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Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
me log-cabin on the frontier, whose society consists in a dozen children of her own and perhaps two or three more taken in from charity; the woman who, nameless and noteless, maintains that average quality among our American people which can always be relied upon to send from obscurity a Lincoln or a Grant in time of imminent need. Beyond all these, perhaps, in total influence ranks the great army of women teachers, spreading their unseen and daily labors through every school district from Cape Cod to the Golden Gate; smoothing the waste places, equalizing all our civilization, doing the most for the poorest; and again, in the upper regions of education, rising into the work of such missionaries of the highest training as Mary Lyon in the past, or Alice Freeman in the present. Compared with these lives, how petty seem the little struggles for position and etiquette? In what lingering childishness does the most exalted womanhood of Europe seem still to be involved when we read in th
P. B. Shelley (search for this): chapter 4
e past. Now arrives Mr. Routledge, and gives the figures as to his sales of the different poets in a single calendar year. First comes Longfellow, with the extraordinary sale of 6000 copies; then we drop to Scott, with 3170: Shakespeare, 2700; Byron, 2380; Moore, 2276; Burns, 2250. To these succeeds Mrs. Hemans, with a sale of 1900 copies, Milton falling short of her by 50, and no one else showing much more than half that demand. Hood had 980 purchasers,Cowper, 800, and all others less; Shelley had 500 and Keats but 40. Of course this is hardly even an approximate estimate of the comparative popularity of these poets, since much would depend, for instance, on the multiplicity or value of rival editions; but it proves in a general way that Mrs. Hemans holds her own, in point of readers, fifty years after her death. What other form of influence for man or woman equals this? Yet there are many other modes of action. That of Florence Nightingale, for instance, modestly vindicati
George Routledge (search for this): chapter 4
Rufus Choate, After all, a book is the only immortality. And surely the reader is impressed with the way in which a woman's genius, even if not of the very highest order, may retain its hold after her death, on seeing the late statements of Mr. Routledge, the great publisher of cheap books in England, as to the continued demand for Mrs. Hemans's poetry. In the last generation the pure and melodious muse of this lady had great reputation; her American editor was Professor Andrews Norton, fathated critics of his day; and it appears from the late memoirs of Garrison that her verses were long the favorite food of that strong and heroic mind. Yet it has been the custom to speak of her popularity as a thing of the past. Now arrives Mr. Routledge, and gives the figures as to his sales of the different poets in a single calendar year. First comes Longfellow, with the extraordinary sale of 6000 copies; then we drop to Scott, with 3170: Shakespeare, 2700; Byron, 2380; Moore, 2276; Burns
John Keats (search for this): chapter 4
s Mr. Routledge, and gives the figures as to his sales of the different poets in a single calendar year. First comes Longfellow, with the extraordinary sale of 6000 copies; then we drop to Scott, with 3170: Shakespeare, 2700; Byron, 2380; Moore, 2276; Burns, 2250. To these succeeds Mrs. Hemans, with a sale of 1900 copies, Milton falling short of her by 50, and no one else showing much more than half that demand. Hood had 980 purchasers,Cowper, 800, and all others less; Shelley had 500 and Keats but 40. Of course this is hardly even an approximate estimate of the comparative popularity of these poets, since much would depend, for instance, on the multiplicity or value of rival editions; but it proves in a general way that Mrs. Hemans holds her own, in point of readers, fifty years after her death. What other form of influence for man or woman equals this? Yet there are many other modes of action. That of Florence Nightingale, for instance, modestly vindicating a woman's foresi
IV. the woman of influence. Mr.Worth, the eminent Paris dress-maker, telegraphs to the Boston Sunday Herald that the great and pressing need of the age is a Woman of Influence, somewhere or other, to set the fashions. In default of this, he has, after exhausting his genius upon a new dress, to use various indirect devices to bring it into vogue. If one thinks what a beautiful work of art a lady's dress may be, when wealth and Worth have done their best for it, and what an appalling product mere wealth without taste can develop under that name, one may well give a sigh of sympathy to this man of genius who can find no woman quite worthy of his scissors. Yet the truth is that the Woman of Influence is demanded not alone to wear clothes, but to modify and control all the habits of society. A person of power, of individuality, of resources, of charm, is needed in every place where a woman stands, and is not to be had in answer to an advertisement. What we want, said a certain
Henry Something (search for this): chapter 4
yond all these, perhaps, in total influence ranks the great army of women teachers, spreading their unseen and daily labors through every school district from Cape Cod to the Golden Gate; smoothing the waste places, equalizing all our civilization, doing the most for the poorest; and again, in the upper regions of education, rising into the work of such missionaries of the highest training as Mary Lyon in the past, or Alice Freeman in the present. Compared with these lives, how petty seem the little struggles for position and etiquette? In what lingering childishness does the most exalted womanhood of Europe seem still to be involved when we read in the telegraphic headings, Great indignation of Queen Victoria, and find that this excitement relates, not to the tremendous Irish problem and the threatened dismemberment of her empire, but to the hesitation of certain courts of Europe to accord to Prince Henry Something-or-other, her latest son-in-law, the title of His royal Highness!
