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Harrisburg (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
ounded. On the left of the base is: Remember their valor, Keep holy the sod, For honor to heroes Is glory to God. The Monument Committee had the plinth so designed that at some future day four bronze medallions of Louisiana soldiers can be attached to it. These will probably be Colonels Taylor, Hays, Stark, and Stafford, who commanded the Louisiana regiments which were most constantly engaged in the Shenandoah Valley campaigns. When Colonel William Laughlin attended the reunion in Houston last year, he met Captain T. J. Bantz, of Winchester. The New Orleans veteran told his Virginia comrade about the superb collection of relics in the Confederate Memorial Hall, and interested him so much that he volunteered to secure a number of relics for the hall from the Winchester battlefields. He kept his promise, and when Colonel Laughlin met him again at Winchester, he had collected a fine lot of battle mementoes. These included minie balls, bayonets, two United States army belts,
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
. To prove this, I will quote from the case of the United States, as presented to the Geneva arbitrators, the following facts: In 1860, two-thirds of the commerce of New York was carried on in American bottoms: in 1863 three-fourths was carred on in foreign bottoms. And the transfers from the United States to the British flag were enormously large. They were: Ships. Tons. 1861,12671,673 1862,13574,578 1863,348252,579 1864,10692,052 War ended in April, 1865. The mediocre Alabama, a single small and ill-armed ship, was the cause of most of this loss. There were, no doubt, other contributing factors, but the effect of her career is plainly marked in the sudden increase of transfers during 1863, when she was at sea. After she had been sent to the bottom, Yankee skippers recovered their breath. The trade, however, had departed, and the United States has never regained the position which it held in 1860 as a shipping nation. Here again, the destruction of helpless no
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
started the movement to erect this monument to his heroism. He was in Winchester one day, when he was told that Major Thompson was buried there. Then his grave should have a monument, he instantly declared, and offered to lead the subscription list for one. It was instantly taken up, and in an hour $600 was subscribed. The result is the memorable stone that now marks the grave. Major Thompson's death was unusually pathetic-unusually heroic. It was two days before the surrender at Appomattox. Major Thompson's left arm had been rendered useless by a rifle ball. His regiment was ordered to charge, and he rode to its front, his left arm hanging helplessly by his side, the reins in his teeth, his revolver in his right hand. Don't go into this fight, a friend entreated. It is sure death, with your arm crippled. I don't care, was his brave response. The Confederacy is dying. I do not wish to survive the Confederacy. He rode into the battle, charged impetuously, and was t
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
ate national cemetery. The Federal national cemetery adjoins it on the left. In the precincts of Stonewall Jackson cemetery the people of Winchester gathered and placed all the known Confederate dead, locating the graves by States. The unknown, numbering nearly seven hundred, were placed together, and now a splendid monument marks the resting place of these unknown heroes. Many of the graves of the known, are still surmounted with the wooden headboards placed there when they died, but Maryland, Virginia, Georgia and Louisiana have removed these crumbling memorials and replaced them with marble stones, which will be everlasting. These four States have likewise erected monuments to their dead. The Louisiana monument which was unveiled on the 4th of July, is a beautiful granite shaft planted on a slight eminence in one of the prettiest part of the soldiers' cemetery. The specifications called for Georgia granite, with a total height of eighteen feet, the base being four feet
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
ships— not a very heavy bill of loss, one would think. Yet this loss practically drove the United States flag from the seas. To prove this, I will quote from the case of the United States, as presUnited States, as presented to the Geneva arbitrators, the following facts: In 1860, two-thirds of the commerce of New York was carried on in American bottoms: in 1863 three-fourths was carred on in foreign bottoms. And the transfers from the United States to the British flag were enormously large. They were: Ships. Tons. 1861,12671,673 1862,13574,578 1863,348252,579 1864,10692,052 War ended in Aprile bottom, Yankee skippers recovered their breath. The trade, however, had departed, and the United States has never regained the position which it held in 1860 as a shipping nation. Here again, theefitted the South. It wrought individual ruin, and it embittered the relations between England and the United States; it had no strategic result, as the North was self-dependent.—Nineteenth Cent
