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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ety of North Carolina, the latter from the Massachusetts Journal and Tribune, whose opinion was rei upon him in Virginia. If the Governor of Massachusetts should refuse, then let the People of the , Lib. 1.171. That there was no law in Massachusetts for suppressing the Liberator, or that anyhority to communicate with the Governor of Massachusetts and call the Legislature's attention to th A price set upon the head of a citizen of Massachusetts— Lib. 1.207. for what? For daring to g7. Liberator, to hold up for repeal an old Massachusetts statute imposing a penalty of fifty pounds no right [by sanctioning intermarriage in Massachusetts] to interfere with the internal regulationn Newburyport, was the first individual in Massachusetts who freed a slave, this fact, he says, speions—fellow-editors like David Lee Child, Massachusetts Journal and Tribune, Boston; John G. WhittGarrison, was a native of Peacham, Vt., of Massachusetts parentage. He became an apprentice in the[1 more...]<
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
foundation for some kind of Federal or inter-State action. The prying visit of his officers needed a pretext, and under the head of Information Wanted we read in the Liberator of October 29: Lib. 1.175. The Hon. Robert Y. Hayne, of Columbia, S. C. (through the medium of a letter), wishes to know of the Mayor of Boston who sent a number of the Liberator to him, a few weeks ago? The Mayor of Boston (through the medium of a deputy) wishes to know of Mr. Garrison whether he sent the aforesaid number to the aforesaid individual? Mr. Garrison (through the medium of his paper) wishes to know of the Hon. Robert Y. Hayne, of Columbia, S. C., and the Mayor of Boston, what authority they have to put such questions? The South was mistaken in supposing the Bostonians indifferent to the defects of their legislation. Even Hosea Biglow's Mister Buckinum, The Hon. Joseph T. Buckingham. Send it to mister Buckinum, ses he, i don't offers agree with him, ses he, but by Time, ses he,
Montpelier (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ew-England Weekly Review, Hartford, as George D. Prentice's successor; William J. Snelling, The Amateur, Boston; Moses Thacher, The Boston Telegraph; and Oliver Johnson; The Christian Soldier, Boston, printed on the Liberator press. These editors, again, were lawyers, ministers, and litterateurs. Oliver Johnson, who was four years younger than Mr. Garrison, was a native of Peacham, Vt., of Massachusetts parentage. He became an apprentice in the office of the Vermont Watchman, at Montpelier, where he read the Journal of the Times. Already, July 4, 1828, he had delivered in that town an address against slavery, from the colonization point of view. Like Mr. Garrison, he strove as early as possible to edit a paper of his own, and the first number of his Christian Soldier was issued in Boston within a week of the first number of the Liberator. It opposed the rising heresy of Universalism. lawyers like Samuel E. Sewall Ms. Feb. 14, 1831. (a man full of estimable qualities) and
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 8
as to be effected in the free States—and particularly in New-England—than at the South. I found contempt more bitter, opposithis acclamation were not wanting in the writer's native New England, whose time-serving, Lib. 1.18. unprincipled and hearersal emancipation! The Northern, and especially the New-England, press, which had resented the North Carolina indictmentn possibly be more solemn and conclusive. The people of New England are daily fastening new and heavier fetters upon the slariotism was yet real and intense; his love of his native New England ingrained. Tyrants and slaves Lib. 1.165. may exist at the South, but they are unknown in New England. . . .Doughfaces we have among us, and men lost to every honorable feeling—by holding up the editor as a renegade Lib. 1.9. from New England, who also advocates the rebellious doctrine of nullificachusetts Journal and Tribune, Boston; John G. Whittier, New-England Weekly Review, Hartford, as George D. Prentice's success<
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
le to append a Southern and a Northern protest against it; the former from a convention of the Manumission Society of North Carolina, the latter from the Massachusetts Journal and Tribune, whose opinion was reinforced by the fact that the editor and lish cockney, with little to recommend him but his inflated vanity, and the other a sprig of the negro aristocracy of North Carolina (Lundy, Genius, October, 1831). You have (I Lib. 1.165. hope unintentionally) calumniated my character and put myil the day of universal emancipation! The Northern, and especially the New-England, press, which had resented the North Carolina indictment and proposed demand for the extradition of Garrison and Lib. 1.175, 191. Knapp, seasoned its indignatioator. Query— Where is the Columbia Vigilance Association? where the Legislature of Georgia? where the Grand Jury of North Carolina? Incendiaries are multiplying rapidly —why do they pause? Let them magnify their rewards and multiply their indictm
