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Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
November, Sherman marched out of Atlanta, and the same day Beauregard telegraphed the news to Richmond: Sherman is about to move with three corps from Atlanta to Augusta, or Macon, thence probably to Charleston or Savannah, where a junction may be formed with enemy's fleet. On the 19th, he announced again: Enemy are turning theirof Sherman. Bragg and Beauregard were summoned, the one from the East, the other from the West; for unless the rebels meant to yield everything, they must defend Augusta and Savannah. But there was no organization, and little to organize. Breckenridge was reported to have been ordered from West Virginia, and Early from the Valleontrol of the only two through routes from East to West, possessed by the enemy before the fall of Atlanta. This condition will be filled by holding Savannah and Augusta, or by holding any other port to the east of Savannah and Branchville. If Wilmington falls, a force from there will co-operate with you. All this while, he re
Cape Fear (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
news from Sherman proposed movement against mouth of Cape Fear river orders to Butler and Weitzel orders to Sheridan movthe Atlantic coast. Wilmington, near the mouth of the Cape Fear river, in North Carolina, was the only important seaport nowith only partial success. The nature of the outlet of Cape Fear river is such that without possession of the land at a pointhe character and strength of the forts at the mouth of Cape Fear river. Butler of course was fully informed of the enterprisilmington, as well as Fort Fisher, at the mouth of the Cape Fear river. On the 30th of November, Grant notified Butler that gained by effecting a landing on the main land between Cape Fear river and the Atlantic, north of the north entrance to the rcooperate with the navy in the capture of the mouth of Cape Fear river. Palmer has also moved, or is supposed to have moved, reinforcements. Butler had not yet started for the Cape Fear river; and to him also on this day Grant was obliged to say:
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
own design, The plan of campaign into Middle Tennessee was correct, as originally designed by Gefrom being necessary to risk the security of Tennessee, or the upsetting of all Grant's plans at thts and changing circumstances in Georgia and Tennessee, as well as at Richmond and in the Valley, Got attack. Hood at this time reported: Middle Tennessee, although much injured by the enemy, will that unless an advance was promptly made in Tennessee, the peril to the entire West was instant ang as Hood occupies a threatening position in Tennessee, General Canby is obliged to keep large forc give myself no concern about Hood's army in Tennessee. Why he did not turn on Hood at Franklin, a feel assured Hood's army can be driven from Tennessee, and eventually driven to the wall by the foroops in the Valley of the Shenandoah and in Tennessee, almost at the same epoch of the war, were dped from the victory. Hood was driven from Tennessee; but he made up his mind to this at Columbia[20 more...]
Athens, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
he best combinations in war to be intercepted and marred. As if to complete the mockery of events, the rebel pontoon train was captured, after the enemy had crossed. A cavalry force of six hundred men, from Steedman's command, overtook and destroyed it, on the 31st of December, at a distance of two hundred miles from Nashville. This was the last blow of the campaign. Thomas now directed A. J. Smith to take position at Eastport; Wood was to concentrate his troops at Huntsville and Athens, in Alabama; Schofield was ordered back to Dalton, on the Chattanooga railroad, and Wilson to send one division of cavalry to Eastport, and concentrate the remainder at Huntsville. The different commands were to go into winter quarters, and recuperate, for the spring campaign. These dispositions, however, were not approved by the general-in-chief, and Thomas was promptly notified that it was not intended his army should go into winter quarters. Hood had moved from the Tennessee on the 21st o
Savannah River (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
tainly stripped of its garrison, and the governors of five states were called upon for the reserves. Information also came from various sources that an attempt would be made to throw troops into Savannah. Ossabaw Sound, in that vicinity, was the point where it was expected Sherman would appear. Here supplies were waiting for him, and hither Grant sent a messenger with orders, to greet .him on his arrival. The inland fortifications were believed to be weak, but the obstructions in the Savannah river prevented any aid to Sherman by the fleet, until he actually struck the coast. As yet, however, it was far from certain that Sherman would not turn to the Gulf of Mexico, and maps and newspapers were carefully studied by Grant, to divine his course. Meanwhile, the cooperative movement of Canby was delayed, as we have seen. Until Thomas assumed the offensive against Hood, Canby was obliged to hold Vicksburg and Memphis so that they could not be seriously threatened, and his own exped
