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Madison County (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
er battles outside of Vicksburg, and in all the fighting and suffering of the long siege he and his men had their full share. At the fall of the city he was paroled, and went to Raymond, Miss., where he died from sickness contracted during the siege, July 16, 1863. Brigadier-General John B. Clark, Jr. There were two John B. Clarks; the father, brigadier-general of the Missouri State Guard; the son, a brigadier-general of the Confederate States army. The elder Clark was born in Madison county, Ky., April 17, 1812. He removed to Missouri with his father in 1818, and was admitted to the bar in 1824. He began the practice of law at Fayette, Mo., and was clerk of Howard county courts from 1824 to 1834. In the Black Hawk war of 1832 he commanded a body of Missouri volunteer cavalry, and during the war was twice wounded. In 1848 he was made major-general of the Missouri militia, From 1850 to 1851 he was a member of the legislature; also headed a force to drive the Mormons out of
Warrensburg (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
never accepting office until in 1875, when he was elected to the United States Senate as a Democrat to succeed Carl Schurz. Since then he has been re-elected continuously, enjoying the unabated love of his people, who are proud both of his military and civil record. In the Senate he has rendered notable service upon the appropriation and military affairs committees, and has been conspicuous in the debates upon the tariff and monetary questions. His residence since the war has been at Warrensburg, Mo. Brigadier-General Daniel M. Frost Brigadier-General Daniel M. Frost was born in New York, and from that State entered the military academy at West Point. He was graduated July 1, 1844, as brevet second-lieutenant. He served in garrison until the Mexican war, during which he participated in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo and Churubusco, and was brevetted first-lieutenant for gallant and meritorious conduct at Cerro Gordo. In 1853 he resigned his commission i
Fayette, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
in Madison county, Ky., April 17, 1812. He removed to Missouri with his father in 1818, and was admitted to the bar in 1824. He began the practice of law at Fayette, Mo., and was clerk of Howard county courts from 1824 to 1834. In the Black Hawk war of 1832 he commanded a body of Missouri volunteer cavalry, and during the war lected to the first Confederate Congress. He afterwards served as Confederate senator from Missouri until the end of the war, when he resumed his law practice at Fayette, where he resided at the time of his death, October 29, 1895. His son John Bulloch Clark, Jr., was born at Fayette, January 14, 11831. After attending the prepaFayette, January 14, 11831. After attending the preparatory schools he entered the Missouri university where he spent two years, then studying at the Harvard law school, where he graduated in 1854. Seven years later the great event which broke into the peaceful pursuits of so many men aroused young Clark to a new and stirring life. Being the son of such a father, he could but be pro
Chihuahua (Chihuahua, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 21
esentative in 1840 and 1842 and at each session was chosen speaker of the house. In 1844 he was elected to Congress and served until the opening of the war with Mexico, when he raised a regiment and had an independent command in New Mexico and Chihuahua. He gained victories over greatly superior forces at Cancada, Lambonda and Taos. In this latter battle with 300 men he captured 1,500 prisoners. For these services President Polk appointed him a brigadier-general. Moving next against ChihuaChihuahua, at Santa Cruz de Rosales, he captured the army of General Trias, double his own. This was really the last battle of the war; for a treaty of peace between the United States and Mexico had been signed a short time before. At the next State election General Price was elected governor of Missouri by a majority of 15,000 votes. Upon the election of Abraham Lincoln as president, Missouri called a convention of which Price was elected president. He was at the time an ardent Union man, and at
Milton (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
Trans-Mississippi. But he was always under the orders of others, some of whom were inferior to himself in ability. At Helena, on July 4, 1863, Price's men were the only part of the army that carried the enemy's works. He co-operated with Kirby Smith in the campaign against Banks and Steele in 1864. General Price made his last desperate effort to recover Missouri in the latter part of 1864. His campaign was marked by brilliant achievements, but at last, when within a short distance of Kansas City, he was confronted by overwhelming numbers of the enemy and forced to retreat. At the close of the war he was included in Kirby Smith's surrender, but preferring exile to submission he left the country and found refuge in Mexico. There he engaged in a scheme of colonization under the imperial government, but it proved a very unsatisfactory enterprise. He returned to the United States and died at St. Louis, Mo., on the 29th of September, 1867. Brigadier-General Joseph O. Shelby Br
