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A. P. Hill (search for this): chapter 18
he movement. As Sigel approached the river, A. P. Hill, who now, in the succession of exchanging mo cautiously, his march up the river, annoyed by Hill's batteries, and it was well into the afternoonsions of Taliaferro (recently Winder) and of A. P. Hill to Manassas Junction, where, during the day,hat region after the First Bull Run battle. A. P. Hill was sent northeastward, by the highway acros, found the way to their ordered destinations. Hill, on the morning of the 28th, took the big road that stream to the stone bridge, followed after Hill and took position on his right, Taliaferro moviwas still seeking for Jackson. The movement of Hill and Ewell toward Centreville, the threatening o 10:30 there was a fierce contention between A. P. Hill and the Federals; but the latter were repulsd the Louisianians of Hays, threw these into A. P. Hill's hot contest on his left, and routed and di. In the morning, Heintzelman moved against A. P. Hill with Ricketts' division, but soon drew back [1 more...]
time, by the aid of guards and artillery, he had kept intact, and move toward Warrenton. These movements would bring him into line of battle facing any movement of Lee from Sulphur Springs toward Warrenton. Longstreet's batteries gave parting salutes to these backward movements. Reynolds' division of 6,000 men, from Aquia creek, reported during the forenoon of the 23d, and followed after McDowell. The courage and ready wit of a Confederate soldier are well illustrated by the story that Allan tells in his Army of Northern Virginia: Maj. A. L. Pitzer, of Early's staff, in attempting to find the Thirteenth Georgia regiment, was taken prisoner by a scouting party of the Sixth Federal cavalry. Overmatched in force, the major had recourse to his wits. He persuaded his captors that they were within the Confederate picket lines, and would be fired on whichever way they attempted to escape. He offered to lead them safely in if they would submit to his guidance. The offer was accepted
Richard S. Ewell (search for this): chapter 18
t nightfall, Lawton's brigade was crossed over to Early's support. Ewell himself went over, for a consultation with Early during the night, ary supplies the Federals had gathered at that important junction. Ewell was left behind, at Bristoe, to protect Jackson's rear and oppose a Lee and Longstreet. Satisfied, by the contention of Hooker with Ewell at Bristoe, that Jackson's command was at Manassas Junction, Pope cll run, to Centreville on the great road leading to Washington, and Ewell was left to follow after him in the same direction. Porter couldl run and took position, on Taliaferro's left, near Sudley church. Ewell, who had encamped the night before on the south side of Bull run, a Junction, was still seeking for Jackson. The movement of Hill and Ewell toward Centreville, the threatening of Washington by Fitz Lee and h front of Jackson's concealed army, the divisions of Taliaferro and Ewell sprang upon him, and by a short, but fierce and bloody struggle, dr
defense and persistent courage than were exhibited by Jackson's men through all that long day of steady contention against fearful odds. The invincible Stonewall had unflinchingly held the left, confident that the equally invincible Lee was not only watching the contest, but would, in the crisis of the day, throw his sword into the scale and decide the unequal contest. After the arrival of Longstreet the enemy charged his position and began to concentrate opposite Jackson's left. . . . Colonel Walton placed a part of his artillery upon a commanding position between the lines of Generals Jackson and Longstreet by order of the latter, and engaged the enemy vigorously for several hours. Soon afterward General Stuart reported the approach of a large force from the direction of Bristoe Station, threatening Longstreet's right. The brigades under General Wilcox were sent to reinforce General Jones [Longstreet's right], but no serious attack was made. While the battle was raging on Jackso
John Catlett (search for this): chapter 18
tion, just as he had recently done in his grand ride around McClellan at Richmond. With a good road to march on, he reached Warrenton unopposed, in the afternoon. After halting there for a short rest, he continued eastward, by Auburn Mills, to Catlett's station, on the Orange & Alexandria railroad, intending to destroy the bridge over Cedar creek near that place. The downpour that had swelled the Rappahannock, caught Stuart on the march, and he reached his objective in the midst of rain and etreat; also bringing off the captured correspondence between Pope and Halleck, which informed Lee fully concerning the strength and the plans of his antagonist. In the afternoon of the 23d, before Stuart cut the railway and the telegraph at Catlett's station, Pope had telegraphed to Halleck: Under present circumstances I shall not attempt to prevent his (Lee's) crossing at Sulphur Springs, but will mass my whole force on his flank in the neighborhood of Fayetteville, a cross-roads hamlet f
