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Fairfax, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
hols, Prof. J. F. Park and others, he raised the Macon Confederates, and on the 26th of that month left for Richmond, where his company was assigned to the 12th Alabama Regiment. While the battle of Manassas was raging, on the 21st of July, the regiment took the cars for the scene of action, but, as stated in another place in this sketch, owing to the treachery of the conductor or engineer of the train, did not reach the field until the battle was over. For weeks and months after, near Fairfax, Va., Lieutenant Keeling and his brother officers employed themselves drilling, disciplining and training their command for the duties and realities of war, and the company was conceded to be the best equipped, the best instructed and the promptest and most intelligent in the regiment. Lieutenant Keeling's previous experience in the army proved of great advantage to his men, and his excellent advice and instruction was often afterwards found to be of great benefit. He was tall and commanding
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
h for several days the two great leaders manoeuvered for advantage, Grant continuing his flank movement while Lee kept in front of him, offering daily battle. These movements continued until the two armies reached Richmond, and soon thereafter General Early was detached and sent on his famous campaign through the Valley and to Washington, which has been described elsewhere in this sketch. A fine martial poem, called, The Man of the Twelfth of May, written by Captain Robert Falligant, of Savannah, fitly and eloquently describes this remarkable and heroic incident. From it I make the following extract: When history tells her story, Of the noble hero band, Who made the green fields gory For the life of their native land, How grand will be the picture Of Georgia's proud array As they drove the boasting foemen back On that glorious Twelfth of May! Whose mien is ever proudest When we hold the foe at bay? Whose war-cry cheers us loudest As we rush to the bloody fray? 'Tis Gordon's-our
Papertown (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
abama. She spoke very gently and without a word of abuse, or reproof, or remonstrance. I went alone to the National Hotel for dinner. Found an unfriendly and scowling crowd of rough looking men in the office, but I walked up to the desk and registered and called for dinner. I was late and the dinner was quite a poor one, and was rather ungraciously served by a plump, Dutchy looking young waitress. I paid for it in Confederate money. June 29. Crossed Blue Ridge Mountains at a gap at Papertown, where many of our men obtained a supply of writing paper. Marched on turnpike to Petersburg and took the Frederick City road, bivouacking at Heidlersberg. Battle of Gettysburg. July 1. Marched through Middletown towards Gettysburg. This proved to be one of the most eventful days of my life. We could hear and see the shelling in front of Gettysburg, and were soon in range. Rodes' division was actively engaged in a very short time. His old Alabama brigade, under Colonel O'Neal,
Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
tes, F. M. Edwards, A. A. Fulcher, J. C. Fletcher, J. B. Frazier, J. P. Hunter, R. S. Hulgin, D. W. Kennedy, B. F. Lewis, A. W. Langford, S. M. McSpadden, T. K. B. McSpadden, M. Murphy, G. McPherson, I. R. Pendergrass, J. M. Sutherland, J. L. Ward. From the above list will be seen the great mortality experienced by this patriotic company. Mr. Brandon, in his souvenir book, states that the company participated in the battles of Seven Pines, Cold Harbor, Gaines' Mills, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, Boonsboro, Sharpsburg, Chancellorsville, Winchester, Wilderness, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Hagerstown, Petersburg, Strasburg, Mine Run, Snicker's Gap, Martinsburg, Warrenton C. H. Spotsylvania C. H., and Appomattox C. H., besides many severe skirmishes that could not be called battles. In these battles all the other companies of the Regiment also participated. Macon Confederates, Company F, Macon county. Captain Robert F. Ligon. Elected to the Senate of Alabama and resigned Apri
Hamburg, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
from Second Lieut. Obtained a substitute and resigned, but with his resignation in his pocket, he went into the battle of Chancellorsville, and fought gallantly through it, escaping unwounded. Second Lieutenants; Wm. Leonard. Company C independent rifles—Mobile county. Captain Stikes, resigned. Captain Fred C. Fisher, an excellent scholar and fine officer, who served until nearly the close of the war, since which, having inherited a considerable fortune in Germany, he removed to Hamburg where he now resides, unmarried. Captain Adolph Proskauer, promoted to Major. An interesting circumstance connected with Major Proskauer is that he was a German Jew, of excellent education, very handsome personal appearance, and perhaps the best dressed man in the regiment. He became Senior Captain, and while we were encamped near Fredericksburg in 1863, there being a vacancy in the position of Major of the regiment, he made formal application for promotion. Col. Pickens did not favor