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
evotion that history loves to linger over. When all the men were absent on the field of war the women nursed the sick and buried the dead. Many a brave boy from Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana owes his life to the women of Winchester. After each of the great battles, and the numberless skirmishes which crowded upon each otherce of these unknown heroes. Many of the graves of the known, are still surmounted with the wooden headboards placed there when they died, but Maryland, Virginia, Georgia and Louisiana have removed these crumbling memorials and replaced them with marble stones, which will be everlasting. These four States have likewise erected m the 4th of July, is a beautiful granite shaft planted on a slight eminence in one of the prettiest part of the soldiers' cemetery. The specifications called for Georgia granite, with a total height of eighteen feet, the base being four feet three inches square, the second base, the die, the cap and the plinth each being proportio
Jackson (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
8th Louisiana. J. J. Anderson. Company H, 9th Louisiana. M. Kirwin, Company K, 6th Louisiana. G. M. Barrais, Company I, 6th Louisiana. J. Crookshanks, Company B, 9th Louisiana. S. J. Snyder, Company F, 9th Louisiana. J. Muntinger, Washington Artillery. Armand Freret, Washington Artillery. G. H. Chaplain, Washington Artillery. J. W. Crawford, Company D, 9th Louisiana. W. McElgren, Company B, 14th Louisiana. Captain H. Z. Guice, Company E, 8th Louisiana. J. B. Galatti, Jackson parish, Louisiana. L. G. Picon, Company E, 2nd Louisiana. A. Comb, Company A, 6th Louisiana. B. C. Scarborough, Company A, 6th Louisiana. N. Schmitt, Company H, 2nd Louisiana. —. Smith, Company C, 16th Louisiana. C. Scarborough, Company A, 6th Louisiana. R. Cahill, Company F, 6th Louisiana. R. H. Senders, Company G, 7th Louisiana. F. Rose, Company H, 6th Louisiana. H. Hann, Company K, 8th Louisiana. Captain D. S. Griffin,——,2nd Louisiana. —. Holly, 2nd Louisiana Battalion. J. J.
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.45
e, July 19, 1896.] deserves a place close to Louisiana's heart. A list of the State's heroes who sn States were appealed to, and most of them, Louisiana among the number, nobly responded, and have , Company G, 6th Louisiana. —. Bantly,——,—— Louisiana. G. Grapen, Company K, 6th Louisiana. L.C, Washington Artillery. P. McGrafney,——,—— Louisiana. ——. Flin,——,—— Louisiana. J. C. GriffLouisiana. J. C. Griffith, Company B, 7th Louisiana. Lieutenant E. Somday, —, 14th Louisiana. P. Riely, 14th LouisianLouisiana. Lieutenant C. Smith, Company C,— Louisiana. Major A. Davis, 7th Louisiana. Major McArthur,— Louisiana. Captain T. S. Crump, Company D, 2d Louisiana. Captain C. Thompson, Louisianwise erected monuments to their dead. The Louisiana monument which was unveiled on the 4th of Juptions are as follows: To the soldiers of Louisiana who died for the South in the Valley Campaigat some future day four bronze medallions of Louisiana soldiers can be attached to it. These will p
letter stating that the monument had not yet arrived at Winchester. This was a sore disappointment, and a large portion of the veterans left the Winchester journey off their itinerary, believing the monument would not be unveiled. But the others were determined, and declared they would go anyhow. Telegrams were sent all over the State inquiring where the car containing the monument was. Just the day before it was discovered that by error the granite sections had been sent to Winchester, W. Va. Orders were at once issued to have it sent in haste to the proper destination. In the meantime, Colonel Laughlin, deciding to have the ceremonies at all events, telegraphed Mrs. Love, President of the Ladies' Association, to prepare a wooden monument, of the height of the granite one, and cover it with evergreens, so that no one could tell the difference. This was done, but happily was not needed. The monument arrived at Winchester on the night of the 3d. The foundation had long been
William Laughlin (search for this): chapter 1.45
. Colonel Williams, commander of the Ashby Camp, and Colonel Laughlin, of the cavalry camp, of New Orleans, divided the vetr comrades who would like to be together please rise, Colonel Laughlin would say, and the four visitors and heir host marche collecting the bodies of the soldiers. She lectured Colonel Laughlin for failing to send her some veterans to take tender mplified. While attending the reunion in Richmond, Colonel Laughlin, Chairman of the Winchester Monument Committee, receiin haste to the proper destination. In the meantime, Colonel Laughlin, deciding to have the ceremonies at all events, teleggaged in the Shenandoah Valley campaigns. When Colonel William Laughlin attended the reunion in Houston last year, he metnchester battlefields. He kept his promise, and when Colonel Laughlin met him again at Winchester, he had collected a fine r skirmishes about Winchester. These precious relics Colonel Laughlin brought back with him to New Orleans, with infinite p
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