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
m of an attempt on the freedom of the press. Finally, South Carolina, by its nullification doctrine and attitude, and Georgnts, we intend removing the office of the Liberator to South Carolina, or one of the slave States, where we can meet the enerise to the South. In December, Governor Hamilton, of South Carolina, sent a special message to the Legislature, accompanien was confident that the same agencies were at work in South Carolina and throughout the South, and thought it an extraordin 15) he received from an eminent counsellor of the State of South Carolina (no doubt, Senator Hayne) a private communication Otis was lawyer enough to write his brother lawyer in South Carolina: You must perceive the intrinsic, if not insuperable, pleasure the failure to call a secession convention in South Carolina, but points out the fatal result, to any or all of thePilgrims sanction Southern oppression. The abuse of a South Carolina journal he meets by holding up the editor as a renegad
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
C., passed Lib. 1.171. a law prohibiting any free person of color from taking the Liberator from the post-office, under pain of twenty dollars' fine or thirty days imprisonment; and if fine and jail fees were not paid, directing such person to be sold as a slave for four months. It was one of the functions of the Liberator to remind them that this law was unconstitutional, and that they must be prepared to answer for their conduct before the Supreme Court of the United States. The Charleston (S. C.) Mercury of October 4 reported that a Vigilance Association of Columbia, composed of gentlemen of the first respectability, had offered a reward of fifteen hundred dollars for the apprehension and prosecution to conviction of any white person circulating the Liberator or Walker's pamphlet, or any other publication of seditious tendency. Similar action was taken at a public meeting in Bethesda Lib. 1.174. (Richmond Co.), Georgia. In the first week of the same month there reached th
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 8
, after all, some of his opinions with regard to slavery in the United States are no better than lunacy. The American (Washington) Spectatorred to answer for their conduct before the Supreme Court of the United States. The Charleston (S. C.) Mercury of October 4 reported that a V us from pursuing the work of emancipation. As citizens of the United States, we know our rights and dare maintain them. We have committed moral insight than was to be found in pulpit or pew in the Northern United States. In his letters from Heligoland, under date of July 1, 183your duty to carry this question up to the Supreme Court of the United States and have it settled forever. You have everything to gain, and rselves acknowledged by that august tribunal as citizens of the United States, and you may walk abroad in majesty and strength, free as the at city the First Annual Convention of the Colored People of the United States had been called; and at the earnest solicitation of the Rev. Si
Genoa (Italy) (search for this): chapter 8
O Freedom! how are ye still born In the rude stable, in the manger nursed! What humble hands unbar those gates of morn Through which the splendors of the New Day burst! What! shall one monk, scarce known beyond his cell, Front Rome's far-reaching bolts, and scorn her frown? Brave Luther answered Yes!—that thunder's swell Rocked Europe, and discharmed the triple crown. Whatever can be known of earth, we know, Sneered Europe's wise men, in their snail-shells curled; No! said one man in Genoa, and that No Out of the dark created this New World. Who is it will not dare himself to trust? Who is it hath not strength to stand alone? Who is it thwarts and bilks the inward must? He and his works, like sand, from earth are blown. Men of a thousand shifts and wiles, look here! See one straightforward conscience put in pawn To win a world! See the obedient sphere By bravery's simple gravitation drawn! Shall we not heed the lesson taught of old And by the Present's lips repeated still.
John Ridge (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ors of the slaves than appears in the following language? His insanity is really growing contagious, and fanatics are multiplying on every side! With the Cherokees themselves, of course, in their hopeless struggle with a rapacious oligarchy, he was no less in sympathy than with the missionaries. See, again, the trampled Indian treaties in the pictorial heading of the Liberator. Charity for the Indians was then and has ever since been a conspicuous element of Boston philanthropy. When John Ridge, the Cherokee chief, came to that city in March, 1832, to present the grievances of his people, the Old South was thrown open to him, Leverett Saltonstall spoke from the same pulpit, and Mr. Pickering John, son of Colonel Timothy Pickering, and an eminent lawyer and scholar, then the city solicitor. In 1836 he published Remarks on the Indian Languages of North America. announced the latest intelligence, that the Supreme Court had decided the law under which the Niles' Register, 4
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