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Fort Stanton (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ided to their care. But as it had occurred in Texas, the soldiers and most of their officers nobly resisted the solicitations of those faithless chiefs, who failed to find among the settlers, as Twiggs had found, an armed force ready to assist them. Lieutenant-Colonel Roberts, having fathomed their schemes, encouraged and directed this opposition; and when Loring sought to lead the forces under his command into Texas, the officers stationed at Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and at Forts Craig and Stanton refused to obey him. Notwithstanding their isolated position, they thus succeeded in securing New Mexico to the Federal government. Loring and Crittenden, still trying to conceal their intentions, then took refuge in Fort Fillmore, situated at the southern extremity of that Territory, near El Paso del Norte, where they had previously massed half their troops under command of officers upon whom they could more thoroughly rely. Major Lynde, who was in command, became, either through incapac
Fort Gaines (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
harleston, South Carolina; Fort Pulaski in Georgia, near Savannah; Forts Key West and Garden Key on two small islands at the extremity of Florida; Forts McRae and Pickens at the entrance of the bay of Pensacola in the same State; Forts Morgan and Gaines in front of Mobile, in Alabama; and Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi, below New Orleans. The garrisons of these forts had been so much reduced that they were all liable to be captured by a sudden attack. The excitement in Congrals within their reach, and especially the forts which might be turned against them in the coming struggle. On the 3d of January the militia of Alabama occupied the Mount Vernon arsenal, and, without striking a blow, walked into Forts Morgan and Gaines, which their respective garrisons surrendered to them; on the same day, the Georgians took possession of Forts Pulaski and Jackson, and on the 6th the arsenals of Fayetteville and Chattahoochee fell into the hands of the authorities of North Caro
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
law to arm and equip the volunteers; but as it stood in need of everything at the very moment when all had to be created at once—as its arsenals, which would have been insufficient for the emergency even if well supplied, had been plundered by the instigators of rebellion, and could not even furnish a musket, a coat, or a pair of shoes for the improvised defenders of the country—most of the States themselves undertook to furnish those outfits for troops which they raised. The small State of Rhode Island, whose speciality has always been the manufacture of ordnance, sent to Washington several batteries provided with horses, and all the necessary accoutrements for taking the field at once. The day when a new regiment was delivered over to the Federal authority and took the oath of allegiance to the Union, that authority took it under pay, and assumed the responsibility of providing for its maintenance; each soldier received an entrance bounty, and the promise of a land-grant on the
Phoenixville (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
f war-victims abound with the names of wealthy and honored citizens, not a few of whom were advanced in years and surrounded by a numerous family. Side by side with the old West Pointers who had resumed the military harness were men possessed of no practical military knowledge, but who, like Wadsworth, Shaw, and many others, were at least determined to set an example of the cause which finally cost them their lives. Many American villages displayed the same disinterestedness as Phoenixville, in Pennsylvania, which, almost exclusively inhabited by blacksmiths, the least skilful of whom could, during the war, earn in a week more than a soldier's pay for a month, alone furnished an entire company. Individual examples may always be set aside, yet it would be easy to prove, in a general way, that the rapidity of enlistments is to be attributed, not to want of work, but to earnest patriotism. If a few branches of industry had to suspend operations, business in general was but little a
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
in the United States, the great armory at Harper's Ferry, and Fort Monroe, situated between the mouve measures. The workshops and arsenal of Harper's Ferry, situated at the confluence of the Potomacut Lieutenant Jones, who was in command at Harper's Ferry, had been informed of the approach of the ir despatch, they only arrived in sight of Harper's Ferry in time to see from a distance a large conrated by the destruction of the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, and stirred up by the conspirators, was the militia of the State were assembling at Harper's Ferry to occupy that important point permanentlytion of a body of troops under Johnston at Harper's Ferry showed that the Richmond authorities had f for the purpose of disturbing Johnston at Harper's Ferry in his turn. The little confidence that g the 16th of June near Williamsport, above Harper's Ferry, which he occupied shortly afterwards. Th the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, which, at Harper's Ferry, crosses to the right bank of the Potomac.[8 more...]
