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Benjamin F. Butler (search for this): chapter 9
arkable phenomenon in the whole history of the war than the display of fully awakened Northern energy in it, alike wonderful in the ingenuity of its expedients and in the concentrated force of its action. At every stage of the war the North adopted the best means for securing specific results. It used the popularity of Fremont to bring an army into the field. It combined with the science of McClellan, Buell, and Halleck, such elements of popularity as could be found in the names of Banks, Butler, and Baker. It patronized the great ship-brokers and ship-owners of New York to create a navy. The world was to be astonished soon to find the North more united than ever in the prosecution of the contest, and the proportions of the war so swollen as to cover with its armies and its navies the frontiers of half a continent. While these immense preparations were in progress in the North, and while the South indulged its dreams of confidence, there was a natural pause of large and active
Jefferson Davis (search for this): chapter 9
en the Confederacy. It was taken by the Southern public as the end of the war, or, at least, as its decisive event. Nor was this merely a vulgar delusion. President Davis, after the battle, assured his intimate friends that the recognition of the Confederate States by the European Powers was now certain. The newspapers declarexistence, that politicians actually commenced plotting for the Presidential succession, more than six years distant. Mr. Hunter of Virginia about this time left Mr. Davis' Cabinet, because it was said that he foresaw the errours and unpopularity of this Administration, and was unwilling by any identification with it to damage his chances as Mr. Davis' successor in the Presidential office. Gen. Beauregard was already designated in some quarters as the next Confederate President; and the popular nominee of an honour six years hence, wrote a weak and theatrical letter to the newspapers, dated Within hearing of the enemy's guns, and declaring: I am not either a
ont's presence on the night of the 7th of November, delivered to him the fatal missive which concluded his career. This event had tie effect of demoralizing the Federal forces to such an extent that an immediate retreat was thought advisable by the acting officers in command. The degraded General showed symptoms of rebellion. The Dutch were greatly attached to him; signs of mutiny were shown by these adherents; for a time open revolt was threatened; but Fremont's subordinates, Sigel and Asboth, positively refused to sustain him, and the army was ordered to retreat from Springfield. The Federals accordingly left that town in the direction of Rolla, and were pursued by Gen. Price to Osceola. From Osceola, Gen. Price fell back to Springfield, to forage his army and obtain supplies. Both armies having thus drawn off, we may leave here for the present the history of the Missouri campaign. Notwithstanding the adverse termination of this campaign with respect to the occupation of M
H. R. Jackson (search for this): chapter 9
es in Missouri. correspondence between Gens. Price and Harney. Gov. Jackson's proclamation. military condition of Missouri. her heroic chocrans escaped from him. engagement of the Greenbrier River. Gen. H. R. Jackson's success. failure of the Western Virginia campaign. Gen. L About this time, Sterling Price, having been commissioned by Gov. Jackson of Missouri as major-general, proceeded to consult with Gen. Harsion be entertained of the result. On the 13th of June, 1861, Gov. Jackson issued his proclamation calling for fifty thousand volunteers. militia of Missouri. After the singular affair of Booneville, Gov. Jackson, who had taken the field, commenced to retire his small force to On the 4th of July, with his motley, ill-provided, brave army, Gen. Jackson, then in command, took up his line of march for the Southwest, w important encounter of arms in Missouri was now to take place. Gen. Jackson found great difficulty in forming his line of battle and in depl
e whole line of the hill, upon which the enemy was posted, a terrible fire of musketry was now kept up. The roar of the battle was tremendous, bursting along two opposing lines which swept for miles over the rolling fields. Masses of infantry fell back and again marched forward. The summit of the hill was covered with the dead and wounded. Totten's battery on the enemy's side did fearful execution. With the loss of many men and horses, the Federal battery, after a fierce engagement with Woodruff's, was with difficulty withdrawn. Part of it was again planted where it swept the front-part was masked to meet an advance. At this moment, when the fortunes of the day yet hung in doubt, two regiments of Gen. Pearce's command were ordered forward to support the centre. Reid's battery was also brought up and the Louisiana regiment was again called into action on the left of it. The enemy was now evidently giving way. Gen. Lyon had marked the progress of the battle with deep anxiety.
