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Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) 219 1 Browse Search
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Marietta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
ndred dollars of Confederate scrip, informed them that they were now venturing upon important and dangerous duty, and threatened to shoot on the spot the first man that got drunk or flinched in the least. They then made their way through the lines in parties of two and three, in citizens' dress, and carrying only side arms, to Chattanooga, the point of rendezvous agreed upon, where twenty-two out of the twenty-four arrived safely. Here they took passage, without attracting attention, for Marietta, which place they reached at twelve o'clock on the night of the 11th of April. The next morning, before daylight, they took the cars and went back on the same road to a place called Big Shanty, a regular stopping-place for refreshments, and where, within forty or fifty yards of the road, some twenty thousand Confederate troops were encamped, it being a general rendezvous for recruits and the organization of regiments. The train upon which the conspirators were, contained, also, a number o
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
row escapes, during the war. The following, very graphically told by a former engineer, has the merit also of truthfulness: Among the many incidents that during the late rebellion were connected with that great national artery, the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, is one that I will relate. In the fall of 1861, having been detained by business in the town of Cumberland, Maryland, I was at last about to start for Wheeling, when I learned by a despatch that the road was occupied below Harper's Ferry by a force of rebels, and therefore no train would pass. This proved to be true in reference to ordinary trains, but a special, with which was the Hon. Mr. Pierpont, and a few other notabilities, had passed before the rebels cut the track, and was therefore approaching. On inquiry, I found that the engineer of the coming train had been one of my old chums, ere I had discarded engine-driving for more profitable business. My friend Joe M---was a cool, bold, skilful engineer; and as g
Charlottesville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
d it been successful, would have suddenly and completely changed the whole aspect of the war in the South and Southwest. It was as sublime in the results aimed at, as it was daring in execution; for it would have given full possession of all East Tennessee to the Union forces, which, moving then on Lynchburg, would have had the valley of Virginia at their mercy, and could have attacked Stonewall Jackson in the rear. In addition,, to this advantage, they would have held the railroad to Charlottesville and Orange Court House, as well as the Southside railroad leading to Petersburg and Richmond; and thus, by uniting with McClellan's army, could have attacked the rebel General Joe Johnston's army, front and flank. driven him from Virginia, and flanked Beauregard This admirable coup daetat, the sagacity and importance of which challenged even the warmest admiration of the Confederates themselves, as being the deepest laid scheme, and on the grandest scale, that ever emanated from the b
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
t to entitle it to lasting remembrance; the adroitly managed surprise by which the command of the river was won, and the toilsome sixty miles' travel of the supply trains over the worst roads in the world reduced to ten miles over a good road, and the subsequent sharp but successful battle of Wauhatchie, in which the gray-haired hero, Geary, showed himself as skilful as he was daring, indicated that the general in command at Chattanooga was fully master of the situation. The capture of Lookout mountain by General Hooker; the conflict above the clouds, where the lurid light that flamed from Union and rebel cannon mimicked, with wonderful effect, the thunders of Heaven's own artillery, and where, with every struggle, the stars and stripes crept higher and higher toward that summit which overlooked so many battle fields, till the morning's light beheld them waving proudly from its highest point; the bold and rapid movement, by which, while marshalled, as the enemy supposed, for a dress p
Newark, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
New Year's Night. It extended from one of the lower rooms of the prison some two hundred yards into the street, opening on a vacant lot. The youngest soldier in the Army of the Cumberland. At the Caledonian supper in Cincinnati, Ohio, during December, 1863, General Rosecrans exhibited the photograph of a boy who he said was the youngest soldier in the Army of the Cumberland. His name is Johnny Clem, twelve years of age, a member of Company C, 22d Michigan Infantry. His home was at Newark, Ohio. He first attracted the attention of General Rosecrans during a review at Nashville, where he was acting as marker for his regiment. His extreme youth (he is quite small for his age) and intelligent appearance interested the general, and calling him to him he questioned him as to his name, age, regiment, etc. General Rosecrans spoke encouragingly to the young soldier, and told him to come and see him whenever he came where he was. He saw no more of the boy until the end of 1863, when h
