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Justin Winsor (search for this): chapter 14
117, 221. Wasson, David A., 264. Waverley novels, Scott's, 93, 274. Webster, Daniel, 43, 110, 111, 112-114. Webster, Hannah, 92. Webster, John, 258. Webster, Noah, 82. Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers, Thoreau's, 191, 195. Welby, Mrs. Amelia B., 210. Wellington, Duke of, 123. Wendell, Barrett, 18, 109, 161. Wheeler, Charles Stearns, 261. When Lilacs last in the Dooryard Bloomed, Whitman's, 232. Whipple, Edwin Percy, 124, 125. White, Blanco, 263. White, Maria, 161. Whitman, Walt, 220, 221, 223, 227-234, 264. Whittier, Elizabeth, 240. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 128, 136, 137, 145-153, 197, 264. Whittier, Thomas, 147. Wieland, Brown's, 70. Wigglesworth, Michael, 14, 20. Willis, N. P., 105, 190, 210, 261. Willson, Forceythe, 264. Winsor, Justin, 119. Wolfert's Roost, Irving's, 87. Wollstonecraft, Mary, 72. Woodberry, George E., 73, 102, 187. Woodnotes, Emerson's, 176. Wordsworth, William, 35, 46, 66, 169. Yale College, 20, 38, 39, 97.
Walter Savage Landor (search for this): chapter 14
Lady, 53. Jonson, Ben, 174. Josh Billings, 242, 243. Keats, John, 225, 279. Kenton, Simon, 237. Kerr, Orpheus C., 243. King, Clarence, 278. Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline M., 240. Knickerbocker literature, 106. Knickerbocker magazine, 106, 132. Knickerbocker's history of New York, Irving's, 85. Knickerbocker School, 83, 104. Kubla Khan, Coleridge's, 212. Laco Letters, 48. Lady of the Aroostook, Howells's, 251. Lake poets, 69. Lamb, Charles, 171, 260, 261. Landor, Walter Savage, 124, 169. Lane Seminary, 127. Lanier, Sidney, 215-227, 264. Last leaf, Holmes's, 159. Last man, Mrs. Shelley's, 72. Leather-Stocking tales, Cooper's, 97. Leaves of grass, Whitman's, 221. Lectures on English poets, Hazlitt's, 251. Lee, Richard Henry, 44. Lessons of a Preceptress, Hannah Webster's, 92. Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania, Dickinson's, 54. Letters from New York, Mrs. Child's, 126. Letters from Silesia, J. Q. Adams's, 66. Lettersfrom und
Charles Brockden Brown (search for this): chapter 14
arm Community, 168, 192. Brown, Brownlee, 264. Brown, Charles Brockden, 51, 69-78, 92, 142, 143. Browning, Elizabeth Bar Christus: a Miystery, Longfellow's, 144. Clara Howard, Brown's, 70. Clarissa Harlowe, Richardson's, 251. Clemens, . Dial, 132, 168, 173, 178, 179, 262. Dialogue of Alcuin, Brown's, 70, 72. Dickens, Charles, 74, 186, 203. Dickinson, E Dunning, Lord, 60. Dwight, Timothy, 38. Edgar Huntly, Brown's, 70. Edinburgh Review, 69, 99, 164. Edwards, Jonathanmes, William, 18. James River Massacre, 9. Jane Talbot, Brown's, 70. Jay, John, 40, 53. Jefferson, Thomas, 46, 48, 80ant, Willson's, 264. Oratory, printed, 41-45. Ormond, Brown's, 70. Orpheus C. Kerr, 243. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 42. Sketch book, Irving's, 85, 86, 90, 103. Sky Walk, Brown's, 70. Smith, Capt., John, 7. Smith, Joseph, 69. Smoke, 137, 145-153, 197, 264. Whittier, Thomas, 147. Wieland, Brown's, 70. Wigglesworth, Michael, 14, 20. Willis, N. P., 10