California (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
by Monroe Parsons Brigadier-General Mosby Monroe Parsons was born in Virginia in 1819. Early in life he removed to Cole county, Mo., where he studied law and began its practice. From 1853 to 1857 he was attorney-general of Missouri and subsequently was honored by his constituents with a seat in the State senate. When war was declared against Mexico, he became a captain in the army of the United States and served with considerable reputation. He was in the invading force that entered California, and received honorable mention for services at Sacramento. After the close of the war he returned to his home and resumed his practice. When the war between the Northern and Southern States of the great Republic commenced, his whole sympathy was with the South. In company with Gov. Claiborne F. Jackson he tried to ally Missouri with the Confederate States. He was exceedingly active in organizing the State militia and succeeded in raising a mounted brigade, which he commanded with sig
Adrian (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
g the great railroad strike of that year he performed his duties with the same fearlessness that he had shown during his military career. General Shelby in private life commanded the love and esteem of his neighbors. His presence at the annual Confederate reunions always aroused the greatest enthusiasm of the old veterans, and none will be more sadly missed at these yearly gatherings than Joseph O. Shelby, the gallant western military leader. His death occurred at his country home near Adrian, Mo., February 13, 1897. Major-General John G. Walker Major-General John G. Walker was born in Cole county, Mo., July 22, 1822. He was educated at the Jesuit college, St. Louis, and in 1843 was commissioned as a lieutenant in the First mounted rifles, United States army. He served in the Mexican war as captain, and after the close of that struggle was retained as an officer in the regular army. He resigned his commission in 1861 to take part with the people of the South in their stru
Devall's Bluff (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
and was ever ready for the most hazardous enterprise. He commanded his company dismounted in the defense of Corinth, and in June, 1862, was commissioned colonel with instructions to find his regiment in Missouri. Going with his company to Devall's Bluff he soon led the advance in a raid into Missouri and recruited his regiment in Lafayette county. In January, 1863, he was commanding a brigade including his own and three other Missouri regiments, and on the 13th of the following December he llant exploits and successful expeditions of the war: the capture of five forts by the heroic Shelby and his brave officers and men in the face of superior numbers and the destruction of a large portion of the railroad between Little Rock and Devall's Bluff. He then gives Shelby's report in full. We quote a part of it: The immediate and tangible fruits of my expedition are 577 prisoners including one field officer and eleven line officers; over 250 Federals killed and wounded, ten miles of rai
Lexington, Lafayette County (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
Brigadier-General Martin E. Green.—Among the patriots who sealed their devotion to the Southern cause by a soldier's death none acted a more heroic part than the son of Missouri whose name heads this sketch. He was born in Lewis county, Mo., about 1825. At the beginning of the war he zealously went to work to organize a regiment for the Southern cause, near Paris, Mo., and joined Gen. Sterling Price. He was one of that general's most trusted and efficient officers. In the capture of Lexington, Mo., he contributed largely to the success of the Confederates. When Price was getting ready to storm the fort, Green, at that time general of the Missouri State Guard, suggested that hemp bales, of which there were a great many on the edge of the town, should be taken by the soldiers and rolled in front of the advancing lines as a movable breastwork. Thus the assailants would be as well protected as the men in the fort. Price agreed to the plan. The fort was successfully stormed and Lex
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
Mill and again at Jenkins' Ferry, forcing him to beat a retreat back to Little Rock. In this double campaign, in which the Confederates recovered large parts of Louisiana and Arkansas, Parsons' command added new fame to that already acquired. Parsons was with General Price in his last great march through Arkansas and Missouri andWalker had not been long with his new troops before he brought them to a high state of efficiency. Gen. Richard Taylor, in his account of military operations in Louisiana, thus speaks of General Walker: He had thoroughly disciplined his men, and made them in every sense soldiers, and their efficiency in action was soon establishedis command at this time included Steele's Texas division of cavalry, Bee's Texas division of cavalry, Cooper's division of Indians, Bagby's division of Texas and Louisiana cavalry, and Slaughter's brigade. After the war General Walker served as consul-general at Bogota, and as special commissioner to invite the South American repu
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