Jamestown (Virginia) (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
tial spirit abides with him. He is an active participant in the Reunions of Confederate Veterans, and in that held in Macon, Ga., Nov. 9th, 1905, his presence was signal in its inspiring influence. He introduced a series of resolutions urging the Legislature of Georgia to make a liberal appropriation as one of the original thirteen States to be properly represented at the Ter-centenary Celebration in May, 1907, of the first permanent settlement of the Anglo-Saxon race in America, at Jamestown. He witnessed also the laying of the corner stone at Macon, Ga., of the first monument to the women of the South, who embody all of feminine virtue and blessing. He is also vice-president of the John B. Gordon Monument Association. Nor is the zeal of Mrs. Park to be less regarded. She is continuously re-elected the Regent for the State of Georgia of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society, whose inestimable treasures are preserved in what was the White House of the Confederacy in thi
Mobile County (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
Obtained a substitute and resigned, but with his resignation in his pocket, he went into the battle of Chancellorsville, and fought gallantly through it, escaping unwounded. Second Lieutenants; Wm. Leonard. Company C independent rifles—Mobile county. Captain Stikes, resigned. Captain Fred C. Fisher, an excellent scholar and fine officer, who served until nearly the close of the war, since which, having inherited a considerable fortune in Germany, he removed to Hamburg where he now rassiter, John McAnear, Dow Prater, Mac. Rominez, John Rominez, R. Ward, Frank Woods. Private J. F. Winds obtained a substitue. Joined General Roddy's cavalry. Was elected lieutenant-colonel. Since died. Company I, Southern Foresters, Mobile county. Captain Wm. T. Walthall, John J. Nicholson, E. H. Jones. First Lieutenans John J. Nicholson, L. Walthall, afterwards Quarter Master for a short time. Second Lieutenants E. H. Jones, J. O. Patton. This Company was organized in June, 1
Marye's Heights (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
oint of the bayonet, into the engagement, complaining all the while of being sick, but he only had what we called battle-field colic, and was forced into the thickest of the fray, where he received a bullet in one of his arms, and from the wound lost the arm and spent the remainder of the war at home. The day's fight was a grand success for our arms. Our wagon train was moving all night to escape Stoneman's Yankee cavalry, which was reported as ravaging the country, after having taken Marye's Heights, and to be now in search of our train. We passed a few miles beyond Bowling Green. May 3. The great battle continued today. Rodes' Brigade, to quote that officer's language, covered itself with glory. Generals Jackson and Stuart complimented it. Rodes was made a full Major General, and after the distressing news of Stonewall Jackson's wound, became senior officer of the field under Lee. He was in actual command of the army next to Lee, but his modesty caused him to turn over the
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
Belle Boyd in her words and acts. She is a true blue Southerner. June 22. Took up line of march to Pennsylvania, and passed through Hagerstown in columns of companies. Crossed Pennsylvania line near Middleburg and camped at Greencastle. June 23. Lieut. J. W. Wright's resignation was accepted, and Sergt. G. W. Wright was elected in his stead. I appointed T. H. Clower, First Sergt., and Corp. Bob Stafford a Sergeant. June 24. Marched to Harrisburg and passed through Marion and Chambersburg. We see many women and children, but few men. General Lee has issued orders prohibiting all misconduct or lawlessness, and urging the utmost forbearance and kindness to all. His address and admonition is in contrast with the conduct of the Northern Generals, who have invaded the South with their soldiers. But it is in accord with true civilization. We cannot afford to make war upon women and children and defenseless men. June 25. Breakfasted with a citizen who refused all pay, thou
Appomattox, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
J. W. Wright, who was elected third lieutenant next day, but left the company and the confederacy very soon after; George W. Wright, who was afterwards elected second lieutenant and retired on account of wound received in the head at Gettysburg, and died afterwards at Loachapoka, Ala.; George Pierce Ware, of Auburn, Ala., the brave, Christian soldier who was often wounded but is now living, a highly respected citizen, six miles from Auburn, Ala.; W. B. (Tobe) Ward, who was killed near Appomattox, Va.; Corporal Archy Wilkerson, who was badly wounded in the mouth, and died in Arkansas since the war, and the two gallant brothers, Walter P. and Fletcher Zachry. The latter is now living, a respected citizen of Tyler, Texas. Moses W. Wright, of Tuskegee, who died later during the war, and the two brave brothers, John U. and Ben. F. Ingram. John was killed at Seven Pines May 31, 1862, just one month later, and Ben died at Garrison, Tex., in 1903. Among all of these comrades I met a
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