Neosho Price (search for this): chapter 9
f firing a hundred guns to celebrate the event. From Neosho Price and McCulloch fell back to Cassville and Pineville, on the southern borders of the State. At Pineville, Price made preparation to receive Fremont, determined not; to abandon Missothat town in the direction of Rolla, and were pursued by Gen. Price to Osceola. From Osceola, Gen. Price fell back to SprinGen. Price fell back to Springfield, to forage his army and obtain supplies. Both armies having thus drawn off, we may leave here for the present the hibrilliant episode of the war. It was a chapter of wonders. Price's army of ragged heroes, had marched over eight hundred milampaign was little less than a puzzle to military critics. Price managed to subsist an army without governmental resources. asked the aid of the nearest miller to reduce it to flour. Price proved that such an army could go where they pleased in an Barlow's dress at a circus would be decent in comparison. Price himself wore nothing on his shoulders but a brown-linen dus
Rosecrans (search for this): chapter 9
ey. the affair at cross Lanes. movement of Rosecrans. affair of Carnifax Ferry. Floyd and Wise vement of Lee to the line of Lewisburg. how Rosecrans escaped from him. engagement of the Greenbrn of affairs was not lost upon the enemy. Gen. Rosecrans--a name which was hereafter to become fami and rifled cannon. As the sun was sinking, Rosecrans ordered a final and desperate charge. His tappears that when Floyd had first learned of Rosecrans' advance, he had despatched orders to Gen. Win all military operations. In a few days Rosecrans crossed the Gauley with his army, and as the approached the enemy in Randolph County. Rosecrans was then the ranking officer of the Federal arter. Learning by couriers of the union of Rosecrans and Cox, and of their advance upon Wise and ensive works already planned. Meanwhile Gen. Rosecrans, with fifteen thousand men, advanced, and e lost. On the night of the 6th of October, Rosecrans' troops moved to the rear in the dark, and t[2 more...]
Jefferson Thompson (search for this): chapter 9
orses, a quantity of ammunition, and more than one hundred thousand dollars worth of commissary stores. There was also recovered about $900,000 of coin of which the Lexington Bank had been robbed, in accordance with Fremont's instructions, which Gen. Price ordered to be immediately restored to its owners. The capture of Lexington and the bold and brilliant movements of the Missouri patriots in other parts of the State-among them the operations in Southeastern Missouri of the partisan Jeff. Thompson and his Swamp Fox brigade --excited rage and alarm in the Washington administration. Gen. Fremont, who was severely censured for not having reinforced Mulligan, hoped to recover his position by activity and success; he put himself at the head of the army, and advanced towards Jefferson City, sending back the promise that he would overwhelm Price. It was at this period that Gen. Price found his position one of the greatest emergency. He had received intelligence that the Confederate fo
C. S. A. Richmond (search for this): chapter 9
ed. The loss of the Confederates was officially reported as six killed and thirty-one wounded. The approaching rigours of winter terminated the campaign in Western Virginia; or it may be said to have been virtually abandoned by the Richmond authorities. Gen. Lee, who had shed such little blood in the campaign, and obtained such indifferent reputation in mountain warfare, was appointed to take charge of the coast defences of South Carolina and Georgia. Gen. Wise was ordered to report to Richmond, and was subsequently assigned to important duty in North Carolina. Gen. Floyd lingered in the mountains; had some desultory affairs with the enemy; subsequently retired to Southwestern Virginia; and from there was transferred by the Government to the now imposing theatre of war in Tennessee and Kentucky. Thus ended the effort of the Confederate authorities to reclaim the larger portion of Western Virginia. We have put in a brief space its narrative of military events; for, after all, i
McCulloch (search for this): chapter 9
Carthage. Confederate reinforcements under McCulloch. Disagreement between Price and McCulloch. McCulloch. noble conduct of Price. the battle of Oak Hill. McCulloch surprised. a fierce fight. death of rces from Arkansas under the command of Brig.-Gen. McCulloch. No serious thought was entertained ch for the Southwest, where he hoped to join McCulloch. In the mean time, however, Gen. Sigel, witss, arrived at Carthage, accompanied by Brig.-Gen. McCulloch of the Confederate forces, and Maj.-Gene was a Major-General in the State service. McCulloch was a Brigadier-General in the Confederate sthe regular service. On the 9th of August McCulloch moved up to Wilson's Creek, intending to advrried in the direction of Sigel's attack. Gen. McCulloch sent forward Col. Hebert's Louisiana Volunederal rule — it unfortunately fell out that McCulloch and Price could not agree upon a plan of cam and here Price again formed a junction with McCulloch, at the head of 5,000 men. It was at this ti[19 more...]
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