Florence Nightingale (search for this): chapter 4
hasers,Cowper, 800, and all others less; Shelley had 500 and Keats but 40. Of course this is hardly even an approximate estimate of the comparative popularity of these poets, since much would depend, for instance, on the multiplicity or value of rival editions; but it proves in a general way that Mrs. Hemans holds her own, in point of readers, fifty years after her death. What other form of influence for man or woman equals this? Yet there are many other modes of action. That of Florence Nightingale, for instance, modestly vindicating a woman's foresight against the dulness and red tape of a whole War Department, and returning from the most superb career of public service that ever woman had, with ruined health, but with such universal love and reverence from the Crimean army that a statue would have been erected to her by a penny subscription had she not refused it. That of Clara Barton, or Dorothea Dix, or Mary Livermore, or Jean Lander, or Mother Bickerdyke, in our own civil
Mary Livermore (search for this): chapter 4
Yet there are many other modes of action. That of Florence Nightingale, for instance, modestly vindicating a woman's foresight against the dulness and red tape of a whole War Department, and returning from the most superb career of public service that ever woman had, with ruined health, but with such universal love and reverence from the Crimean army that a statue would have been erected to her by a penny subscription had she not refused it. That of Clara Barton, or Dorothea Dix, or Mary Livermore, or Jean Lander, or Mother Bickerdyke, in our own civil war. That of many a worker in the Associated Charities of our large cities, or of those special organizations which were almost always carried on, thirty years ago, under the official leadership and treasurership of men, but which have been steadily falling, more and more, during that period, into the hands of women. That of many a woman of society, so called, who recognizes in society itself a sphere for conscientious duty — so th
Mary Lyon (search for this): chapter 4
an always be relied upon to send from obscurity a Lincoln or a Grant in time of imminent need. Beyond all these, perhaps, in total influence ranks the great army of women teachers, spreading their unseen and daily labors through every school district from Cape Cod to the Golden Gate; smoothing the waste places, equalizing all our civilization, doing the most for the poorest; and again, in the upper regions of education, rising into the work of such missionaries of the highest training as Mary Lyon in the past, or Alice Freeman in the present. Compared with these lives, how petty seem the little struggles for position and etiquette? In what lingering childishness does the most exalted womanhood of Europe seem still to be involved when we read in the telegraphic headings, Great indignation of Queen Victoria, and find that this excitement relates, not to the tremendous Irish problem and the threatened dismemberment of her empire, but to the hesitation of certain courts of Europe to a
Tom Moore (search for this): chapter 4
the most cultivated critics of his day; and it appears from the late memoirs of Garrison that her verses were long the favorite food of that strong and heroic mind. Yet it has been the custom to speak of her popularity as a thing of the past. Now arrives Mr. Routledge, and gives the figures as to his sales of the different poets in a single calendar year. First comes Longfellow, with the extraordinary sale of 6000 copies; then we drop to Scott, with 3170: Shakespeare, 2700; Byron, 2380; Moore, 2276; Burns, 2250. To these succeeds Mrs. Hemans, with a sale of 1900 copies, Milton falling short of her by 50, and no one else showing much more than half that demand. Hood had 980 purchasers,Cowper, 800, and all others less; Shelley had 500 and Keats but 40. Of course this is hardly even an approximate estimate of the comparative popularity of these poets, since much would depend, for instance, on the multiplicity or value of rival editions; but it proves in a general way that Mrs. He
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