John Evelyn (search for this): chapter 14
8. Edgar Huntly, Brown's, 70. Edinburgh Review, 69, 99, 164. Edwards, Jonathan, 15, 19, 20-23, 114. Eidolons, Whitman's, 233. E Lia, Lamb's, 261. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 115, 118, 131, 137, 145, 146, 168-177, 192, 196, 215, 229, 232, 234, 235, 261, 264, 265, 283. English novel and its development, Lanier's, 221. English traits, Emerson's, 169. Eulogium on Rum, Smith's, 69. Eureka, Poe's, 208. Eutaw, Battle of, Freneau's, 37. Evangeline, Longfellow's, 142, 143. Evelyn, John, 28. Everett, Edward, 72, 111, 112. Examination relative to the Repeal of the Stamp Act, Franklin's, 55. Fable for critics, Lowell's, 165, 178. Federalists, 46. Festus, Bailey's, 256. Field, Eugene, 264. Fiske, John, 118, 119. FitzGerald, Edward, 165, 166. Fletcher of Saltoun, 263. Flight of the Duchess, Browning's, 215. Flint, Timothy, 239. Franklin, Benjamin, 7, 61, 55, 56-65, 108, 117, 221. Franklin, James, 58. Franks, Rebecca, 53, 80, 81. Fraser's magazine,
Peter Rugg (search for this): chapter 14
70. Orpheus C. Kerr, 243. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 179, 180, 232. Outre-Mer, Longfellow's, 140. Ovid, 8. Paine, Thomas, 54, 55. Palfrey, John Gorham, 117. Paracelsus, Browning's, 262. Paradise lost, Milton's, 15. Parker, Theodore, 176, 178, 179, 233, 270. Parkman, Francis, 98, 118-121. Peter, 239. Parton, James, 119. Pater, Walter, 166. Pathfinder, Cooper's, 99. Pendennis, Thackeray's, 258. Penn, William, 74, 147. Pepper, Colonel, 235. Perkins, Eli, 243. Peter Rugg, the Missing man, Austin's, 187-189. Phi Beta Kappa, 155. Philanthropist, 149, 150. Phillips, Katharine, 12. Phillips, Wendell, 10, 43, 270. Piatt, John James, 264. Pickard, Samuel T., 150. Pickering, Thomas, 65. Pickwick papers, Dickens's, 90. Pinkney, Edward C., 216. Pioneers, Cooper's, 239. Pit, Norris's, 255. Poe, Edgar Allan, 90, 118, 143, 165, 190, 206-215, 231. Poor Richard's Aimanac, Franklin's, 58, 59. Pope, Alexander, 9, 40, 108, 158, 166, 219. Portfo
Forceythe Willson (search for this): chapter 14
132. North Church, Boston, 16. Norton, Andrews, 10. Norton, Hon. Mrs., 123. O'Connor's child, Campbell's, 36. Ode to light, Schiller's, 280. Ode to sleep, Trumbull's, 40. Odyssey, Bryant's, 104. Old Manse, 184. Old Sergeant, Willson's, 264. Oratory, printed, 41-45. Ormond, Brown's, 70. Orpheus C. Kerr, 243. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 179, 180, 232. Outre-Mer, Longfellow's, 140. Ovid, 8. Paine, Thomas, 54, 55. Palfrey, John Gorham, 117. Paracelsus, Browning61. Whitman, Walt, 220, 221, 223, 227-234, 264. Whittier, Elizabeth, 240. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 128, 136, 137, 145-153, 197, 264. Whittier, Thomas, 147. Wieland, Brown's, 70. Wigglesworth, Michael, 14, 20. Willis, N. P., 105, 190, 210, 261. Willson, Forceythe, 264. Winsor, Justin, 119. Wolfert's Roost, Irving's, 87. Wollstonecraft, Mary, 72. Woodberry, George E., 73, 102, 187. Woodnotes, Emerson's, 176. Wordsworth, William, 35, 46, 66, 169. Yale College, 20, 38, 39, 97.
