their guns and discharged a volley into them, wounding one man. The rebels not liking leaden coffee retreated, exclaiming as they ran, Are you niggers or white men, to treat us that way? Saturday, May 7. At five o'clock in the morning the Fourth corps encamped on the hills about Catoosa Springs, moved east, Stanley taking the lead, followed by Generals Newton and Wood, arriving at Lee's House in the valley to the northwest of Rocky Face Ridge. Newt
Decatur (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
Doc. 8. Sherman in Georgia. Tunnell Hill, Georgia, Thursday Afternoon, May 12, 1864. General Sherman's grand campaign has reached that point where great events may be looked for at any moment. It is two weeks to-day since he left Nashville, his army then stretching from Decatur to beyond Knoxville, occupying the same lines held during the winter. His arrival at Chattanooga gave every division of the army a mysterious impulse, and, at the moment that Thomas gathered his legions into hand for an active movement, the corps on the flanks showed signs of life, and, by rapid strides, converged towards the centre of operations. Veteran regiments poured in from the North. Out-laying detachments were thrown together, and troops guarding important points were reduced to exact fighting weight. In less than ten days a tremendous concentration of troops has taken place, and to-day an immense army — a larger number of effective men than moved upon Corinth, after the battle of Shiloh
Crow Valley (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
both assaults will not exceed two hundred and fifty killed and wounded. It must be remembered that large bodies of troops are working around the rebel left flank. Kilpatrick occupies our right with his cavalry. Stoneman is on the left. The failure of one or two storming parties is expected before Johnston can be expelled. His attention will soon be called to other localities than Dalton. General Schofield, with his corps, to-day reached Newton's left, and this afternoon moved up Crow Valley, to the left of Rocky Face Ridge. He will possibly strike the enemy on his right flank, simultaneously with an attack on his left by a column now moving forward for that purpose. Should these flank movements succeed, Johnston must of necessity vacate his almost impregnable position, and move back on Atlanta or Rome, or fight us this side at Resacca, in a less strong position. I shall not attempt to speculate upon the probable work of to-morrow, but record the movements as they occur.
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
ng, twenty-five hundred, as he fought mostly behind breast-works. A. J. Daugherty. Another account. Resacca, Ga., May 17. The preliminary operations of General Sherman's campaign are already known to the public — the massing of General Thomas' army at Chattanooga; the advance to Ringgold, and the passage of Taylor's Ridge; the march of McPherson from Huntsville, Decatur, and other places, towards the great theatre of operations in North Georgia; the descent of Schofield from East Tennessee to form part of the left of the grand army — all these things are known. Equally well understood are the next series of movements — the march from the eastern foot of Taylor's Ridge to the western base of the Chattanooga Mountain; the occupation of the town of Tunnel by a portion of Palmer's corps; the retreat of the enemy, after some insignificant skirmishing, from the Tunnel Hill range of eminences; the movement of Schofield and Newton along the east side of Rocky Face, a part of Ch<
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
es on the other. The opposing armies shoot at each other across this valley! A country abounding in steep hills thickly wooded, with almost impassable ravines, and with here and there a cleared patch of ground, makes up the remainder of this great theatre of warfare where two mighty armes were about to enact another tragedy. The rebel army was divided into three great corps: Hardee's on the right, Hood in the centre, and Polk on the left. All the reinforcements brought up from Mobile, Savannah, and other parts, were distributed among these three. About one o'clock it was determined to attack the enemy's lines, partly for the purpose of directing his attention from the left of the Fifteenth corps, where, as I have said, he had commenced a fierce fire, but mainly to test his strength and determination, and if possible to drive him from his works upon this part of the field. The attack was commenced by Schofield, who, with Newton, advanced gradually up to the enemy's work, Woo
Cleveland, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
ters, the daring deeds, and hair-breadth 'scapes related partially before, plunge boldly in medias res. Palmer's corps, of the immortal old Army of the Cumberland, lay in and about Ringgold or Hooker's Gap. General Howard, having moved from Cleveland simultaneously with the marching of Palmer's corps, halted his column and encamped on the hills and in the rapturously elegant groves about Catoosa Springs. The picturesqueness of the landscape, assisted by the comforts that art lavished with y a distinction that few enjoy, for cool calculating judgment in the hour of danger, and brilliant dashing valor in the hour of battle, I regret very much to say encountered an overwhelming force to-day near Poplar Spring, on the main road from Cleveland to Dalton, and was captured. His officers and men in referring to his personal intrepidity as displayed in the effort to-day to retrieve his fortunes after others had almost ceased to hope, pay the highest tribute to his character that could b
Ferry (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
emy's skirmishers — across in the woods his line of battle. At the bugle, the division fell into line of battle, deployed skirmishers, and swept across the field, driving the enemy in splendid style. General Logan accompanied the line. At the same time Herron, who had fallen back of the main road to allow Hooker to move to the right, moved on the double-quick to the left of Osterhaus, the two divisions pushing into the thick wood on the left of the Second; Dodge moved his command from the Ferry road down through the forest to fill up the space between the Fifteenth and the Oostenaula, his Fourth division, General Hatch, having the advance. After crossing the field, General Morgan L. Smith entered the wood, and pushed rapidly for the hills in his front. As the right of the Fifteenth corps came up on the rising ground beyond the open hill, it was found to be uncovered, Dodge's left not being up. The rebels opened a severe flanking fire, from which Lightburn's brigade suffered con
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
he battery. The wound was severe, tearing off the flesh and denuding the bone of the right shoulder. He was a brave, intelligent officer, very highly esteemed by his men and his superior officers. On the morning of the fourteenth, the skirmishers commenced firing as soon as it was light. The musketry extended along the fronts of both armies, and at intervals the different batteries opened. In the immediate front of Resacca, the Fourth Ohio, Landgraber's, and Batteries A, B, and H, of Chicago, tried their guns upon the town, the enemy's redoubts, and the bridge. Their practice was most excellent; the school of artillery at the siege of Vicksburg exhibiting its training in every shot that was fired. During the forenoon nothing of any importance transpired. Soon after noon the dance commenced in the centre and left-centre. First came the rattle of the skirmishers' musketry as they advanced; the batteries followed, their heavy voices echoing and re-echoing through the ravine
Round Hill, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
ngled sound of cheers and musketry is distinctly heard, darkness is fast approaching, and, descending the slope as rapidly as the nature of the ground would permit, we <*>e soon in an open field. This field contains about ten acres, is rectangular in shape, and in the centre, on a knoll, Major Simonson has planted the Fifth Indiana battery, better known as the Old Simonson battery. In front, after passing over the open ground, runs a succession of very high hills. One of these is called Round Hill. Stanley pushed his division up this and occupied it all the afternoon. The enemy, finding our left weak, determined to mass against it, and, if possible, crush it before nightfall. Their onslaught had been boldly met and once or twice repulsed. Numbers, however, will at times prevail over tenacity and courage, and so it was with Stanley. The forces that were broken were defeated by force of numbers, and once disordered, that portion of it was impossible to rally to effective resist
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