R. C. Schenck (search for this): chapter 18
. (Report of Gen. R. E. Lee.) The Confederate batteries also joined in the rushing charge and were abreast of their infantry comrades all along the lines, where there was opportunity for giving parting shots to the retreating Federals. Stuart, on the right, on the old Alexandria road, heard the well-known shouts of Confederate pursuit, and rushed his brigades and batteries far in advance against the Federal left. Warren's attempt to stem the tide, just east of Groveton, cost him dearly. Schenck, with German tenacity, hung on to the Bald hill, on the Federal left, but the victory-compelling Confederates swarmed upon his flank and forced him from the summit. Hood swept the line of the turnpike to the east of the Stone house. Pope's reserves, on the Henry hill, the old plateau which was the center of the fierce fighting of the year before, resisted the tide of victory, for a time, on his left, until Jackson closed down with his left, upon the retreating Federals, toward the stone b
ge over that stream, and held the road against Sigel's advance of 25,000 men, which Pope had ordereook place during the afternoon and until dark, Sigel, in the meantime, going into camp and advisingpposed was still north of the Rappahannock, as Sigel had reported. Buford's cavalry was sent to Wat that point, and get in Lee's supposed rear. Sigel, Banks and Reno were to move toward the same ps and to Waterloo to support the movement. As Sigel approached the river, A. P. Hill, who now, in and an engagement of artillery was brought on. Sigel continued, cautiously, his march up the river,arly 4 p.m. when Pope telegraphed Halleck that Sigel is pursuing the enemy in the direction of Water Springs and Waterloo, had thoroughly engaged Sigel's attention during the entire day, as Lee inten under Heintzelman and Reno were moving in to Sigel's aid. Pope's men, wearied by the constant mar These he urged to renew the attack from which Sigel had been repulsed He also ordered McDowell and[5 more...]
Stephen D. Lee (search for this): chapter 18
direction, keeping on Longstreet's left. Anderson's division and S. D. Lee's battalion of artillery were to follow Jackson, while Stuart, cr unchanged, except that he had massed thirty-six guns, under Col. Stephen D. Lee, on the commanding watershed swell in the center of his lineon was in reserve, with his 6,000 men, on the turnpike to the rear. Lee then had about 50,000 men at command in his two far-reaching wings, t. Recalling Cold Harbor, Porter did not believe, as Pope did, that Lee and Jackson had given up the contest and were retreating, so he forme east of the Sudley road, and thence Porter was ready to advance on Lee's center. Pope, having had, on the previous day, bitter experiencption he met. The skirmishers of Reynolds met the same fate, from S. D. Lee's guns, when they advanced to feel Lee's center. It was three in Porter closed in, across the open field, his left was exposed to S. D. Lee's masked batteries, which now swept through his lines their shot
cketts' division, but soon drew back from the hot reception he met. The skirmishers of Reynolds met the same fate, from S. D. Lee's guns, when they advanced to feel Lee's center. It was three in the afternoon when Pope was good and ready, with his entire army in hand, for his grand assault. The signal was given and Porter's men rs right, who leaped across their defenses and chased them in hot pursuit. The fierce attacks of Pope on Jackson's left had, in the meantime, been also repulsed. Lee now saw that the supreme moment for action had come, and he ordered Longstreet to close in upon the Federal left; but his veteran soldiery, now well trained in the war, had at the same moment reached the same conclusion, and without waiting for the word of command, they fairly leaped forward, swinging on their left, and, with Lee leading in person in the midst of them, charged grandly to the front, responding to the movement of all of Jackson's men on the left and hurrying on the rout of the
Joseph J. Reynolds (search for this): chapter 18
on. Longstreet's batteries gave parting salutes to these backward movements. Reynolds' division of 6,000 men, from Aquia creek, reported during the forenoon of the he 23d, Pope himself, accompanied by the corps of McDowell and the division of Reynolds, reached Warrenton. At that time more than 50,000 men of the army of Virginia attack on Jackson's left by Sigel's corps, supported by Heintzelman, Reno and Reynolds. This attack was bold and vigorous, and from 6:30 to 10:30 there was a fierceatteries on Longstreet's left, on commanding ground, and as Pope's left, under Reynolds, moved forward to attack, a hot fire from these guns drove him back, and just ttle, across the turnpike, and placed King's division to support his right and Reynolds' his left; in his rear followed Sigel's corps and half of Reno's. These disposdivision, but soon drew back from the hot reception he met. The skirmishers of Reynolds met the same fate, from S. D. Lee's guns, when they advanced to feel Lee's cen
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