Aliles Standish (search for this): chapter 14
87, 119. Commemoration Ode, Lowell's, 225, 264. Common sense, Paine's, 55. Concord, Battle of, 41. Congress, Continental, 49. Congress, General, 45, 79. Conspiracy of Pontiac, extract from Parkman's, 121. Constitution, Federal, 51, 52. Contemplations, Anne Bradstreet's, 12. Conversation of gentlemen, Shepard's, 19. Cooper, James Fenimore, 92-100, 103, 129, 204, 236, 239, 272. Coquette, Hannah Webster's, 92. Cotton Boll, Timrod's, 205. Courtship of miles Standish, Longfellow's, 142, 144. Crayon M31scellanies, Irving's, 87. Curtis, George William, 88, 124. Dana, R. H., 10, 124. Darest thou now, O soul? Whitman's, 230. Darwin, Charles, 276, 277. Darwinian period, 174. Daughters of time, Emerson's, 264. Dawn, Lanier's, 225. Day of doom, Wigglesworth's, 14. Death of the old year, Tennyson's, 210. Declaration of rights and Grievances, Gay's, 44. Dennett, John Richard, 106. Denny, Joseph, 65. De Vere, Aubrey, 142. Dial, 13
Bracebridge (search for this): chapter 14
l's, 262. Beleaguered City, Longfellow's, 142. Bells, Poe's, 211. Bells and Pomegranates, Browning's, 261. Ben Ezra, Browning's, 229. Ben-Hur, Wallace's, 129, 262. Benjamin, Park, 95. Biglow papers, Lowell's, 164. Billings, Josh, 242, 243. Bishop Blougram's apology, Brown. Blackburn, Senator, 235. Black penitents, 241. Blackwood's magazine, 157, 164. Blake, William, 211, 259. Bold Dragoon, Irving's, 90. Boone, Daniel, 237. Bowdoin College, 139, 140, 184. Bracebridge hall, Irving's, 86. Bradstreet, Anne, 9-13, 18. Bradstreet, Governor, 10. Brahminism, New England, 159. Bremer, Frederika, 245. Brevoort, Henry, 37. Brewster, Elder William, 139. Brook Farm Community, 168, 192. Brown, Brownlee, 264. Brown, Charles Brockden, 51, 69-78, 92, 142, 143. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 129. Browning, Robert, 68, 183, 215, 225, 229, 260-262, 265. Bryant, William Cullen, 81, 100-104. Buckingham, Joseph T., 93. Buel, Rev. J. W., 262. Bunker Hill
Edgar Allan Poe (search for this): chapter 14
John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louion's, 165. Arnold, Matthew, 266, 283. Arthur Gordon Pym, Poe's, 208. Arthur Mervyn, Brown's, 70. Astoria, Irving's,el's, 262. Beleaguered City, Longfellow's, 142. Bells, Poe's, 211. Bells and Pomegranates, Browning's, 261. Ben E Emerson's, 169. Eulogium on Rum, Smith's, 69. Eureka, Poe's, 208. Eutaw, Battle of, Freneau's, 37. Evangeline, Lreamed that life was beauty, Mrs. Hooper's, 264. Israfel, Poe's, 212. Jackson, Helen, 126-128, 264. James, Henry, 161,post, 101. New Yorker, Greeley's, 95. New York Literati, Poe's, 209. New York Mirror, 105. Notes a mbrosianse, 157. . Pioneers, Cooper's, 239. Pit, Norris's, 255. Poe, Edgar Allan, 90, 118, 143, 165, 190, 206-215, 231. Poor Richard'iffe, Mrs., 72. Ramona, Mrs. Jackson's, 127, 128. Raven, Poe's, 211. Reid, Mayne, 262. Republican Court, Griswold's,
son's, 264. Dawn, Lanier's, 225. Day of doom, Wigglesworth's, 14. Death of the old year, Tennyson's, 210. Declaration of rights and Grievances, Gay's, 44. Dennett, John Richard, 106. Denny, Joseph, 65. De Vere, Aubrey, 142. Dial, 132, 168, 173, 178, 179, 262. Dialogue of Alcuin, Brown's, 70, 72. Dickens, Charles, 74, 186, 203. Dickinson, Emily, 126, 130, 131, 264, 281. Dickinson, John, 44, 54. Dismal Swamp, 200, 201. Drake, Joseph Rodman, 104. Drayton, Michael, 8. Drewry's Bluffs, Battle of, 217. Drum Taps, Whitman's, 233. Dunning, Lord, 60. Dwight, Timothy, 38. Edgar Huntly, Brown's, 70. Edinburgh Review, 69, 99, 164. Edwards, Jonathan, 15, 19, 20-23, 114. Eidolons, Whitman's, 233. E Lia, Lamb's, 261. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 115, 118, 131, 137, 145, 146, 168-177, 192, 196, 215, 229, 232, 234, 235, 261, 264, 265, 283. English novel and its development, Lanier's, 221. English traits, Emerson's, 169. Eulogium on Rum, Smith's, 69. Eur
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