them positions among such raw troops. It was easy to recognize under the Federal uniform the old English soldier by his unexceptionable bearing, his polished arms, and the precision of his movements. If not disqualified by drunkenness, he soon became drillsergeant or sergeant-major; if able to read and write, the epaulet was within his easy reach. These, however, were only isolated instances. It is true that recruiting agents, hoping to make a profit on the bounties, went to Canada and Ireland to decoy recruits in spite of the Federal government, and that they engaged emigrants to come over in the name of fictitious industrial associations, expecting to entice them into the service after they had landed, partly of their own free will, partly by force; but the measures taken in New York and elsewhere to protect these emigrants against the impositions of which they were formerly the victims enabled them to free themselves as soon as the fraud was discovered. This was the case with
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
eary. Such was the dominant idea of the delegates who established a provisional government at Montgomery, a small town in Alabama. In confiding the executive power to Mr. Davis, who had been the sou the very day when it began its labors, the delegates from the rebel States were assembling at Montgomery to seal their alliance by the formation of a new Confederacy. While the pacificators were wa leaders were acting and preparing for the struggle. On the 8th of February the assembly at Montgomery decreed the Constitution of the Confederate States, and on the following day, the man who, thrdition; and that in re-establishing it in a formal manner, the founders of the Constitution at Montgomery had achieved, if we are to believe Mr. Stephens, a revolution fruitful of beneficial results ousand volunteers to oppose the Federal troops. The Confederate Congress, having assembled at Montgomery on the 29th of April, directed this movement, which was increasing and spreading with rapidity
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e in Virginia, on the borders of the Chesapeake; Fort Macon in North Carolina; Forts Moultrie and Sumter in the bay of Charleston, South Carolina; Fort Pulaski in Georgia, near Savannah; Forts Key West and Garden Key on two small islands at the extremity of Florida; Forts McRae and Pickens at the entrance of the bay of Pensacola inwas promptly obeyed. Secession was proclaimed by the several conventions—in Mississippi on the 9th of January, in Florida on the 10th, in Alabama on the 11th, in Georgia on the 19th, and in Louisiana on the 26th. The secession intriguers had not achieved such an easy success in Texas, where they encountered a strong opposition onsident. In order to conciliate those who still cherished a lingering attachment to the Union, the Vice-Presidency was conferred upon their chief, Mr. Stephens of Georgia, who, after fighting secession, had followed the fortunes of his State. The first bond which was to unite all the insurgents of the South together was thus forme
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
elivered up to the authorities of Louisiana, and on the following day they took possession of the arsenal at Baton Rouge. On the 18th, in order to close the Upper Mississippi against any possible attacks from the north, the seceders began erecting around Vicksburg the first of those batteries which were destined to keep the Federaertain industries, and as we have observed before, the Confederate government, whose chief had already become notorious through the great bankruptcy of the State of Mississippi, had repudiated all indebtedness to the North, to the ruin of numerous families whose sons had no other means left them for earning a livelihood but to enlerous, and shut out from the South by the insurmountable barrier of slavery, went to seek their fortunes in those vast Western States that are watered by the Upper Mississippi, the Missouri, and the great lakes. This current leaving Vermont at the north and Kentucky at the south, and traversing Pennsylvania too rapidly to leave tr
Wheeling, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
es. This was more than sufficient to rouse the latter and justify their intervention. General McClellan, who was employing his rare organizing talents in forming an army on the borders of the Ohio, ordered the occupation of the little town of Wheeling, situated at the extreme north of West Virginia, and designated as a place of rendezvous for those who resided in that section of country; soon after this he sent the few troops he had then at his disposal to occupy the points it was most importate of Missouri, leaving Lyon in possession of both sides of the river. In West Virginia and on the Upper Potomac both parties were keeping up the war. The battle of Philippi had freed the northwestern districts, and a convention assembled at Wheeling in West Virginia for the purpose of organizing that section of country into an independent State. In the mean time, the Confederates, having taken courage, were again endeavoring to intercept the great Ohio line of railway. A small body of tro
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