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
y, Grant had also planned to take advantage of Sherman's march by a new movement on the Atlantic coast. Wilmington, near the mouth of the Cape Fear river, in North Carolina, was the only important seaport now open to the enemy. At this point the rebels still received supplies of arms and clothing from abroad, and hence they sent the 30th of November, Grant notified Butler that Bragg, who had been in command at Wilmington, had set out for Georgia, taking with him most of the forces in North Carolina. It is therefore important, he said, that Weitzel should get off during his absence; and if successful in making a landing, he may, by a bold dash, succeed int can possibly be spared from the lines should be held ready to go after the enemy, if he follows. This movement would be simultaneous with that of Palmer in North Carolina, and both were intended, not only to distress Lee still further for his supplies, but to prevent reinforcements being sent to Wilmington, when Weitzel's expe
Harpeth River (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
h was two miles long. Wilson, meanwhile, had been driven back by Forrest, and crossed the Harpeth river above Franklin, leaving the national left and rear entirely open to the rebel cavalry. On tan Duzer, the operator at Nashville: Scouts report large force twenty miles down river, towards Harpeth shoals, and say rebels propose to cross Cumberland river there, soon as it can be forded and rie to grief in the exchange of iron at Bell's Ferry. Rebel General Ewell holds same bank, below Harpeth's to Fort Donelson, but don't fight gunboats. At 9.30 P. M. the same night, Thomas himself reptible change in the appearance of the enemy's line to-day. Have heard from Cumberland, between Harpeth and Clarksville. There are no indications of any preparation on the part of the enemy to cross division, under Johnson, to the right, on the Hillsboroa road, with directions to cross the Harpeth river and move rapidly to Franklin, in advance of the enemy. In the meantime, the main column cam
Alleghany Mountains (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
, I can safely state that this army is willing to submit to any sacrifice to oust Hood's army, or to strike any other blow which may contribute to the destruction of the rebellion. The defence was eloquent, but on one or two points hardly fair. Sherman left Thomas much more than two corps, as has been repeatedly shown; and Thomas had been, since the 3rd of October, in command of all the district north of the Tennessee. His Headquarters were established at the greatest depot west of the Alleghanies, where thousands of quartermasters' employes were at his disposal to provide transportation, and every facility was afforded for supplying and equipping his troops. Few armies during the war were better furnished than that which fought so successfully at Nashville. It was to ensure this readiness that Thomas had so persistently retreated and delayed; and during the few days before the battle, he had himself repeatedly assured the general-in-chief that he was entirely ready for offensi
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
lans and operations were now all dependent on the course that Hood might take when the designs of Sherman could no longer be concealed; and the forces at Florence were anxiously watched to ascertain whether the national army was to advance into Alabama, or remain for awhile on the defensive in Tennessee. Grant's first order to Thomas after Sherman moved was typical of his character and of what was to follow. On the 13th of November, Thomas telegraphed: Wilson reports to-night that the cavalrm the country, but all of his ordnance came by the Decatur railroad, which was open from the rebel rear to Pulaski; at the latter point there was an interval unrepaired, but from Cherokee the road was unbroken, to the interior of Mississippi and Alabama. On the 14th of December, Forrest was still in the neighborhood of Murfreesboroa, with two divisions of cavalry, and two brigades of infantry. The remainder of Hood's command lay in front of Nashville, the right wing under Cheatham, the left
Brentwood Hills (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
n hundred and four missing; total, two thousand three hundred and twenty-six. The rebel loss was seventeen hundred and fifty killed, three thousand eight hundred wounded, and seven hundred and two prisoners; total, six thousand two hundred and fifty-two. At the time of the battle the enemy's loss was known to be severe, and was estimated at 5,000; the exact figures were only obtained, however, on the reoccupation of Franklin by our forces, after the battles of December 15 and 16, at Brentwood Hills, near Nashville, and are given as follows: Buried upon the field, 1,750; disabled and placed in hospital at Franklin, 3,800; which, with the 702 prisoners already reported, make an aggregate loss in Hood's army, of 6,252.—Thomas's Official Report. The later rebel estimates do not place their loss at less than 5,000 or 6,000. Six general officers of the enemy were wounded, five killed, and one was captured. The unusual disparity in the losses was of course occasioned by the fact tha
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