Bolivar, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
a fence on the field, in which there were thirty-one shot holes. It was now nine o'clock. The wounded had been carried to the hospital. The dismounted troopers were placed in charge of them — in the double capacity of nurses and guards. Zagonyi expected the foe to return every minute. It seemed like madness to try and hold the town with his small force, exhausted by the long march and desperate fight. He therefore left Springfield, and retired before morning twenty-five miles on the Bolivar road. Captain Fairbanks did not see his commander after leaving the column in the lane, at the commencement of the engagement. About dusk he repaired to the prairie, and remained there within a mile of the village until midnight, when he followed Zagonyi, rejoining him in the morning. I will now return to Major White. During the conflict upon the hill, he was in the forest near the front of the rebel line. Here his horse was shot under him. Captain Wroton kept careful watch over hi
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
was as sublime in the results aimed at, as it was daring in execution; for it would have given full possession of all East Tennessee to the Union forces, which, moving then on Lynchburg, would have had the valley of Virginia at their mercy, and could expected to effect, would have completely prevented rebel reinforcements and commissary stores from reaching Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia. At Big Shanty, therefore, the train stopped for breakfast, and passengers, conductor, engineer, and hahis can lighten that burden a single ounce, but this thought may, and I dare to utter it: These three days work brought Tennessee to resurrection; set the flag, that fairest blossom in all this flowery world, to blooming in its native soil once moreSheridan. Refusing to volunteer in the rebel army. In the same prison with Parson Brownlow and other Unionists in Tennessee, was a venerable clergyman, named Cate, and his three sons. One of them, James Madison Cate, a most exemplary and wort
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
rections how to avoid the Yankee soldiers, who occasionally scouted in that vicinity. This information was exceedingly valuable to the refugees, for by it they discovered the whereabouts of the Federal forces. When about fifteen miles from Williamsburg the party came upon the main road and found the tracks of a large body of cavalry. A piece of paper found by Captain Jones satisfied him that they were Union cavalry; but his companions were suspicious, and avoided the road and moved forward. At the Burnt ordinary (about ten miles from Williamsburg) they awaited the return of the cavalry that had moved up the road, and from behind a fence corner, where they were secreted, the fugitives saw the flag of the Union, supported by a squadron of cavalry, which proved to be a detachment of Colonel Spear's 11th Pennsylvania Regiment, sent out for the purpose of picking up escaped prisoners. Colonel Kendrick says his feelings at seeing the old flag are indescribable. At all points along
Rossville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
and utterly routed foe. Many writers have attempted to describe, and with varying success, this brilliant feat of arms, but none have succeeded so admirably as Mr. B. F. Taylor, of the Chicago Journal, himself an eye-witness of it. We give a portion of his description, which is as truthful as it is glowing: The brief November afternoon was half gone; it was yet thundering on the left; along the centre all was still. At that very hour a fierce assault was made upon the enemy's left near Rossville, four miles down toward the old field of Chickamauga. They carried the Ridge; Mission Ridge seems everywhere — they strewed its summit with rebel dead; they held it. And thus the tips of the Federal army's wide-spread wings flapped grandly. But it had not swooped; the gray quarry yet perched upon Mission Ridge; the rebel army was terribly battered at the edges, but there full in our front it grimly waited, biding out its time. If the horns of the rebel crescent could not be doubled crus
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
ey entered this prison, at the end of three weeks, when they were required to leave it, were so exhausted by their confinement and treatment, as scarcely to be able to walk. Finally, twelve of their number were transferred to the prison at Knoxville, Tenn., and there seven of them were tried by court-martial as spies. Their trial, of course, was summary, and although permitted to be present, they were not allowed to hear either the argument of their own counsel or of the judge-advocate. Theiunder the impression that those who had been tried had been acquitted. But, on the 18th of June, after their arrival at Atlanta, their prison door was opened, and, without warning, the death-sentence was read to the seven who had been tried at Knoxville, and who, little dreaming of their hapless fate, were even then engaged in whiling away the time by playing euchre. No time for preparation was allowed --they were bid to say farewell to their comrades, and be quick about it --then were tied, c
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